Our perfect place update Sunday 24 May 2020

Our perfect place update Sunday 24 May 2020


Our perfect place 24 May 2020: Rahul enters Tanu’s room. She asks him to go out, what will anyone think if they see them together, aunty was already looking angrily. They open door and are shocked to see Ila standing. She apologizes Tanu for rejecting her 6 years ago. Tanu is surprised that Ila knows her truth now. Ila says until she is alive, nobody can separate Rahul and Tanu and hugs them emotionally. Tanu cries. Ila pampers her.

<< Our perfect place 23 May 2020 update

Parimal gets ready for office. Gayatri asks him to tell Rahul and Shree’s good news to Niranjan when he meets him. Parimal says he will and she can also inform when she goes to deliver lunch. Rita enters and asks Parimal to give sheera/sweet box to Niranjan. Parimal gets happy and leaves.

Prachi calls Uday and tells she needs to tell something important. Her friends taunt her. She yells at them. Uday says it must be something important. Prachi says she fought with Hetal and scolded her. Uday says it must be usual fight, why she is tensed. Prachi says this time Hetal is wrong and she always pesters her. Uday sees Parimal coming and disconnects call saying his battery has drained. Parimal scolds Uday to concentrate on studies.

Sethji is seeing meditating in ashram standing on single leg under sun. People discuss that he is doing ri gorous meditation since many days and something is in his mind. Sethji reminisces all his children’s misbehavior and hatred for him.


Sam fumes reminiscing Rahul and Shree’s proximity in just one day. Ila asks what happened to him. He says he cannot digest Rahul and shree’s proximity in one day as he knows Shree used to love someone and Rahul someone else and they would not love anyone else. Ila says they may be wanting Hetal to reunite with him, their intention is good, so he should be happy.

Rita tells Gayatri that Shree had told once her mind is clear regarding divorce, she can file for divorce, so she wants divorce from Niranjan. Gayatri gets tensed. Rita says she will talk later and leaves for shooting. Parimal informs Niranjan that Rita wore sari after a long time and even gave tiffin box for him. Niranjan gets happy. Parimal then tells about Shree and Rahul’s alliance. Niranjan says Shree is a very good girl. Parimala asks how does she know Shree. Niranjan tells whole incident.

Rahul while leaving for cafeteria tells Tanu that he will return in the afternoon itself, let everyone know how much he loves her. He tries to get romantic. She says someone will see. He says who will see. Sam comes and says he made a mistake calling Shree as Didi, how can she be his didi. Shree cries. Rahul tries to speak, but Sam stops him and says he will call Shree as bhabhi hereon. They both get happy and hug him.

Gayatri informs Ila about Rita’s decision to divorce Niranjan. Parimal returns and says they all misjudged Niranjan, he is not bad at all and tells how he met Shree and repented betraying Rita and wanted to tell Rita everything, but before that Maya sent Rita that video. He is suffering just to see Rita get out of her depression. Ila thinks her upbringing cannot be so wrong. She thinks Sethji put her into examination and went to ashram to meditate, she will go and meet him right now and asks what to do next.

Ila reaches ashram and requests to meet ashram’s supervisor. Lady comes and asks who is she. She says she wants to meet Govardhan Mehta. Lady says she cannot sethji as it is against ashram’s rule. Ila asks her to handover her letter to sethji and writes a letter that his dream of united family has come true and continues writing. Sethji is seen meditating in his hut.


Tanu/Shree prays god that she cannot believe she is in Rahul’s house and his family has accepted her. She continues that Sameer has promised her that he will convince Hetal, soon Hetal will also be in this house after marrying Sameer. Gayatri comes holding washed bedsheets to dry. Shree asks if they don’t have maids. Gayatri says she and Ila do work themselves and bapuji does not like maids when family women are present. Cooker whitles. Gayatri says had kept daal and sabji to cook. Tanu asks her to go to kitchen, she will hang bedsheets to dry. Gayatri says she has not done work earlier. Shree says she will as she herself told she has right to rag her devranis. Gayatri prays god for giving her such good devranis, she does not know about Tanu, but she likes Shree a lot.


Shree tries to hang bedsheets to dry and thinks how to do it, she will disappoint Rahul’s family. Rahul enters and hears her conversation. He hugs her from behind and says she is trying ot impress his family. She says yes, but unable to. He says he will help her, but she has to reward him. She agrees. He helps her hang bedsheets to dry and gets romantic. She gets shy. A romantic song plays in the background.

Uday is busy studying when he gets Prachi’s call and thinks Hetal pesters his Prachi and she pesters him. He picks call and asks her don’t get irritated with Hetal’s troubles, he has planned something in the evening to cheer her mood. Hetal asks what is he telling, she is confused. She called to tell something else. Hetal comes and asks Prachi if Sam had come to his studio. Prachi says no and asks why she is worried about Sam. Hetal says she is not and acts normal.

Rahul continues his romance with Shree. A romantic song plays in the background. They both run around hugging each other. Rahul gets more intimate and tries to kiss. She closes eyes. Rahul get severe stomach again and moves aside. Tanu opens eyes and asks Rahul not to play more. Rahul starts coughing blood and runs away. Blood falls on wall. Tanu gets shocked seeing blood on wall.

Next: Monday update our perfect place



  1. Darasimi

    And I rise Dorado Janis also Janis dish Jayesh

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