Can you see me update Friday 11 March 2022

Can you see me update Friday 11 March 2022


Can you see me 11 March 2022: Anandita returns home and sees lights off. Subodh says power is off as someone broke their transformer. She asks why. He shouts even after his warning, she went to police. She asks if he is spying on her. He says he is worried about her. She says if he is worried about her, he would not have gone to Singapore, he did their daughter’s last rights himself, doc told their daughter’ suffered 70% burns and gave option of burning or burying body. She stumbles. He holds her in a worry. She says as a mother she is angry, why don’t he as a father, she doubts now that he is behind their daughter’s murder.

Suchi punishes Pihu and makes her do situps, scolds she brings her to office to work peacefully, but she this she is a murderer. Suchi hugs her emotionally and says she did not and says she is sure Pihu’s mother must be eagerly searching murderer. At Anandita’s hosue, candles fall on Pihu’s photo. Subodh rushes and picks it burning his hand. Anandia gets worried for him. He says he cannot express his feelings and says because of her mistake, culprits will get alert and they will find them in minutes. Someone knocks door. Subodh walks towards door. Suchi in office asks Pihu to go and check what her boss is doing. Pihu hesitantly walks thinks she does not care what khadoos boss is doing.

Subodh opens door. Masked goons embark in and hold both of them and warn why did they go to police. One of them opens knife. Subodh pleads to spare Anandita. Goon tries to stab Subodh. Rakhi knocks door. Goons get alert. Subodh frees himself and beats goons. Goons elope via window. Rakhi enters and shouts who were they. Subodh scolds Anandita because of her, goons attacked them, soon she would have been searching her daughter and husband’s murderers.

Pihu returns and tells Suchi that boss told he does not care if Suchi stays or goes home. Suchi asks did he and loudly says she is going home, asks why she is informing Aarav. Gopal smiles and it is love. Pihu asks what.. Suchi walks out. Arav comes. She asks if he is also staying till late. He says yes and says it is not safe for her to travel alone at this time, so he will drop her. Pihu says they have scootie and will not go with khadoos. Suchi repeats. Arav asks what. Suchi says she will go on her scooter. Peon brings Aarav’s car keys. Aarav acts and asks if he lost car keys, how will he go home. Suchi says she will drop him. Gopal says Pihu is not seeing what he is seeing, same song is playing in Suchi and Aarav’s ears. Arav drives pillion with Suchi.

Naye mausam ki in the background. Aarav reminisces their meetings. Pihu stops and says Aarav’s house is on the other side. Suchi stops and repeats same. Arav says it came so early. Suchi says bye. Pihu says never sit on her scooter next time, else she will keep lizard on street. Suchi drives smiling. Aarav thinks it is filmi thought, but if she likes him, she will turn. Suchi turns. Aarav gets happy. Song plays in the background again. Gopal smiles and plays flute.Subodh calls police. Police says they will find out who is behind it and leaves. Rakhi consoles Anandita and says she will leave now, angrily looking at Subodh.

Subodh closes door once she leaves. Anandita says it is better he returns to Singapore instead of taking police protection, anyways he did not show interest in Pihu’s case. Subodh looks at his hand burn and says she saw his concern, she is overexpressing herself and he is not, she doubted him that he murdered Pihu. He says he knew Pihu’s was murdered and it was not accident, he does not know who killed her, when gas cylinder burst, only Anandita was present and used to tie her pallu with Pihu’s clothes during pooja, if she forgot or purposefully did not tie.

Subodh says Anandita she used to tie her pallu with Pihu’s dupatta while doing pooja, if she forgot that day or purposefully did not tie. Anandita shatters and asks how can he think like that. She reminisces Pihu freeing tie and going to kitchen and passing away in a fire accident.Suchi returns home with Pihu saying it is good to help others. Pihu says not khadoos boss. She gets happy seeing laddoos and other savories. Suchi gets tensed seeing Aarav’s mother Babli aunty and thinks what is she doing here. Babli is busy chatting with Sarla and Sheetal. Suchi falls in front of Babli. Babli asks what happened. Suchi acts as touching her feet.

Babli praises her sanskar and Sarla. Gulgule says if she stays here for 2 hours, she will see didi’s real sanskars. Babli continues pampering Suchi. Aarav calls her and asks where is she. Suchi loudly says aunty will have food with her and then go. Arav hears that and asks mom to return right now, else he will get her Punjab’s ticket. Babli says she will go now and blesses Suchi to get a handsome husband like her son, asks which paper she reads. Suchi says Independent times. Sarla walks with Babli till door. Sheetal taunts Suchi that she is eyeing on her boss and can get both salary and husband for life, yells she will inform next time she will inform that Suchi canot become mother. Suchi feels bad and walks to her room.

Suchi looks at Aarav’s pic on social media and thinks whether to like it or not. She likes it gets engrased in Aarav’s thoughts. Arav thinks mom will apply brakes to his love story, he wants it to continue. Pihu hugs Suchi in sleep and calls mamma. Suchi hopes Anandita is found soon.Next morning, Suchi sees Aarav’s photo in news papers. Pihu says it is khadoos boss. Father asks where is news paper. Sheetal says it is on floor and they both walk without noticing it. Suchi runs and pulls pamphlet hurriedly. She reads an advertisement that a bride is needed with starting letter S and living in Lucknow.

