Once there was a king update Friday 11 March 2022

Once there was a king update Friday 11 March 2022


Once there was a King 11 March 2022: Rajeshwari and Kaal come out, Kaal tells his first wife Amrita to give Pooja Thaal to Rajeshwari, and she would sit with him in Pooja. Rajeshwari asks Kaal why he celebrates this Shrap on this same day for Gayatri, it’s been seven years, British left, Amirkot changed and a lot more as well.

Kaal tells Rajeshwari that the wild Kaal died there and then along with Gayatri and her daughter’s sacrifice. As a human he must do Pooja for them at least, this is the difference between humans and animals.

The children cheered Rani who got victorious in the game they played. Rani denied helping some boys, her grandmother forbid her go to palace as a monster and a b*t*h stay there. The boys insists there is none, but Rani blindly trusted her grandmother and baba.

The boys explains to Rani that the palace people have taken all their feed, Birju’s father is sick and they must get it back. Rani calls it theft, but the boys explain to her what if she has a board and someone takes it from her, then if she takes it back is it a theft? She gives up.

In the palace, the boys send Rani inside as the is the fastest runner. Rani was fascinated by the stock of grains and wonders if the monster and b*t*h eat so much. She was stealing the grains, a guard enters the storeroom questioning her. She throws flour in his eyes and runs away. She prays to Hanuman to save her. The boys run away, one of them awaits Rani. Rani head towards the out gate when she hits the car of Bari Rani Maa, considering her to be a b*t*h.

The guard informs Bari Rani Maa about Rani stealing grains from go down of the palace. Bari Rani Maa forwards her gold hand towards Rani but she had already flee. Rani forbids Birju to ask her go to palace again. She tells the boys had she stolen for herself it would have been a theft, she was only allowed to steal for Birju’s father as he was sick. She turns to see Raaj Mata and Lakhan eye her. Raaj Mata figures out she did something wrong again, she always keep her finger on mouth to hide anything.

One of the boys begin to cry, Rani explains he is missing Harilal, his frog. The boy explains Raaj Mata about Rani’s help of Birju’s father, she brought grains for Birju’s father from palace. Raaj Mata was shocked and looks at Lakhan. Raaj Mata holds her from ears scolding her to take her to palace.

In their home, Raaj Mata counts Rani’s mistake. She confesses she stole Hanuman’s sweet in the morning as well. Raaj Mata was angry, Rani holds her ears promising not to do any of these acts, nor will she go to the white haired b*t*h. Raaj Mata was worried at once, staring at Lakhan. Rani tells Raaj Mata that b*t*h has silver hair and gold hands. Lakhan asks if she saw her. Rani denies. Raaj Mata wonders what if she recognized her. Lakhan forbids Raaj Mata, Raaj Mata tells Rani that monsters live in that palace. Rani promises never to go there, asking Raaj Mata not to cry.

In the palace, Kaal tossed Raja holding him up. Raja shivered afraid. Amrita comes there questioning Kaal. Bari Rani Maa watches this, she assure Kaal Raja would become like him, it takes time for a plant to turn to tree. She hugs Raja taking his responsibility. Kaal leaves. Bari Rani Maa thinks she must now take hold of Raja so that he kills his father when grown up.
At night, Raaj Mata feeds Rani with fresh bread. Rani asks to continue with the story. Raaj mata forbids her to interfere, and tells her the story between Ravan and Raam.

Bari Rani Maa tells Raja about Ravan taking revenge. She tells Raja that a real player turns his hatred to his strength. Rani asks Raaj Mata if Ram hated Ravan, Raaj Mata says no. He knew one has to hate sin, not the sinner. Raja tells Bari Rani maa he drinks milk to get the strengths so that he corrects all the wrongs Kaal always do. Rani suggests she will have to end the monsters of palace when grown up.

Raaj Mata was worried and says God is there for it all. Bari Rani Maa teaches Kaal he has the right to take revenge for all the wrong done by anyone. Bari Rani Maa calls her Raja, Raaj Mata calls her Rani.

Rani climbs up a wooden stair to help a dog stuck up. Raaj Mata comes calling her, Rani says now they both will get beaten. Raaj Mata scolds Rani for not leaving this dog out. Rani asks Raaj Mata to help her first, Lakhan comes and angrily she says she must come down by herself as well. Rani was afraid of height, Lakhan helps them both down and assures Rani he would never let her fell down.

Raaj Mata questions Rani about the dog (Kaali Prasad). Rani explains she left him away, he returned. He would help them in household, and guard their house as well. Raaj Mata forbids Rani to lie to her again, and leaves. Lakhan asks Rani why she teases Raaj Mata so much, Rani explains Raaj Mata gets angry at her because she makes her mood up.

In the palace, Raja and brother play cricket and have an argument. Raja makes a bad face at the name of Kaal. Rajeshwari offers a drink to Kaal, Kaal mocks the poor farmers to be humans. His minister laugh they thought Kaal would come there. Bari Rani Maa questions Kaal why he denied the invitation. Bari Rani Maa explains to Kaal that he has to get elected now, as British have gone. He must now learn to mix up with the subjects and speak softly.

