Once a King 31 December 2021: Gayatri comes for the next ritual, Kokilla stops them and says they are forgetting something, why they didn’t wear the family nose-ring. She smiles, removes the veil off Gayatri’s face and puts in nose ring in her nose.
They smile and Gayatri heads towards the stage. Kokilla smiles at Raaj mata who was staring at her. Kokilla thinks to her that this tiny nose ring will give a great injury to Rana ji. Rana ji comes to stage, Pandit asks him to sit. Kunwar ji goes to look for Laksh.
Pandit ji asks Rana ji to fill sindoor, Gayatri smiles and looks at Rana ji. Pandit ji says that today is the beginning of a new life for them, he will be responsible for all her happiness and sadness. He tells Gayatri to live as a shadow of her husband, Gayatri thinks even shadow leaves one in darkness but she never will. Pandit ji hands Rana ji with the sindoor box.
In the room, Laksh cried viciously for Saroj, he apologized him saying he had to murder him but he will never forget his sacrifice. Someone keeps a hand on Laksh’s shoulder, he is alert then looks at Kunwar ji there. Kunwar ji tells him that one has to shed blood for the big seat, but a life isnt given up crying for someone. It’s time to kill someone. Laksh asks what to do now. Kunwar ji says right now there is fire, it may harm themselves. They must back up, but like a tiger who backs up to take a long jump only.
Rana ji picks the sindoor up, lost and upset. He removes her veil and was about to put in sindoor when he suddenly watches the nose ring. He thinks about Surakshna, gets lost in her thoughts as Kokilla observes him keenly. He drops the sindoor over Gayatri’s face. Pandit ji says the ritual of sindoor has completed, but Gayatri feels there was no sindoor in her head partition.
Everyone comes to throw flowers on them, Gayatri thinks how she should ask him why he didn’t fill her sindoor while everyone think he did. She forbids herself not to think this. Pandit ji calls Gayatri the princess of Amirkot and asks Rana ji and Gayatri to take blessings of elders. Rana ji leaves the stage while Gayatri was left in shock.
Kunwar and Laksh drank together, Kunwar ji said they wanted to kill Rana ji, he didn’t die. Laksh says Saroj wanted to kill them, Saroj himself was killed. Kunwar ji says they wanted to stop the wedding, it didn’t happen. Kokilla comes there and asks why they are being weepy. Kunwar says the wedding has happened, how much time it will take for heir to come. Laksh says they will kill him, Kunwar ji says they can’t let anyone suspect him. Kokilla says she has pl ans that he cannot judge about, they can do something that an heir cannot be born.
Kunwar asks if this is possible, Kokilla says she can give little injuries to Gayatri, claps and throws a money bag to a Pandit ji.
Rana ji touches the feet of Raaj Mata with Gayatri. Raaj Mata says she can’t tell how happy she is today, it seems her debts have been paid. Seth ji joins his hands and says he congratulates their house’s money to Royal palace. Raaj Mata says they are lucky that their relation is based on love, one of its identity will be given to her by Rana ji. She claps and the servants being a huge photo.
Raaj Mata says this is a tradition of Royal palace that a prince welcomes the princess by gifting a photo and for Gayatri Rana ji himself painted this photo. Rana ji is shocked to hear this, he then goes to removes the curtain off the photo. Everyone awaited the photo beneath it, Gayatri’s family is shocked to see the photo, so it Gayatri who removes her veil to look at the photo and is elated thinking he may have left the sindoor by mistake, Rana ji loves her a lot.