My desire update Tuesday 19 December 2023

My desire update Tuesday 19 December 2023


My desire 19 December 2023: Samrat meets Mansi and confronts her for trying to harm Malti and Govind. Mansi says even he betrayed her by making a fake promise of transferring his whole property in exchange of Prem and gave her fake property documents instead. Sam says he will not give his hard earned money to anyone like that, it belongs to Prem and Nayan. Mansi threatens him of dire consequences. Sam thinks Mansi can go to any extent and thinks he has to make her think that he is not afraid.

He says he doesn’t care if she kills Malti and Govind and will not give his hard earned money to her. Mansi records his statement and once he leaves listens to hit and thinks now she will kill them Govind and Malti in real. At Malti’s home, Govind asks Malti to prepare something as children are coming to visit them. Mansi walks into kitchen and lights gas. A blast happens gutting the whole house into fire.

Nayan, Ishani, Sam, and Mohit walk towards Malti’s house and are shocked to see the house gutting into fire. Neighbor informs them that she saw Malti and Govind entering the house some time ago and doubts if they are dead in the fire accident. Mansi watches them hiding and recalls how her goons fixed a bomb in the house. Nayan breaks down. Samrat comforts her and thinks he shouldn’t inform her that Mansi did it and should control Mansi first. Back home, Nayan continues to cry with Ishani.

She gets an unanimous message to come and meet her if she wants to know who killed her parents. She reaches the venue. Mansi meets her and says Sam is the reason behind her parents murdr as he failed his promise to transfer his wealth to Mansi, but he transferred his wealth to Malti and Govind. Nayan refuses to believe her.Mansi plays Samrat’s voice recording and says Sam loves only wealth and not her.


Nayan breaks down and thinks she can’t live with Samrat now and she has to go away from him forever if she wants to protect Prem, Chintu, and Ishani. She gets into a bus and leaves for an unknown location. Sam gets worried for Nayan when he doesn’t return home. Mansi calls him and informs how she instigated Nayan against him with his recording. Samrat asks what she wants. She says she wants his wealth and asks him to visit her lawyer’s office tomorrow and sign the documents. Samrat agrees.

Next: my desire Wednesday 



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