I do 16 January 2022: Razia is berserk and keeps talking to humaira to get up, while the family watches on helplessly. Finally humaira has glimpses of ayan’s moments with her, and wakes up screaming for ayan, pleasing the whole family. Rashid tells her that he isnt here, as he’s gone to pray for her.
The doctor says that its a miracle, and she’s just slightly weak now, for which she has to rest, and that they can discharge her in the evening. Razia and the family is very happy. The girls ask humaira not to worry. She says that she’s sad as to how this important day of hers turned out to be, and ayan isnt here too. Nikhat cheers her up saying that now she knows for sure, that ayan loves her real bad, and hence its still a very important day of her life. Humaira gives a smile.
Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s and ayan’s residence
Razia asks if the news is for sure this time, that zoya is gone. tanveer says that she has actually gone. Razia is happy at the good news. She asks tanveer not to try to lie to her, tanveer vehemently denies lying to her about zoya. Tanveer looks on at zoya unpacking her stuff. She think that zoya is such a fool, to think that she can stay here, as if she had gone, her life would have been spared, but now she would have to die.
Razia remembers the slap of badi bi, and is very angry at that, and think that she would give a befitting answer to it. She removes a hankey from a bottle, and looking at it, she opens it and pours the liquid inside it, on the hankey. she goes into badi bi’s room, and says that she had slapped in front of everyone, and that she is very courageous, but today she would teach her a lesson that she would forever remember. She takes out the bottle from under the dupatta. Badi bi is shocked to see it. she uncorks it, and takes badi bi’s hand, saying that this was the hand that she had slapped her with. As they get into a scuffle, bdi bi jerks her hand away, and razia falls on the floor at the impact, and the bottle falls on the ground, with a a few drops falling on razia’s face, scaring her. she covers her face and runs to her room.
She looks in the mirror and finds her face okay. Badi bi taps on her shoulder. She asks razia to rest, irritating her all the more, calling her foolish. razia warns her that she might try anything, but she wont let humaira and ayan’s engagement being called off. Badi bi says that its already done. Razia promisess that when ayan returns, he would engage with humaira. As she leaves, badi bi calls her from behind and says that she might try anything, but ayan wont ever marry humaira and thats her promise.
Nuzrat informs humaira that she has called ayan, and asked him to come home, telling him about her safety. Humaira asks if he would finish the engagement. Nazma teases her saying that it cant be done, and ask her to wait patiently till she is okay. Humaira says that she has waited for years, and cant anymore, growing emotional.
Scene 3:
Location: Asad’s residence
Zoya is unpacking her stuff, remembering the drama at the airport, and asad’s eyes, and clarification. She storms out of her room, and tanveer opens the briefcase, and taking out a wire, smirks at her plan. She goes into the bathroom, and gives way to her evil plan.
In his room, asad remembers the airport scene too, looking at zoya’s earring. He thinks that he got engaged. Zoya storms into his room. Asad reprimands zoya that she shouldnt come in unknocked into someone’s room. She retaliates back saying that he also shouldnt come in someone’s life, without knocking, not even knowing what they are doing. She asks asad that when this ring and the engagement dont mean anything to him, then why did he place the ring on her finger. she asks what does this ring mean, as she knows what it means for her, and wants to know what it means for him, as he had said that he doesnt believe in drama about the institution of marriage.
She asks him if he means it. He asks her not to daydream, as he didnt mean it. when nazma calls out for zoya, she storms out warning him that their talk isnt over yet.
Zoya gets into the bathroom, cursing asad and his foolishness, and emotional challenge. she decides to take off the ring and give it back to him, but its gets stuck. Meanwhile the bathtub is filling with water, containing the wire with electric current, that tanveer had placed in the bathtub, and connected to the electrical circuit, thinking that people would think it happened accidentally, causing her death.
Asad is very angry at zoya in his room. the water causes the electrical circuit to fail, causing the light to dim in asad’s room, and he goes out to find whats wrong. Asad finds the faulty wire going into zoya’s bathroom, while zoya oblivious of the danger in her room, is trying to get the ring off. tanveer waits in anticipation, unaware that asad has gotten to know about the wire. As the water starts to brim out, and fall on the ground, reaching out to zoya, who’s thinking that the ring getting stuck might be a sign of something, but then brushes it away saying that its no sign.
Zoya, obliviously starts approaching backwards towards the bathtub, and asad runs into the room frantically, to be able to save her. He storms into the room, and saves zoya, somehow. While zoya is very angry at asad’s behaviour, asad overwhelmed at having such a close shave, hugs a shocked zoya tight. tanveer is distraught at her plan having failed.
