Driven by Deceit Zee world primarily revolve around Roopa and Prathap Surya Dev, with Raju being a pivotal character. While Roopa is the rich daughter of education minister Prathap Surya Dev, viewers will see her as a unwatched girl who lacks parental care and affection.
An incident in the past makes Prathap project his hatred for his wife onto his daughter, but Roopa wants to gain his love and respect. On the other hand, Raju is Prathap’s right-hand man, who always makes it a point that he looks after Roopa’s best interest. An interesting relationship develops between them, but a shocking twist will take everyone on a rollercoaster ride of dramatic events. But will Roopa be able to gain her father’s love?
Driven by Deceit Casts
Nisha Ravikrishnan
Yashwanth Gowda S
Chalapathi Rao