Twist of fate update Monday 4 December 2023

Twist of fate update Monday 4 December 2023


Twist of fate 4 December 2023: Ranbir is shocked and shouts Khushi. Prachi also shouts Khushi. Ranbir gets angry and beats Willson. Inspector runs behind the jeep. Prachi shouts Ranbir and asks him to come, as Khushi is not breathing. Veera changes the car tyres and they are taking Khushi to the hospital.

Akshay is in the cab. Rhea, Pallavi and Dida are in another cab. Akshay calls Prachi and asks how are you? Rhea asks Ranbir how are you? Ranbir and Prachi tells them about the bullet shot. Akshay and Rhea get shocked. Rhea tells Pallavi and Dida that Ranbir saying that bullet is shot. Pallavi asks if you are fine? The call gets disconnected. Prachi tells Ranbir that their phone is off. Akshay asks the taxi driver to stop the car. He cries and says how did Prachi get shot? He calls Ranbir, but his phone is not connecting. Akshay cries sitting on the road and shouts Prachi. He prays to God to save his Prachi and asks taxi driver to take him to the nearby hospital.

Prachi and Ranbir think of their moments with Khushi. Prachi asks Khushi to open her eyes and asks her not to close her eyes. She tells Ranbir that she couldn’t breath, and says she is not getting air. She asks Veera to stop the car to side, and says we shall make her lie down on the ground. Ranbir keeps Khushi on the road and says you can’t go like this. Prachi tells Ranbir that they couldn’t save Panchi. Ranbir says we are the bad parents of this world, but we will serve Khushi. He asks her to give breath to her through CPR and he presses her chest. Veera and his friend are shocked. Ranbir and Prachi cry asking Khushi to get up.

Prachi says she is breathing. Ranbir says thank god, we shall take her to hospital. He asks Veera to take them to hospital fast. Prachi hugs Ranbir and says she will be fine. Ranbir says we will save our Panchi. Prachi cries and hugs him again. Ranbir says we are not bad parents, and says we will save her. Prachi says you are world’s best father. Ranbir says you are world’s best mother. They cry and hug each other, and recalls blaming each other for losing Panchi. Ranbir asks Veera to take them to hospital fast. Ranbir says we will not let anything happen to her.

Akshay tells God that he never asked for anything and asks him to save his Prachi. He says nothing shall happen to his Prachi. The taxi driver asks if your wife got shot. Rhea asks the taxi driver to take them fast. The driver asks her to search the location, it is 10 mins far. Dida asks how can you say this. Pallavi asks him to understand. Dida asks him to have humanity. Rhea says I beg infront of you to take us fast. The driver says sorry, I couldn’t understand that your husband was shot.

Veera stops the car at the hospital and says nothing shall happen to the girl. He goes to the Police station. Prachi takes Khushi from Ranbir as he is feeling pain in his hand and couldn’t hold her. They take Khushi inside. The receptionist asks them to take her to emergency room. She calls Dr. Mehta and informs him about her.

Pallavi, Dida and Rhea reach a hospital and asks them to check for Ranbir Kohli. The Nurse says Ranbir Kohli is not admitted here. Rhea thinks where are you Ranbir? She sees temple and sits to pray. She says all the family is because of him, he is our life, don’t let anything happen to him, and says he is so good and was saving the girl with whom he has no relation. She says nothing shall happen to him, he has bear much pain, due to me also.

She says now nothing wrong shall happen to him. Dida and Pallavi see Rhea praying. They hear her asking God to take her life, but save my Ranbir. Dida says Rhea loves Ranbir a lot and is ready to give her life for him. She says if any trouble comes on Ranbir then Rhea will become his shield and will not let anything happen to him.

Pallavi and Dida coming to Rhea. Rhea says sorry, I saw the temple so…She says we will search for Ranbir in the nearby hospitals. Akshay asks the cab driver, how many hospitals are there nearby. The driver says 7 hospital. Akshay says how to search Prachi? Dadi tells Ashok that Shahana would have made tea. Ashok says he has made tea. Shahana says even she makes nice tea. Akshay calls Ashok and tells him everything about Khushi’s kidnapping. He asks him to find out in which hospital, Prachi is admitted. He says I couldn’t wait. Ashok says I will ask the reporter who covers hospital news. Shahana and Dadi gets worried. Shahana calls Akshay and asks how is Prachi. Ashok calls Saurabh and asks him to find out about the girl who got bullet injury.

Ranbir cries. Prachi asks him not to cry. Ranbir blames himself and says she took the bullet on herself to save me. He says innocent and little Khushi is fighting with death to save me. He says anything happens to her, then I will not live. Prachi says don’t say this. Ranbir says I met her on the signal, I didn’t know that she will become important for me. He says I am feeling much pain and asks Prachi to save her. Prachi says Khushi is a fighter, and says she didn’t come in our lives like that, she met us for a reason. She says God will not snatch Khushi from us, and asks him not to cry. She says if you cry then whom I will see for strength, and says you are my strength, my strength will break. Ranbir hugs her and says nothing will happen to her. Prachi says we will not let anything happen to her.