Raja again bolds Jeewan but he denies giving the bat. Raja now come snatching the bat. Jeewan calls Raja a cheater, Rajeshwari complains to Kaal about Jeewan. Kaal calls them both, Rajeshwari advocates Jeewan, Kaal gets the bat to Jeewan while Raja was upset.
Rani takes Raaj Mata’s permission to go to the gathering, Raaj Mata wonders where she wants to go now.

Raja cries curt about Kaal. Bari Rani Maa promises to take him somewhere where he will realize world consider him to be Kaal’s son only.

The boys explain Rani about a game on climbing a wood stair. Rani says she is brave but not idiot, she lied at home thinking it must be a race. The children blackmail her that they would fight otherwise. Rani thinks for a while. Bari Rani Maa comes to the gathering with Kaal and Raja and sends Raja away. The farmer calls Kaal on stage. Bari Rani Maa dictates him the speech. She gets a cough in between, Kaal repeats a single statement. The children laugh that Kaal has forgotten his speech. The children ask about Rani who wasn’t there.

Raja denies using a smelly washroom. The caretaker suggests to use open farms as this all belongs to him. Rani comes behind him at school and throws a stone at his back. She questions if he was urinating in her class. He points a finger at her, if she would stop him? Rani’s mate comes to stand behind her, the boys mock Raja. Rani asks him to go to washroom, he deters what she can do else. Rani says they will make a pickle of him. Raja runs away from harassment. He goes under a mango tree. Rani and children blow crackers behind him that makes him and his guard afraid.


There is a call to begin the game. Rani keeps a marbel in the spoon in her mouth and carefully walks towards the wall and climbs the wooden stairs. Raja gets a seat beside Kaal and informs he had gone for urination, a girl teased him in the way. Rano had climbed the wall and walks on its edge. Kaal scolds Raja calling him a coward. Raja looks up to see Rani up there. Raaj Mata and Lakhan were worried as they watched Rani there.

Rani turns to see them on the other side of wall. Raaj Mata scolds Lakhan for Rani’s lie. Lakhan runs to Rani and holds her as she slips off the wall. The boy had won. Lakhan wipes Rani’s tears, she asks till when he will save her. Raaj Mata also comes there. Kaal awards the winner. Rani was upset for losing. Kaal wh ispers to call Rani as well. Rani cheers and runs to the stage. Raaj Mata and Lakhan hide behind a tree. Rani was gifted a bat, Raaj Mata recalls Bari Rani Maa’s hatred for Rana ji and Gayatri. Rani questions Kaal why she is being gifted, Kaal explains she is really brave, that is why. He murmurs at Raja to learn something from her. Raja was to gift her with the award, Rani mocks him to be a prince.


Kaal gives the bat to Raja, he looks at Kaal then awards it to Rani. Rani cheers with the bat, takes blessing from Kaal but as she bends to Bari Rani maa and watches her gold hand, she runs away calling her a witch, the bat fell off her hand. The host farmer was apologetic, Bari Rani Maa says she is a kid after all. Raja holds the bat victoriously and runs away.

Rani crosses the farms, Raaj Mata hold her in her arms and run across the farms. Lakhan gets them, making her calm. Raaj Mata shivered in panic. Lakhan assures they are unaware who Rani is. Raaj Mata promises nothing would happen to Rani, she gets a cough and blood comes in her sputum. Lakhan was tensed at once.

In the palace, Raja boasts about winning the bat. Jeewan put a foot in his way and won the bat. He reminds him the lesson in the morning to sacrifice everything for younger boy. A young girl stops Raja’s way in a similar manner, winning the bat. She takes it to Raja, both laugh at Jeewan. Jeewan accuses Bindu but Swarna comes there and slaps Jeewan, she asks if he held a hand over a girl, if this is what his father taught him. Kaal and Bari Rani Maa watched this.

The doctor assures Raaj Mata she would get well soon, it was just a heat stroke in her old age. Rani forbids Raaj Mata to do any house chores, she would prepare Kaara for her. Kaal comes to Swarna, Swarna confronts him well saying he couldn’t teach any manners to his children. Kaal heads towards Bindu, Swarna protects her holding his hand from behind. Kaal questions Swarna his worth, she is a daughter in law by name only. Swarna counters he is also a prince by name only. If she goes to police station, police would come here and turn him into another animal. He made her so fearful that her fear has now ended, she can go away from this palace now and no one can stop her, neither him not this falling wall (Badi Rani Maa) but she will live here, to witness their ends. She takes Bindu with her.

Bari Rani Maa stops Kaal and reminds him everything has a time and a manner. Now isn’t the time to murder someone unquestionable. Kaal warns his sons to play with Bindu again.

Raja helps Bindu in his room, he informs her about Kaal’s warning. Bindu wonders if it was because her mother fought, she calls elders to be idiots. Raja takes Bindu to play hidden from everyone.

The doctor tells Lakhan outside that Raaj Mata has TB and isn’t well. It’s dangerous, he has to get her treated in a TB hospital. Lakhan was worried for her and inquires about the cost of her treatment. Lakahn was even worried hearing the cost would be 500, the doctor was ready to get him some concession. Lakhan was worried about Raaj Mata and Rani, he turns to see Rani crying if Raaj Mata would also leave her just like her mother. She prays in temple, and cries in front of Lakhan. Lakhan assures to get Raaj Mata treated, they will work hard to get money.

Next Saturday update once there was a King 



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