My desire update Thursday 1 February 2024

My desire update Thursday 1 February 2024


My desire 1 February 2024: Aruna knocks Arjun’s room door and asks him and Kashvi to get up as its already late. Kashvi hurriedly wakes up and seeing it’s already 9:30 a.m. asks Arjun why didn’t he wake her up even after her reminder as she has a lot of work.

Arjun asks her to relax as she is also a human and needs rest. Kashvi rushes to get ready. Arjun opens door telling Aruna that his eardrums are bursting with her voice. Aruna enters room and asks where is Kashvi. Arjun says she is in bathroom. Aruna notices crimpled bed and thinks they performed their suhagraat really well.

Nitya serves breakfast to Jagdish and tells him that they are lucky to have Kashvi as DIL. Aruna walks to them and shouts not to take Kashvi lightly as she is very wicked and started controlling Arjun just in a day and made him forget Mahima overnight, they both consummated really well. Nitya warns her to stop ill speaking about Kashvi as she is more than a DIL to her and says being an elder, she shouldn’t talk about Arjun and Kashvi’s personal life, etc. Aruna yells that she has seen a world and they will know when Kashvi snatches their son completely from them, they should keep their eyes open. Nitya complains Jagdish. Jagish asks her to calm down as she knows how Aruna is.

Samrat’s manager visits him. Samrat introduces his manager to Nayan. Nayan asks manager to join them for breakfast. Manager says he already finished it. Samrat asks if they got a permission to build a parking lot on a land opposite to their mall. Manager says officer didn’t give permission to dig the ground citing environmental reasons. Samrat says they will not dig deep for the parking lot, who is the officer. Manager says Nitya Bajwa. Samrat says he will personally speak to her.

Kashvi serves sweet to Arjun’s family as per kitchen ritual. Jagdish says he never had such a tasty sweet and Kashvi left even Nitya behind. Kashvi says she is lucky to have a DIL who is both good at studies and household chores. Samrat enters with Nayan and servants and says Kashvi will not do household chores. He introduces servants and says they will all serve Kashvi and family and let Kashvi concentrate on her studies. Nayan asks Samrat why didn’t he inform her about servants before coming here. Sam says he is just caring for his daughter. Nitya feels humiliated and says even they have servants at home, if Samrat is trying to show how rich and luxurious life he lives. Samrat says he is just worried for his daughter.


Nitya says even they love Kashvi. Arjun says his parents love Kashvi more than him. Samrat asks what is wrong if he gifts something to his daughter. Nitya says its an insult to her family. Kashvi says he knows her concern forher, but she is happy with her family.


Jagadish tells Sam that he can understand his concern, but they don’t need his help. Sam apologizes them if they are hurt. Jagadish says let’s drop this issue right here.

Nitya asks Sam and Nayan to accompany her as she wants to give them shagun. At Romila’s house, Romila tries to prepare food and makes family wait for more than 2 hours. Daadi walks into kitchen first and scolds Romila for the mess she made. Keval also walks in and scolds her. Romila’s jokergiri starts. Daadi praises Nayan, irking Romila. Their drama continues. Nitya takes Sam and Nayan to her room and asks Sam what is he trying to do. Sam says he missed caring for Kashvi since she was born and wants to experienced each moment of caring for his daughter.

Next: my desire Friday 




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