Ashok calls Akshay and says a girl is admitted in City hospital who is shot. He asks him to reach there and says he will come there. Akshay asks if she is prachi? Ashok says he doesn’t know. Akshay calls Rhea and asks her to come to City hospital. Ashok gets sprain in his foot and asks Shahana and Dadi to go and says he will come late.

Ranbir comes to Prachi and gives her coffee. He says can I request you something and says you was handling me and giving me strength. He asks her not to give him strength. Prachi asks why? He says when I was crying seeing Khushi, you gave me strength and handled me. He says you came to handle me, but you started crying. He says I was giving you strength, but was crying too. He says you was helping an emotional weak person, but you have got weak yourself. He says I was hoping that you will bring coffee for me. Prachi says sorry. Ranbir says if I am crying then you shall bring coffee for me. He calls her yaar and then says sorry, says you are not my yaar. He moves hair from her face and says everything will be fine. Prachi asks surely? He says promise.

They see Rhea, Pallavi and Dida coming there. Rhea asks Ranbir if he is fine? Ranbir says I am fine. Rhea hugs him and says thank god. She says you don’t know, how was my condition since 30 mins, and I couldn’t breath, and was like I was dying 1000 times. She says I never thought that I will feel this for someone and says thank god you are fine. Pallavi says even my life was about to end, now I got it back seeing you. Dida and Pallavi hug Ranbir.

Ranbir says I am okay. He says I am fine due to Khushi. He tells that the bullet which was shot for me, has hit her. He says Khushi pushed me and took bullet on herself. Pallavi is shocked. Dida asks if she is fine? Ranbir says she is in ICU. They look at Khushi from the window pane. Rhea tells Ranbir that she got her breath back. Prachi thinks Ranbir has become more important for Rhea. She turns to go. Ranbir tries to hold her hand. Prachi goes. Rhea, Pallavi and Dida look at Khushi.

Ranbir comes behind Prachi, and says I am going where you are going. She says I am going to reception. He says even me. He hits his foot with the chair and asks Prachi to hold his hand for sometime. Prachi holds his hand. They come to the reception. Ranbir says you can leave my hand now. Prachi goes to reception to complete the formalities. Akshay comes there and sits down seeing Prachi and cries. Ranbir looks at him. The receptionist asks why is he sitting like this. Prachi sees Akshay and comes to him. Akshay asks her not to leave him.

He says if you leave me then I will die. He hugs her. Ranbir looks at them. Rhea collides with the Nurse and says sorry. She then asks where is the temple here. Nurse says that way. Rhea comes there and thanks God for keeping Ranbir safe. She then prays to God to make Khushi fine, and says she will keep nirjala fast for her. She says you have heard my prayers for Ranbir, now hear for Khushi. Prachi asks if you are fine, I never saw you like this. Akshay says I was scared to lose you, that I will not see you again in life, and says his heart and mind were closed and there was just darkness. He says he couldn’t understand how he will live without her. He hugs her and says I am so happy.

Akshay says he was not able to understand how he will live his life if she was not around him, he hugs Prachi tightly seeing which Ranbir is not able to bear it, Akshay explains he cannot understand what she meant by the gun and bullet, Prachi informs that she and Ranbir were trying to run away with Khushi but then Balvera and his men came, she reveals the entire situation when the bullet hit Khushi while she was trying to protect them, she explains Akshay thought she got injured. Dadi and Shahana call Prachi and they hug her mentioning it is great that she is fine, Dadi questions where is Khushi when Prachi explains that she is still undergoing the operation and is in the ICU, Akshay questions where is his father when Shahan explains he got a sprain in his feet so he can talk with him.

Ranbir staring at Prachi recalls how Akshay was worrying for Prachi and exclaims that Akshay indeed loves Prachi a lot.

Pallavi and Dida are standing wondering how can Bhagwan do such a thing to such a small child, Bi jee explains they all know how much Ranbir loves her as she is his life, they all know it. Pallavi explains she knows it but this is not the time to be weak as how would she able to take care of Ranbir and her, she explains they have to take care of themselves.


Rhea coming informs that she has prayed to Bhagwan, and he is accepting her prayers, so just as he protected Ranbir then nothing would happen to Khushi, Rhea starts recalling when she met Khushi for the first time so explains that she is really a pure soul so nothing wrong would happen to her.

