Timeless Love update Friday 9 June 2023

Timeless Love update Friday 9 June 2023


Timeless Love 9 June 2023: Dev asks Abhimanyu what is he saying? Abhimanyu asks didn’t you know what I want or that you enjoy to lower me. Dev says this is your dream, I thought you will be happy. Abhimanyu says this business is never my dream, this is your dream which you make me see. He says I tried to fit myself in the business, but I got insulted in the board meeting,

Timeless Love 8 June 2023

and nobody took my suggestions seriously. Dev says that was not your field, but this will be your field. He says even if you do any mistake, then you will learn. Abhimanyu says you can’t understand, you might be an dutiful son, but not I am.

Vidhi opens the tiffin and thinks Maa sent more, may be to share with everyone. She asks Anaya and Rishabh to try gatte ki sabzi. Anaya tries and says wow, your mom is innovative cook.Dev says this was your choice of business. Abhimanyu says I like cooking and cooking doesn’t mean business.

He says I don’t want to do business, and has a passion to make food with my hand, you will never understand this, as you are not my real brother, but step brother and step brother can never understand. Dev is left shocked. Yogesh and Kanika look at each other. Abhimanyu comes out and stops sensing the aroma of the food, which Vidhi is about to eat. He asks about the ingredients.

She says my mother has added lemon grass in it and asks him to try. He says some other time. Dev comes and calls Abhi, but he leaves. Vidhi asks Dev if all his family members are foodie and has a good knowledge. She says your Mata has a good taste, and I came to know that Abhimanyu sir knows cooking too. She says I came to know that even you knows cooking? He gets angry and asks have you lost it? He asks if you come to do this in office.

He asks who gave you right to talk about my Mother and brother. He asks why are you wearing these clothes, asks if you will come as joker and says we have dress code here. He says you don’t know how to use computer, you don’t have any qualification, you don’t improve rather than that, you are interfering. He asks how dare you to go to my house and asks her to be in her limits.

Yogesh, Kanika and others looks on. Vidhi cries.Dev sees elder brother shielding his younger brother. He recalls Abhimanyu’s words and thinks he couldn’t reach his heart and has failed. Vidhi tells Seema that she will come first this time and will not fail. Seema asks what happened? You are lost after coming from office. Vidhi says supply is inversely proportion to demand.

Seema says you are tensed and shall go to Balghar in the morning.Dev reaches balghar in his car. A reporter follows him and calls other reporters. Dev gets down from the car. The watchman opens the gate. Dev asks about kids. Watchman says they are playing backside. Dev says he will sit in Maa’s room for sometime. Vidhi comes there and asks watchman where is it? Watchman says Rocky, it is tied.

Dev talks to his mother’s pic and says he lost her when he was 10 years old.The reporters are waiting outside the Balghar. The reporter says due to Raichand’s biggest decision, MP two hotel shares crashed. He says this is happening because of the clash between the two brothers. Priya hears and calls Satyavati. The reporter tells that yesterday report came that Raichand group reverse their decision and the investors lost lakhs and crores of Rs. Amba also watches and thinks what Dev is doing.

The reporters tell about the brothers’ fight. Satyavati asks Abhimanyu, if he had fought with Dev.Dev talks to his father’s pic and says after Maa left, you gave me a mother and a father, and I have promised that I will take care of them, but I am failing in my aim. He says please help me and show me some way.


A little girl and boy come to Vidhi. The boy says someone took Vidhi Didi’s smile. They call other kids and make Vidhi laugh. The boy say if you smile then you will get some reason to smile. Dev recalls his mother saying the same thing. He hears them, but doesn’t see Vidhi. Vidhi asks the girl what is she drawing. The girl says a wood cutter is cutting the wood. Vidhi says cutting tree is bad, as it gives us air and food.


The girl says he wants to make food in his house. Vidhi says he can cut the dry logs and can burn it to make food.The Reporter asks if we will see the partition between the brothers like kauravs and pandavs. Priya appreciates him for fighting with Dev and says you will have crown on your head and I will be freed. Satyavati asks her to be quiet. The reporter wants Dev’s statement.

Vidhi starts telling woodcutter’s story to the kids. Dev looks at her and thinks what is she doing here? He hears the story. Vidhi tells that it is an old story, a story of a woodcutter, he used to cut wood in the jungle, once his axe slipped from his hand and fell in the river. Suddenly a devi appeared infront of him and she has golden axe in her hand. She asks him not to cry.

Vidhi says woodcutter tells that this is not his axe. She says Devi went inside the water and got silver axe. Wood cutter said that there is something wrong in this axe. Devi went inside and brought the iron axe, which made woodcutter happy. She asks kids what lesson they get from this story. Dev thanks her father for showing him the way. Someone comes and asks kids to have food. He says Ms. Vidhi, you are irritating, troublesome and factory of mistakes, but you are different, there is something special in you.

Next: Timeless Love Saturday



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