My desire update Saturday 29 July 2023

My desire 29 July 2023: Preesha slaps clown and tongue lashes him for playing a bomb blast prank in a children’s birthday party. Clown says he just blasted confetti twinkling stars. Preesha threatens to complain against his boss and file a police complaint. Rudra asks her to calm down as clown was just doing his job of entertaining everyone, how would he know that she would go to any extent to protect Armaan. Preesha says why wouldn’t she. Rudra says it was a fake bomb, so she should end this issue right here. He sends clown away. Armaan thanks god that he didn’t run to save his wife or else he would have been exposed, Rudra cannot snatch his Preesha back from him.

Preesha walks to her room fuming. Rudra walks behind her. Preesha asks him to go as she doesn’t want to talk to him. Rudra says he wants to do and asks what is special in Armaan that she risked her life to save Armaan, she even forgot their love for each other, what would have happened to him and his children if something happened to her. Preesha says she doesn’t want to say anything and frees herself. Rudra says her silence speaks everything, she is hiding something for sure. Preesha recalls Pihu lying that she is carrying Rudra’s baby and says even he moved on in life with Pihu forgetting his children. She pushes him out of her room and thinks how to tell him that the reason is their child, she wants to know her child’s location from Armaan, she is deeply hurt with Rudra’s behavior. Rudra also feels disheartened with Preesha’s behavior.

Roohi angrily asks Saransh why did Preesha save Armaan. Saransh says Preesh is a doctor and fulfilled her duty of saving a kid. Roohi says Armana is not a kid. Rudra says they will find some other way to expose Armaan. He thinks and says they should install secret CCTV camera in Armaan’s room and keep an eye him, he is sure Armaan will make some mistake in some part of the day. Kids agree. At night, Rudra and Saransh visit Armaan’s room while he is asleep and fix a CCTV camera in a portrait. They check live footage whole night but doesn’t find anything suspicious. Next morning, Armaan finds painting’s position changed. Preesha corrects it.

Armaan continues to act as a kid. Roohi asks Rudra if Armaan really became a kid. Digvijay brings toys for Armaan. Armaan signals him at the painting. Rudra notices it and discusses with kids that Digvijay knows about Armaan’s plans, so they should keep an eye on even Digvijay. Digvijay tells Armaan thathe will take him to activity class. Armaan acts excited. Rudra follows them. Armaan relaxes in Digvijay’s call. Digvijay praises his acting. Armaan reveals how he saw Rudra fixing camera in his room and how he destroyed earlier recording recorded by Roohi. They both head to their office.

Atharva gets angry on Digvijay for making 20 crores Rs losses in his company. Digvijay says he invested the money in the company instead and is sure they will get good returns soon. Armaan says 20 crores Rs is not a small amount and he should have taken his decision first. Rudra with Saransh peeps into Armaan’s office and notices Armaan and Digvijay’s fight, he says Digvijay must have done some mistake and Armaan is confronting him like an adult, its proved that Armaan is acting. He asks Saransh to call Roohi and explaining the situation asks her to bring Preesha there. Roohi insists Preesha to accompany her and takes her to Armaan’s office.Rudra with Saransh joins them and take her to show Armaan’s truth.

Armaan tells Digvijay that he worked hard to grow his business and can’t let Armaan ruin it. Digvijay says even he worked hard for their business and would get the money back. Rudra shows Preesha their fight and says if Armaan is really a kid, he wouldn’t be fighting with Digvijay like this. He accepts that he played that clown prank to expose Armaan. Preesha says she will confront Armaan and if he is acting, he should answer her. She enters Armaan’s office with Rudra. Digvijay shocked asks what are they doing here. Armaan starts his childish drama again and acts happy seeing Preesha.

Rudra asks him to stop acting as they saw Armaan and Digvijay’s fight. Digvijay says he was spying on them and if he had come in instead of wasting time, he would have known truth. Rudra says Armaan is acting as kid. Digvijay says Armaan is acting by watching TV. Armaan says he was acting as a businessman and asks Preesha to join him. Digvijay warns Rudra to stop spying on them and wasting their time. Rudra asks why did he bring him to office if he was taking him to activity class. Digvijay says he got some important call and came to office first. Armaan continues his acting. Preesha asks Rudra stop his misbehavior or else she will get him into trouble.

Armaan recalls Pihu calling him and alerting him beforehand after overhearing Rohi and Saransh’s conversation. Armaan notices Rudra, Preesha, and kids watching him and asks Digvijay to act as he says. Out of flashback, Armaan thinks Rudra can do whatever he wants to but can’t expose him. Back home, Rudra tries to convince Preesha with his explanation, but Preesha doesn’t trust him and tongue lashes him instead. Rudra says he is doing it for her and wants her to get out of this mess. Preesha asks him not to bother about her and worry about Pihu instead. She thinks he shouldn’t know that she knows Pihu is pregnant with his child. She pushes him out of room and locks the door.

Rudra determines to expose Armaan’s truth at any cost. Back to his room, Saransh and Roohi say Armaan changed the whole table in his favor. Rudra says Armaan knew that they were coming and acted well beforehand, he must be spying on them just like they are spying on him via servant of someone else. Saransh asks what will they do now. Rudra says they should give Armaan’s actual brain scan reports to Preesha and prove that Armaan is absolutely fine. Roohi asks why would Armaan agree for the scans. Rudra says they shouldn’t let Armaan know.

Armaan picks spy camera in his room and tells Digvijay and Pihu that Rudra cannot spy on him. He thanks Pihu for helping him on time. Digvijay says Armaan acted well seeing Rudra and Preesha coming. Armaan warns Digvijay to return his 20 crores within 7 days or else he will repent. Pihu warns him to behave with his chachaji and reminds their help both financially and emotionally. Armaan says he keeps business and work separate and wouldn’t tolerate loss is in his business. Pihu says Digvijay also worked hard for this business. Armaan warns how dare she is to speak to him like that.


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