Dadi also reaches with Shahana and Akshay, Pallavi rushes to hug her asking how is she when Dadi informs that she is fine but how is Khushi, Rhea goes to hug Shahana, she thanks her when Shahana inquiries the reason, Rhea replies for being the true sister to Prachi and always standing by her side, Shahana goes to stand beside Dadi, who is praying to Bhagwan. Pallavi exclaims she is really a strong person as she has protected the life of Ranbir, Dadi asks Pallavi if she would be fine, who assures that nothing is going to happen to her.

The nurse asks Prachi to sign and looking at Ranbir explains she thought he is her husband. Prachi starts recalling her life with Ranbir and how he blamed her for the death of their daughter Panchi, before ordering her to get out from his house.

The nurse apologizes if she said anything wrong, Prachi questions what is she trying to say when the nurse explains she came to the hospital with him and she thought they are the parents of that child but now she was with someone else, the nurse once again apologizes when Prachi goes to stand in front of Ranbir before slowly walking past him, he going to the reception asks for the pen. Prachi turns back staring at him while he is standing at the reception and singing the documents. Ranbir once again comes to stand in front of Prachi an they both start walking together.


Mr Ashok is in the car and calls Akshay, who calls him an old man when Mr Ashok explains he is not old at all, which is why Akshay says this is why he calls him dad, Mr Ashok starts talking with Akshay who asks if he can call him as Dude. Mr Ashok replies that he feels Akshay is fine and nothing has happened to Prachi, Akshay says that she was never in danger. Mr Ashok explains that he worries a lot and someday would cause him to suffer a heart attack, Akshay says he himself said he is still young. Mr Ashok mentions he does not feel Akshay would know how much he loves her when Akshay replies he knows about the love, the signals get really weak so the call dis connects when Mr Ashok plans to talk with Akshay after reaching the hospital, he questions the driver how long is it going to take for them to reach the hospital.

Ranbir and Prachi are walking when Ranbir recalls how Akshay hugged Prachi, she is also thinking how rhea hugged Ranbir when they were waiting outside the operation theater. Ranbir suddenly starts feeling pain in his arm, Prachi asks the nurse where is the doctor she replies they are all busy since there has been a bus accident and so there are a lot of accident cases. Prachi asks her if she can take the medical tray, she forces Ranbir to sit on the couch.

He explains she knows she is not a doctor, Prachi replies but she knows he is a patient, she instructs him to lift his shirt but he is not able to do it completely, Prachi herself does it assuring it has already happened, he says she should ask him how it happened as he felt immense pain. Prachi explains she asked him to get the wound treated when they brought Khushi but he did not listen to her, he asks if he has to apologize while holding his ear. Prachi starts applying the medicine when she requests her to be patient, she keeps apologizing while performing the treatment. Prachi gets furious exclaiming she has to even hear his lecture, Ranbir still starts looking at how worried Prachi seems, she tries her best to correct his shirt but they both hit each other on the head. Prachi immediately asks if he cannot watch, Ranbir starts thinking when she questions what was he thinking about, he informs that it has already happened when they both were in the collage. Prachi replies she remembers it.

They agree to leave and get up but Ranbir is about to fall, she asks if he is fine when he says that he just got dizzy, she asks him to hold her hand, Prachi after getting out of the room asks if he is fine, he says she is asking because she wants to leave him, he says he himself asked her to leave. He says she left when he said it just once and could have come back, Prachi explains he did not try to search for her when Ranbir mentions he had tried a lot to search for her but one day he saw something after which he lost all hope and even, she did not call him. Prachi is stunned after hearing something break when Ranbir asks what happened, Prachi gest shocked seeing Mr Ashok so rushes to hug him, she questions Akshay why did he let Mr Ashok come here when he is injured but Mr Ashok says he gets worried when he does not see Prachi, Mr Ashok hugs Prachi and even Akshay.

Ranbir is not able to bear it and gets emotional turns back recalling how beautiful his life was with Prachi and they were a happy family, he starts crying seeing Prachi with Mr Ashok and Akshay.

Pallavi exclaims that life is unpredictable and she was just trying to buy new clothes for Khushi but now she is in so much pain. Sahana exclaims that her mother would not let her wear new clothes. Rhea questions why would a mother not allow her own daughter to wear new clothes, Sahana replies because she is not the mother of Khushi, Dida mentions because she is not the biological mother of Khushi. Dadi says she can say it in front of everyone that she is not the mother of Khushi because if it was the truth then she would have come here to ask how is her daughter and about her condition, Pallavi says they can agree that she called but where is she because they all are here and are worried for her but what about her, the nurse comes out when they all ask about the condition of Khushi and she is not fine. Rhea along with everyone get worried, the doctor also comes out and they all ask him who says that he cannot say anything because she is still in a critical condition, he instructs them all to go an wait in the waiting area, Pallavi requests him to make sure Khushi is fine, Dadi while walking with everyone prays to Bhagwan that Khushi recovers.

Next Tuesday update twist of fate 



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