She smiles. At office, Arav’s secretary gives him file to sign and smiles. He asks what and thinks why everyone are smiling at him. Suchi walks in and slips. He holds her. She shows advertisement. He says he did not do it. Suchi says she knows it is his mom. Secretary shows them advertisement about searching Anandita and Suchi by someone. Arav asks who is doing it. Suchi says she gave that ad and she wants to find Anandita soon.Subodh reads news paper and without seeing Anandita and Pihu’s pic asks Anandita where is dustbin. She says she does not know. He angrily throws paper. She picks it and throws in dustbin and sees her pic, sees Suchi’s phone number and thinks why she is searching her.

Subodh snatches paper and asks who is Suchi. Aanndita says she used to work in her office. Subodh says Aarav is doing all this and she should be careful. He burns paper angrily.At office, Suchi hopes Anandita calls her back soon. She gets Arav’s message inviting her for coffee and smiles. Pihu calls her and afraidly tells about gas cylinder man bringing cylinder home. Suchi says he must have come to deliver cylinder, so she need not worry. Man falls while carrying cylinder, and Pihu afraidly calls mamma.

Pihu shouts mamma in fear when gas cylinder delivery boy drops cylinder while carrying it and it rolls towards her. Suchi hears her on phone and gets worried. Anandita while light lamp I front of god’s photo burns her hand and reminisces Pihu. She then looks at Pihu’s pic and says her father has changed, she calls Subodh and does not find him at home.Subodh angrily walks to Aarav’s office and calls him. Assistant asks who is he and why is he behaving like this. He continues shouting Aarav.


Aarav comes and asks what is he doing here, let us go into cabin and speak. Subodh asks if he is afraid of speaking in front of everyone. Subodh shouts if he forgot what he had done and reminisces Aarav beating Subodh severely and dragging him holding his hand. He holds Aarav’s collar and asks if he remembers or should he remind, changing company’s name will not change his past. Aarav says exactly and he should get out and not meet him again. Subodh says he snatched a lot. Aarav says exactly, who snatched what they know well. He orders guards to throw Subodh away.

Suchi reaches home and consoles Pihu it was just a cylinder and nothing happened. Pihu says even her mom used to say same, but she could not save her from fire accident, pleads not to leave her alone. Pihu thinks how to tell her that she is getting attracted to Aarav and will go away soon. Aarav reminisces his past and thinks Subodh has to answer him and he cannot hide truth from his wife. Anandita calls Suchi’s number. Aarav sees Suchi’s phone rining on his desk and murmuring she forgot her phone and picks it. Anandita hears his voice and disconnects call. She informs Rakhi that Aarav picked call, maybe he gave ad in Suchis name.


Subodh enters and shouts he warned her not to speak to Aarav, but she did not listen. Anandita says even he hid a lot fro him. Subodh says Pihu’s first murder suspect is Aarav. Anandita asks if Aarav killed Pihu. He says he is not sure, but Aarav is misusing his employee for his benefit. Anandita says why will anyone kill an innocent child.Aarav asks his assistant to return Suchi’s phone with a note to get ready well for a meeting tonight. Assistant smiles and thinks something special will happen today. Aarav makes arrangements at a restaurant to propose Suchi and scolds waiter for bringing sunflowers instead of good ones.

He forces violinist to stand beside him and practices how to propose Suchi. His mother sitting on a nearby table gets happy that she knew he would propose Suchi in this restaurant today. Violinist says he needs to go to washroom urgently, else water will fall on all his plans. Aarav says he will not go anywhere. Suchi enters and flowers shower on her. She excitedly thinks it is a grand welcome. She greets Aarav and calling him sir asks if it is a special meeting. Aarav says they are not in office, so he can call him by name. She tries to sit. He stops her and pulls chair for her and signals violinist to play.

Suchi says why their table is different. Arav says because she is different. She asks what. He says he means client is different, so table is different. Mom gets very happy seeing all this from a distance. Suchi asks where is client. He says will come and sits very close to her. He then takes her on dance floor and holding her says he wants to tell her something. He smiles at her. Tujhme khoya rahoon mai…song…plays in the background. He signals violinist. Violinist out of urgency plays wrong tune. Aarav angrily looks at him. He plays Tauba Tera Jalwa Tauba… Suchi says this song is weird for this cafeteria. Aarav says very weird, he planned a lo, but nothing is happening as planned.

Mom comes and angrily says it is weird, her son loves Suchi and asks if will accept his love or not. Suchi gets shy and leaves.Anandita calls Suchi and asks why she is supporting Aarav, he killed her 6-year-old daughter. Suchi shatters hearing that and breaks mirror.Anandita imagines inform Suchi that Aarav is Pihu’s murderer and Suchi shattering hearing that. Out of imagination, she tries to call Suchi, but Subodh stops her and says she should not contact culprit or his adies, they will be in trouble again else. Suchi looking herself into mirror shyingly thinks if Arav really wanted to propose her. Pihu comes and says when she got lost, she called mamma and Gopi got Suchi for her and hugging her pleads not to leave her again in life. Suchi then tells her what happened in the evenining

Next: can you see me Saturday update



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