I do 3 January 2022: Asad comes to meet ayan at lakeside. Asad syas he knew ayan was angry with him and told all that sautela stuff in anger and he understands him…but says our relation is the sacred of all and we will always remain brothers. Ayan asks if he will take back his case,asad says no, ayan says I always thought my struggles is your struggle but today you have taught me that I and you are not US and from today I will never seek any help from you & I will definitely get my father released from the jail. Asad too says I will see how you will get rashid released.
Both challenge one another and head in opposite directions Someone turns on the gas(Face not shown) Asad & Dilshad return home Dilshad wants to make khada and drink.. Billo says she has urgent work and want to go home.
Shireen asks Mamu for money and he asks if Rs.50,000 is enough, Shireen asks Rs. 1 crore so that using the money she can get Rashid released by using this money as bribe. mamu says he has some reputation and cant loose it for giving bribery. Shireen says Ayan will take care, mamu says Ayan is childish cant trust him. Shireen says she cant see Rashid suffering as he is being beaten by police. Mamu says Rashid is geting puished for his sins & he cant help her now to get a culprit released. Shireen says Rashid took his business to such a high position and today when he is in difficulty no one is helping him.
Shireen pleads and begs Mamu but Ayan stops her and says he cant see her begging and only in our bad time we will find who is ours and who is not. Today I lost my brother and you too lost yours and takes her away with him.
Zoya and Najma return home while the Gudia is close to their feet with the trash but they dont see it. Rasia tells hubby that we should get Rashid out as it may be useful. Mamu says if we get involved in this case we may get into trouble and its better if Rashid stays in Jail as he will never work with us nor get ayan married to humeira.
Tanveer discussing her work and new contract with Asad when Zoya comes with muffins for Tanveer & says Asad’s nickname is Jahapanah which she has kept it. Zoya comes to give her but she slips and Tanveer falls. Asad starts scolding Zoya and calls her irresponsible and helps Tanveer. Asad massages her leg when Dilshad asks if she is fine and goes to bring haldi for her.
Shireen gives some papers to Ayan to sell some property to get money to keep Firoz quite. Shireen says they will do whatever they can to get Rashid out of jail & says once Rashid returns they will leave this house and go away. Ayan looks at the paper and says we cant sell this property without mamu’s signature.
Asad caring for Tanveer massaging her leg, Zo not happy.Tanveer says she has to go out Asad refuses and says he will call doc. Dilshad about to light the stove, Tanu says Jammy I am getting weird smell.Dilshad lighting the match stick, Tanveer says gas smell gas is leaking they rush to the kitchen and stop Dilshad and open all the windows. Dilshad says she has cold so could notsmell the gas and thanks Tanveer. Asad says the gas is on. Tanveer says maybe while changing cylinder it happened and all look at Zoya and asad furious.
Shireen praying to god to save Rashid and Badi bee and asks god why they are suffering so much for no mistake.She pleads for some miracle while Ayan watches from afar in tears.Humeira comes to console Ayan and says she will get the signatures of her father somehow and takes the documents from him. Ayan asks if she knows what she is doing. Humeira says yes.
Asad Najma & Dilshad at dinner table when Tanveer comes with Zoya and says she didnot had food since afternoon, Dilshad asjs her to come and join them. Asad not happy. Tanveer observes them and asks Zoya not to feel bad she didnt do it purposely. Asad yells at Zoya for her stupidity and not allowing tanu to change the cylinder and Zo she is crying.Asad says becoz of you we all would have died… zoya runs off her to her room crying.