The scene starts with asad and zoya’s embrace (MITWA MOMENT), with tanveer’s disgust at that. Zoya is shocked at this, and stats reprimanding him for the inappropriate gesture of asad. Asad shows her the live wire, and its possible implications, of current in the bathtub. Zoya is shocked at this. Meanwhile, dilshad comes across their room. As asad is about to go, zoya holds him back, saying that he should confess that he feels for her and cares for her, showing him the ring. But asad says that its nothing like that. Dilshad thinks that why cant they see what she can, that they are meant for each other. Tanveer isnt happy about this.
Dilshad is rummaging through dresses, and picks up one by one, thinking which one would zoya like. While she keeps back things, a red dupatta falls down from the almirah, which dilshad instantly likes. Tanveer comes in and asks what is she thinking. Dilshad says that its a strange coincidence, that asad got engaged and she got this dupatta on the same day. Tanveer reminds her about asad calling it a drama, but dilshad says that such things are doen by god, who takes descisions about our life, and destiny mets it out to us. Zoya enters in the meanwhile. Tanveer isnt happy. Dilshad asks zoya to get dressed for an occassion, where they have to go afterwards. Dilshad shows her the dupatta that she has chosen for her to wear.
Scene 2:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia searching for the bottle, is asked by humaira what is she searching for. When told about the bottle, Humaira tells her that she accidentally broke it, but replacxed it with another bottle and starts searching for it. Razia asks her not to bother.
Scene 3:
Location: At asad’s relative
Dilshad entertains the guests along with Asad, and tells that nazma and zoya would come in another car. Zoya wears the same dress, and asad cant take his eyes off her, as he watches mesmerised. Zoya too looks longingly at asad. Dilshad watches their eyelock. Tanveer is irritated at all this. nazma asks zoya to come along. Tanveer asks why is zoya wearing the same dupatta chosen for asad’s wife.
The relatives compliment on her beauty. dilshad identifies her as a guest, then says she was one, but now she’s far more than that. Tanveer is dismayed. Dilshad thinks that its a sign that zoya has chosen the dupatta that she had chosen for asad’s wife, that they are meant to be together.
The girls start chatting with zoya. they ask about the ring. She tells them that its her engagement ring, and it happened today only. The girls congratulate her and ask about the groom. She says that he has also come as he’s very possessive, and doesnt leave her alone ever. Asad is at discomfort in all this, and zoya enjoys it. The girls demand to meet him, when zoya says that he’s very shy, and emotionally challenged too, just to tease him. read full updates daily with pics only at desitvbox.com The girls say that it feels like he loves her very much.
Zoya gets embarassed and says that she doesnt know as he has never revealed. Zoya is instructed that she would finally have to take it out from him. As the groom arrives, and zoya goes to meet him, she is stopped by asad, demanding for a clarification. zoya pretends to be innocent and asks if she lied. Zoya finds her discomfort amusing. Asad asks her not to talk like that, as he’s very respectable. Zoya asks if the engagement would make him lose his respect. Zoya again asks what doess this mean for him. Asad leaves saying that he doesnt want to talk about this. zoya says that she would make him talk, and express what he feels for her.
The girl’s family too arrives, which has razia and rashid too along with their family, each unaware of the other family being present there also, from the opposite sides.The obliviously progress to meet the other side. But they dont meet up.
Dilshad tells asad, that he would also get married in this arena, as its perfect. Shirin too, on the other end, is discussing ayan’s marriage. As asad goes ahead to take drinks, to avoid discussion with dilshad about marriage, he crosses shirn, but none see the other.
Haseena says to razia that this engagment doesnt look like very lucky. She asks about zoya. razia says that she shouldnt bother, as that girl is taken care of. Haseena taunts her saying that it feels as if she shares some relation with that girl. razia remembers mamujaan playing with zoya in childhood. Razia says that she doesnt have any relation with a girl like that.
Zoya is stopped by some guests, and after formalising, they ask about her parents. But she says that she isnt alone, and is engaged also. Asad takes her aside, and asks her not to talk about this. Zoya asks her to relax, and chill. She again gets into her nonsense banter, irritating asad. Asad says that they would leave, but zoya says that he can go, but she wont. Zoya says that she has a condition, and that is to get her a rose, when asad asks is what.
She asks him to be more romantic when he gives the rose, or praise her atleast. She flutters her eyes in a hopeless romantic gesture, and asad too reciprocates in a rom-com manner. (MITWA MOMENT). As she again threatens him that she would divulge their engagement, he gets into saying it. Zoya asks him to be very emotional when he says it. He gives her the rose, coming close to her. The screen freezes on zoya’s apprehensive face.