Our perfect place update Tuesday 26 May 2020

Our perfect place update Tuesday 26 May 2020


Our perfect place 26 May 2020: Hetal asks Prachi and other friends to not inform Sam that goons had come searching him. They agree. She opens Sam’s studio door. He comes out and sits on table. She shouts to go back to his studio. He says he will not until she removes papers from studio glass. She says she will not and tells goon had come and she did not tell where he is, else goon would have crushed his bones. Sam fumes and goes to his studio saying he will be in cafeteria itself and will se who will come. Hetal goes to Rahul’s cabin. Prachi comments their love is unique, Hetal’s concern for Sam, her hatred, yelling, etc.

Rahul reminisces doctor telling his condition is critical and he cannot be treated now. He cries and prays god to give him some time to spend quality time with Tanu. He reaches home. Tanu hugs him and cries why did he leave her without informing. He consoles her.

Before closing cafeteria, Prachi goes to Sam’s studi and says she is closing cafeteria and he can go out with the key he has. He asks where is Hetal. She says Hetal is in Rahul’s cabin and leaves. Sam comes out of his studio. Goons return. Sam gets Hetal from Rahul’s cabin into his studio, ties his mouth and extremities and walks out locking studio. Goon asks his friend not to switch on lights, else they will be caught in CCTV camera.

Sam comes out of studio and switches on light. He trashes goon. Goon’s puppet hits him from behind and he collapses. Goon ties him and throws water on his face. Sam wakes up. Hetal frees herself and shouts at Sam to open door. Goon hears her, gets her out and ties even her. He drops hot coffee on Sam and warns not to shout, else he will drop hot coffee on Hetal. Sam silently bears torture. Prachi with her friends and Uday returns to party and sees lights on. She says she left lights off. Uday says that means chachu and Hetal are in cafeteria and chachu will scold him. They peep in and see goons torturing Sam. Prachi shouts. Uday shuts her mouth.

Ronnie continues torturing Sam and pouring hot coffee on his hand and warns not to shout, else he will trouble Hetal. Uday tells Pranav let us go in. Prachi says Ronnie is very dangerous and tells him whole incident happened in the morning. He asks if they can get into store room somehow. She says yes. He and Pranav get into store room.

Ronnie asks Sam why he is bearing trouble for Hetal. He then starts misbehaving with Hetal and asks to tell where is CCTV camera. She says there is no camera and she just lied to send him away. He asks his friend to bring salt and drops it on Sam’s wound. Sam shouts in pain. Uday gets marbles from store room and drops them on floor. He then downloads police siren and plays it.

Ronnie and his friend run out hearing police siren and fall on marbles. Uday and his friends throw gunny bags on them and start beating them. Prachi rushes in and frees Hetal. Hetal gets worried for Sam and asks if he is fine. He reminisces Hetal taunting that he is weaker than Ronnie and will be crushed by him, so she saved him from Ronnie.

Ronnie’s friend throws mud on Pranav and runs. Ronnie overpowers Uday and strangulates his neck. Sam angrily walks out and holds Ronnie’s neck. Hetal shouts to leave him, they will hand him over to police. Sam takes Ronnie in and says Hetal he will prove he is not weak. Ronnie overpowers and beats him. Hetal gets worried. Sam says she taunted him that he is weak and di not trust him, he has trust on himself. Hetal says he is not weak, he can beat Ronnie. Sam gets up and trashes Ronnie.

Sam overpowers Ronnie in a fight and Ronnie falls down injured. Hetal, Prachi, Uday shout to not spare Ronnie. Ronnie’s friend enters with police and complains that cafeteria people are torturing him and his friend when they came to have coffee here, he escaped somehow and reached police station. Inspector sees Sam and Uday and scold they are Parimal’s brothers and are from good family, then why did goondagardi. Hetal tries to speak, but inspector stops her and says he has to arrest them.

Next morning, inspector brings Sam, Hetal, Uday home. Family gets worried seeing Sam’s injuries. Ila cries. Sam says he is fine. Inspector says goon gave third degree burns to Sam. Parimal says if Uday had not saved Sam, he would have trashed Uday for his immaturity. Their discussion continues.


Inspector tells he warned Ronnie not to trouble Sam and Hetal again and filed complaint against him. He says he took everyone’s family statement except Hetal. Sam says Hetal’s parents are dead and she stays with Prachi. Inspector sys he took Prachi’s parent’s statement and wants Hetal’s at least one family member’s statement. Rahul says he will bring Hetal’s family member and walks in. Parimal asks why is he going in. Rahul says to bring Hetal’s family member.

Rahul goes to Tanu’s room. Tanu asks if Sam and Hetal are fine, what did inspector say. Rahul says they are fine and Ronnie is warned to trouble Sam and Hetal, inspector needs Hetal’s family member’s statement and wants her to give statement. She resists. He says let everyone know about her truth and takes her out. Everyone are surprised to see Shree. Gayatri says Shree did not tell at all that she is Tanu’s sister. Inspectors asks shree to bring her ID card. She goes and brings her pan card. He reads Tanu. Everyone are shocked to hear Tanu.


Inspector Sachin asks Shree that she introduced her name as Shree, but her ID has Tanu in it. Everyone repeat in a surprise Tanu.. Ila asks them to question later and let Sachin complete formalities first. Tanu says Shree is her professional name and her real name is Tanu Sanghvi. Inspector completes formalities and leaves. Parimal angrily looks at Rahul and walks behind Sachin. Hetal angrily walks. Sam stops her. She angrily looks at Tanu and leaves.

Parimal returns and angrily asks Rahul if she is same Tanu. Rahul stands tensed. Ila says yes, she is same Tanu. Everyone look at each other’s face shockingly. Ila says she is same Rahul’s Tanu for whom Rahul is craving since 6 years. She hugs Tanu and cries emotionally. Rahul also cries. Ila asks her to sit.

Hetal returns home with teary eyes. Prachi asks her what happened. Hetal hugs her and cries loudly. Prachi asks if Sam is fine, if Ila told her anything. Hetal cries that Sam betrayed her again. Her didi is staying in Sam’s house and is marrying Rahul, Sam is a big cheater. Prachi says he cannot be a cheater and must not have time to reveal truth to her. Hetal cries that she changed her mind after yesterday’s incident, but he lied again and today she finally broke out with Sam. Prachi says Uday told Rahul and Tanu’s relationship will unite Sam and Hetal, but opposite is happening.

Next: Wednesday update our perfect place



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