Mismatched 30 December 2021: The Episode starts with everyone getting shocked seeing Shaurya’s kidnapping video. Devi and everyone cry. Devi says don’t know they gave him any food or not. Aastha says he has wounds on his body, they had beaten him a lot. Shaan gets a message. He says kidnapper has sent the address. Ahir asks who will come with me, its time to catch the kidnapper and free Shaurya. Anokhi shouts Vineet, you have kidnapped Shaurya. Vineet says actually… She says I didn’t think you will do this, its a crime, its a criminal. The goon gets a knife.
Vineet says you have no proof. She asks where is Shaurya. He says I don’t know, this man has hidden him. The goon says she got to know everything, I won’t leave him. Vineet stops him. She screams. He pushes the goon. Anokhi beats the goon with a stick. The goon runs away. Babli talks to Kanchan. She says I really liked the shopping. Kanchan says you have shown much courage, you are really an example. Babli says Anokhi gave me courage, she is very strong. She asks Babli to call Anokhi. Yash calls her and says we had to go to the family. Kanchan says yes, but we need time to reach there. She says I m learning politics game of Saberwal family.
They go for shopping again. Ahir, Shaan, Tej and Alok go with the police team. They look for Shaurya. Tej says this is the location, he isn’t our employee to come on time, keep calm. Shaan gets the kidnapper’s call. He says I got 10 lakhs. The goon asks for 50 lakhs. Shaan says but you told 10 lakhs, I got 10 lakhs and some more money, return my son. The goon says get 50 lakhs by tomorrow. Ahir asks Shaan to talk further. The call ends. They all worry. Vineet says trust me, I didn’t do anything. Anokhi scolds him.
She says Shaurya has to be fine, then you will get saved, if anything happens to him, then I will get you punished. He says I m not a criminal, I was trapped, I lost money in casino, Babli’s show got cancelled. She says don’t blame her. He says she also has expenses. She says you are so shameless, she will sell her jewellery, she will not drink water by the kidnapping money. He says I had taken a loan, they would have killed me. She says you will die by the law now, come with me. He pushes her and runs away. She sees the ropes and blood stains there. Tej and everyone return home. Devi and Aastha ask for Shaurya. Anokhi cries seeing the blood. She says so sorry, I didn’t know you are in pain, I was partying there, I m feeling so guilty, I don’t want anything wrong to happen, I won’t lose. Devi asks did they increase the amount, why.
She asks where is Shaurya, why didn’t he come. Tej asks her to calm down. Ahir says your health will get bad if you panic, we will get Shaurya, and also catch the kidnappers, trust me. Shagun asks who are the kidnappers, what do they want. Anokhi comes there and says I know who are the kidnappers. They get shocked.Devi says you know, you said you didn’t know about Shaurya, how did you know now. Aastha says let her speak first. She asks Anokhi what do you know. Shaan asks Anokhi to say. Ahir says you are saying a big thing, you would have some proof, who is he, we don’t have time, say something.
Anokhi gives Shaurya’s watch. Vineet packs her bags. He says I m leaving, you can do what you want, you stay here with your sister, I m going my home, don’t think to come to my home. He leaves. Babli looks on. She hears Anokhi’s audio. She runs to stop Vineet. Devi says its Shaurya’s watch, how did you get this. Anokhi says I got this from my sister’s room, I could reach kidnappers. Shagun asks who is the kidnapper. Anokhi says Vineet, my brother-in-law, Babli’s husband. They get shocked.
Devi scolding Anokhi. She says you knew everything, you came now to tell us, did Vineet refuse to give your share, aren’t you ashamed to come now, we were asking you since 2 days, I knew you are behind his kidnapping. Aastha says no, Anokhi isn’t such a girl. Devi says she talks big things, she is a clever, cheap and ill-mannered girls. Anokhi says we shouldn’t waste time, its imp to find him. Ahir says she is right, its imp to find him, Anokhi, where did Vineet keep him. She tells him. Shaan says it means Shaurya isn’t there, where did the goon take him. Ahir says its fine, I will find him, we will find a lead from that place. Tej says I will call police, please find Shaurya and punish Vineet. Shaan says I will come along. Ahir says Shaan you are worried, your family needs you, kidnapper can call anytime.
Shaan says I will find Shaurya. Alok says kidnapper said he will call tomorrow. Ahir says he can change his plan, I don’t want to take any risk, kidnapper shouldn’t know that we got to know this, trust me. Shaan cries and says take care of my son’s safety, I beg you. Ahir says don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to him. Aastha asks Anokhi to take care of herself. Ahir and Anokhi come to the place. They don’t see anything. Anokhi says the rope had blood, there were many things. Ahir says I think its a professional kidnapper, he removed everything. Anokhi shouts to Shaurya. She says I should have not left from here, I would have got Shaurya. Ahir asks her not to worry, they will find some clue, keep some faith, don’t worry.
Shaurya tries to free himself. He kicks a tin. Anokhi turns to see. Ahir takes her. She says I can’t calm down, I love Shaurya, he isn’t here, I m helpless and can’t save him, you don’t know how it feels. Ahir smiles and says I just got to know it now, when the person you love is worried, how it feels. She says sorry, I didn’t mean that, don’t feel bad. He says its fine, you go home, I will wait for forensics team, Aastha needs you, you have seen kidnapper, its imp. Babli stops Vineet and asks about Shaurya. He gets angry and goes. Shagun blames Anokhi and says she is taking a revenge on you for the insult. Devi gets angry. Anokhi says its my mistake and my responsibility, because my relative has done this kidnapping.
Aastha says its not your m istake, Vineet did the kidnapping. Shaan says strange, she never does wrong, but she plays a role in it. He gets upset and goes.Anokhi says I don’t imagine what you are going through. Shagun says you should have thrown her out, she is taking an advantage, she is talking to Aastha like she would marry Shaurya when he comes, I wish you showed her place. Devi thinks. Yash comes to Kanchan. She says I don’t want to go back, I can take a stand for myself, I got courage from Babli, you can’t force me. She sees Babli crying. She asks what happened. Babli says Vineet, Shaurya… Yash asks what happened to Shurya. She cries. Shaan says they didn’t find anything.
Anokhi says Babli didn’t reply. Aastha says call the resort and ask. Devi asks Anokhi to keep the money for telling the kidnapper’s name and get lost. Tej asks what are you saying. Devi says its good to get rid of such people soon. Anokhi takes the money. Devi smiles. Anokhi opens Shaurya’s pic and wards off bad sight by that money. She keeps the money there. She says I don’t need this money, give it to any poor or needy people, they will pray for Shaurya, maybe Shaurya comes back soon, I didn’t come here for money, but for Shaurya, for his love, you reminded me of my mum, she always told me to clear the illusion from heart at any cost, I hope this price is enough to clear you illusion, about finding Shaurya, we all are trying the same, I will not go anywhere till I find him, I can do anything to find him. Aastha smiles.
Next: mismatched Friday update