Asad refuses the coffee thinking its Zo but it turns out to be Tanu and he takes his words back and takes the coffee and Tanu defends Zo saying that he used to forgive the mistakes she made when they were kids and that humans do make mistakes the whole day and its no big deal and that he shudnt have yelled at
Zo like this infront of a stranger ie her and Asad says she aint no stranger but Tanu says how she is for Zo and that he should have careful and how Zo has been feeling bad all day and if not her she apologizes on her behalf and that Zo is really nice and a bechari and Asad is like no way she aint no bechari and that she seems nice cause Tanu herself is nice and that Zo is total misfit here and is totally different and Zo hears this in the background and is in tears and Tanu spots this
-Humeira with Mr Siddiqui and hands him the papers on the pretext of them being some office papers which need his signature immediately and despite Ayaan who is watching over goofing up she does manage to get the papers signed but her happiness is short lived as Razia takes away those papers from her
-Zo in her room saying to herself how she knew from day one how Asad is and that he is a total male chauvinist yet why is all this bothering her so much and she conts to question herself when Tanu arrives and asks her abt having some food and she is like have heard so much that I am full and that wont have a bite and Tanu puts the pizza in front of her and tells her how Najma said that its her fav food and soon both begin to chat and Zo starts to eat the pizza and says how she knows she goofed up and all but why did he have to yell so much
and Tanu is like u wanted him to be a little more understanding and Zo agrees and Tanu says how Asad is like that but he gets angry on the ones he likes and Zo is really happy and Tanu talks abt Asad once got angry with Dilshad but she got him to forgive her by making him his fav dish and how sometimes good food is the key to all problems and points to the finished pizza
-Zo-Tanu cont to chatter abt how she calls him janab akdoo while Zo calls him Jahapanah 6-packs
-Ayaan waiting of Humeira but Razia arrives instead and says to Ayaan that he needs to marry Humeira if he wants the signed papers and says she will wait for his decisions
-Najma- Dilshaad discussing abt the doll and that where could it be and that they need it before tomorrows hearing and Najma asks Dilshad to relax and that she will speak to the gardener and find out ,the maid is snooping around eavesdropping on their convo and Tanu too arrives and Najma asks her to get Dilshad some water and to be with her
-Billo Rani- Razia convo abt the doll and how they need to get it and to not let Dilshad get to the gardener having the clues
-Ayaan recollecting Shireen’s words and Razia’s deal and abt how Humeira had refused to get married to him and wud it be fair to ruin Humeira’s life for Abbu’s sake and he is totally feeling helpless
-Next day ,Ayaan comes to meet Razia and she says she will get the papers for her wud be Son in law
Episode starts with Razia telling Ayan that she will bring file for him. She has to do that much for her future son-in-law. Ayan says, there is no need for that. Razia gets shocked and asks what do you mean? Ayan says, I don’t need these papers anymore.. because my answer is NO. I can’t marry your daughter.
Dilshad is desperately waiting for maali. Her daugher comes and says, there’s still time in maali to come. Dilshad says, I know but I feel maali must know about gudiya. Her daughter asks her to relax saying he will be here soon.
Zoya is cooking something for Asad. Tanveer says, I knew you would listen to me. Zoya says, I want to make something different. Zoya decides to make a Thai dish. She now says a shayri:
They both laugh. Tanveer says that she has to call some client urgently and she won’t be able to help Zoya out. She asks, you will do alone, right? Zoya says, of course.. you helped me so much already.. and there is nothing in this world that Zoya cannot do. And I am expert at cooking. She says, I have recipe with me as well.. and I will make delicious dish. Tanveer leaves. Zoya starts cooking.
Razia tells Ayan, think one more time.. this decision won’t be good for your dad’s health.. Ayan says, life and death are in God’s hand.. who you are to decide it? You’re just a selfish woman. You kept my dad under your control his entire life.. but I won’t make same mistake as my dad. He leaves. Razia speaks in her mind, I will see how you don’t get married.
Zoya comes to Dilshad. Dilshan thinks it’s Najma and asks if maali came. Zoya asks if everything okay. Zoya asks Dilshad to taste the dish that she made for Asad. Dilshad says, you made so it must be good. Zoya requests her to taste as Asad is JaaPanah.
Here Tanveer brings same dish for Asad. She says, Zoya is so sweet.. she made this for you. Asad says, whenever she does something for me.. always messes up. Tanveer says, why you’re thinking like that? Nothing like that will happen.
Dilshad tastes and asks Zoya, did you add peanut in this? Zoya says, yes.. Dilshad asks, you didn’t give to Asad right? Zoya says, why.. isn’t it good? Dilshad says, it’s good.. but Asad has an allergy from peanut.. and it can be risky to his life too.. they run outside.
