Imlie 13 January 2024: Atharva looks at Imlie and Kairi’s photos and recalls Imlie’s words that they are divorced and no more related now. Devika with Shivani and Rudra walks in and tells Shivani that she knew he would be with Imlie and Kairi’s memories. Atharva says due to his mistakes, his family is going more far away from him. Shivani asks what did he do now. Atharva describes yesterday’s incident. Shivani says earlier he immensely loved Imlie and then immensely hated her, he needs to draw a line now.
Rudra says his acts are troubling Imlie more than help. Devika says Rudra is right, he went into Imlie’s house via window, but Imlie will be blamed like she blamed Imlie when Atharva left home. Atharva says Imlie is out of job and her financial condition is not good, he is worried for her and Kairi. Devika says Imlie will not accept his monetary help and will find a job somehow, he should think how to calm her down and seek her forgiveness. She gives jamun fruit to him and asks him to give it to Kairi.
Imlie attends a job interview and apologizes interviewer for being late as she had to drop her daughter in a park. She shows her certificates to the interviewer describing her experience as Bhaskar Times’ intern and CEO of D and R Rana Transport. Interviewer says she is perfectly fit for this job and asks about her family. Imlie says she is a divorcee and a single mother. Interviewer says he can’t offer her this job as she would be busy taking care of her daughter and can’t give her 100% to her job. Imlie says she will manage. He says just like today, she will be late most of the time trying to take care of her daughter. Imlie leaves from there disappointed. She returns to society park. Kairi says society is organizing a father’s race on father’s day and she wants monkey paa to participate in it. Imlie says she will participate instead of paa. Neighbor aunties taunt Imlie and says she can’t participate in it.
Society’s secretary supports Imlie and registers Imlie’s name in the race. He then tries to flirt with her. Imlie walks away from there with Kairi.
Imlie notices Atharva waiting for them, sends Kairi home, and walks to Atharva. She asks when will he learns from his mistakes; if he comes her uninvited, people will badmouth about her. Atharva says he understands and will remember it; he will not trouble her and Kairi unnecessarily and came here to deliver Devika’s sent jamun fruit to Kairi. Imlie recalls Kairi enjoying fruit with her grandparents and says she is silly not to ask about everyone because of Atharva. She asks about each family member. He says they are all trying to live without her and Kairi; he is also here to apologize her for last night’s incident and says Devika and Shivani made him realize that she has to bear humiliation because of his acts.
She notices neighbors watching them and asks when will he learn from his mistakes. He says she should think about Kairi if not herself. She says why didn’t he think about Kairi when he stole Kairi from her and says she will not return to him at any cost, so he should stop having hopes. She leaves from there. He notices a kid asking her dad to participate in tomorrow’s race and thihnks only Kairi’s monkey paa will win the race tomorrow.
At night, Imlie sings a lullaby and makes Kairi sleep. She then goes to make preparations for Kairi’s breakfast. Kairi wakes up and calls her monkey paa from Imlie’s mobile. She tells him that she wasn’t getting sleep even after Imlie singing a lullaby for her and once Imlie went to kitchen, she called him. She says she needs both mamma and paa and can’t choose between them; she asks him to sing a lullaby for him. He sings Choti Si Pyari Si Nannhi si.. song. Kairi falls asleep. Imlie gets emotional seeing that.