Our perfect place 25 May 2020: Rahul runs after Tanu as he coughs up blood. Shree searches for him all around and gets tensed seeing blood on wall. Rahul gets into his jeep and leaves. Tanu goes to her room and calls Rahul from her mobile, but he does not reply.
<< Our perfect place Sunday 24 May 2020
Sam comes to his room in the afternoon. Uday asks where he had gone. Sam says for exercise as could not in the morning. Uday says he saw him going out of house angrily in the morning, what is going on. Sam says same reason he was speaking with Prachi last night. Uday asks what. Sam says he has accepted Rahul and Tanu’s relationship. Uday excitedly asks is it. Sam says yes.
In cafeteria, Hetal prays gabbar singh and slaps Prachi and 2 other colleagues. She then picks knife and walks towards them. Prachi shouts no no, revealing it was her imagination. Hetal asks if he imagined slapping her and then trying to stab with a knife. Prachi nervously nods yes. Hetal says that means she is hiding something. Prachi says Uday did not tell anything then, thank god.
Sam enters and Prachi and others stand silently. He greets them, but they don’t. He says Prachi that she is acting as if Hetal owns her. He tries to speak to other 2 friends and even they don’t speak. He says they are Prachi’s slaves and should change cafeteria’s slogan of equality to slavery. He continues taunting and says thank god he is not part of their cafeteria. Hetal asks him to leave as they are busy. Sam taunts that her empty cafeteria is so busy. Hetal angrily locks Sam’s studio and gives his advance money cheque and warns him not to come back to her cafeteria again.
Sam confronts Hetal that she never loved him at all and just wanted an enternal boyfriend. He pours his heart out and says he will get out of her cafeteria and studio and will never come back. He shouts why she broke his heart. He then laughs and says she wanted him to shout like this and get out of her life, but she is wrong, he will not do anything like this. Everyone knows she is a scratching cat and he knows how to handle her, he will not leave her cafeteria and studio at all and will wait for her eternally.
He asks to give his studio keys. She shouts if he thinks she will fall for his filmy drama and will not give key. He says he is not her puppet and knows how to handle her. She tries to stop him, but he moves her aside and starts searching keys. Prachi signals him where keys are. He finds keys in a book and leaves asking Prachi to bring Hates coffee for him with a bill.
Tanu in her room thinks where Rahul went without informing her. Rahul goes to doc’s clinic. Doc after checking him says his condition is beyond cure and he cannot handle his case now. He prescribes medicines for temporary relief and asks not to come back again.
Prachi takes coffee for Sam. Hetal stops her. Prachi says he ordered coffee as a customer. She asks not to stay long there and return back soon. Prachi delivers him coffee and tries to leave. He stops her. She says Hetal is wandering in cafeteria fuming and will not spare her if she stays back. Prachi returns. Sam starts staring at Hetal via glass. She angrily walks to him and shouts to stop staring at her. He says he cannot hear her. She yells. He throws flying kiss on her. She fumes, calls her friend and explains something.
Sam continues flirting with Hetal. Hetal fumes and orders her friend to get something. Sam asks what did she tell. Friend asks him not to speak to him, else Hetal will not spare him. Hetal asks him to go and do what she told. Sam goes to his studio. Hetal locks door from outside and applies paper on glass. Sam asks what is she doing. She says she cannot hear and completely closes glass with color paper.
Sam’s rival comes with his goon friend and asks Hetal to tell where Sam is, he wants to teach Sam a lesson. Hetal looking at studio says he is not here. Goon breaks glass and warns her repeatedly to tell where he is. He starts verbally abusing her. She does not deter. He continues and asks her to tell, else he will break all her café. He breaks one more glass.
Hetal tells she has fixed hidden CCTV cameras in her cafeteria and all his goondagardi is recorded, she will call police now and get him arrested. He asks to tell where camera is, else he will trash her. She calls neighbor. He asks from outside if she needs anything. She says no. She tells goon that her neighbors will come in and trash him. He gets afraid. She asks him to pay for broken glasses and asks puppets to clean floor. They do same. She forces him to pay and asks him to get out. He walks towards door. All her friends shout get out. Sam hears sound, calls Hetal and asks her to get him out, he is suffocating. She says no. He says he will break glass and come out.
Next: Tuesday update our perfect place