Dilshad tells Tanveer not to give that to Asad. Tanveer asks what happened? She says, Asad already ate it. Asad starts coughing and falls on the ground. Everyone gets worried. Asad’s condition is getting worse. Zoya asks, is there no medicine in home? Dilshad says, no. Tanveer says, we will have to take him to the hospital. Zoya says, we will have to do something now. She goes to his room to search for the medicine. Outside, Tanveer and Dilshad are taking him to the hospital. Zoya comes out and asks them to wait. Zoya says, I researched on the internet and he will be fine with this injection. Tanveer asks, are you sure? Dilshad says, we don’t have any other option.. we should to do Zoya is saying. Zoya gives an injection to Asad. Asad is unconscious as of now.
Dilshad says there is no effect. Zoya says, I researched and found that people who have an allergy from peanut always keep this injection with them. And Mr. Khan is not irresponsible that he wouldn’t keep this injection with him. Asad opens his eyes and his breathing is getting normal. read full updates with pics daily only at desitvbox.com Zoya has a relief and is happy. Billo is hiding and looking at them. Asad asks Dilshad, when you know I have an allergy with peanuts, then why did you give me food with peanuts. He then remembers Tanveer telling him that Zoya made that dish. He looks at Zoya and asks, you made that dish right? Zoya says, I didn’t do this purposely.. I didn’t even know that you have an allergy. Asad says, why did you choose this dish? Tanveer takes blame on herself and says, I told Zoya to make that dish.. and in fact, Zoya saved your life.. if she didn’t bring the injection, then God knows what would have happened. Dilshad says to him, we were taking you the hospital, but it would take a lot of time. I think we should thank Zoya. Asad apologizes to Zoya for all that he said to her and thanks for saving his life. Zoya runs away from there crying. Dilshad asks Najma to take Asad inside. Tanveer and Najma take him to his room. Dilshad comes outside..
She wonders why maali still didn’t come. If he found Gudiya, then he must have kept safe. But what if he threw it out? She then sees some stuff is messed up there and goes there.
We then see gudiya’s hand, but Dilshad doesn’t notice it. Billo comes outside and says, there is a call for you. Dilshad tells her, if maali comes, then don’t let him go. I have urgent work. Billo says, he won’t come.. he went to his village.. don’t know when he will come again. Dilshad goes inside. Billo looks at the stuff that Dilshad was looking at, then goes there.
It is Shirin who called Dilshad. She tells Dilshad that Rashid is in very bad situation.. they are punishing him bad in the jail.. and if Rashid doesn’t win the case, then they won’t let him come out alive. She requests her to stop Asad. Dilshad says, years ago, I couldn’t stop his father.. how will I be able to stop him? Shirin says, there’s another way.. if you want, then you can help Rashid. End of conversation.
Tanveer comes to Dilshad. Tanveer finds her upset. she asks what happened. Dilshad says, I was thinking to go out. She asks about Najma and Zoya. Tanveer says, they went out.. maybe because there is court hearing. I would have gone with them too, but my leg. Dilshad says, no problem.. I will be right back. Tanveer says, should I come with you? Dilshad says, no.. it’s okay.. I will go alone. She leaves.
Asad comes now and asks Tanveer, where is ammi? Tanveer says, don’t know.. she just went outside and seemed upset. Asad looks at his watch and says to himself, 2 hours to go in the hearing, where would mum have gone?
Some lady telling Shirin hope we get money before the hearing.
Asad asks Tanveer if Dilshad said anything like when she will be back. Tanveer asks, why you seem tensed? She will come back. Asad says, actually her health is not good.. and thank God you’re here so I don’t have to worry much. Asad then gets a call from bank manager who tells him that we inform both account holders, when there is a joint account and big amount is withdrawn. Asad says, big amount? We didn’t withdraw any big amount. Manager says, maybe it’s not big amount for you..but for us, it’s a huge amount. Your mother just withdrew 1 crore from here. Asad wonders why Dilshad needed so much money.
Next Tuesday update I Do