Can you see me update Thursday 24 March 2022

Can you see me update Thursday 24 March 2022


Can you see me 24 March 2022: Suchi angrily walks out of house and asks Pihu to follow her. Pihu is unable to go out of house and tells Bhurbhuri/Suchi that she cannot go out and asks Suchi to go alone. Aarav eagerly looks from inside house. Suman calls Suchi if she does not want to come and happily asks Gulgule to get back luggage from taxi. Gulgule yells if Suchi did not want to go, then why did she do such a big drama.Suchi walks back into house. Aarav taunts her that she is a coward and cannot face reality.

Suchi says her heart is in this house and she cannot part ways with it. Aarav continues taunting her. Pihu says Suchi did not go because of her and angrily asks Gopal to give her power to lift a bell and hit Aarav. Gopal agrees. Pihu lifts bell and runs towards Aarav. Such rushes to stop Pihu. Aarav sees bell in her hands and thinks she has gone mad. Pihu drops bell on Aarav’s leg. Aarav writhes in pain. Suchi feels bad. Pihu then runs towards dining table and picks apple. Suchi tries her, but she throws it shouting she will not spare khadoos. Suchi holds her hand and throws apple on Aarav shouting she will not spare him and continues throwing fruits. Aarav calls Suman for help.

Suman comes and scolds Suchi not to misbehave with her would be husband. Suchi says husband my foot.Suchi takes Pihu to room and scolds that nobody can see her, then why did she throw things on Aarav, what if he started doubting. Pihu says she will not spare whoever will trouble bhurbhuri. They sleep. Next morning, Suchi wakes up at 6 a.m. and asks Pihu to get up and take bath before Aarav stops water. Pihu says she is sleepy. Suchi says today they cannot miss meeting Anandita. They both walk out and see Aarav sound asleep. Pihu asks to throw water on him. Suchi says he sleeping so peacefully, let us not disturb him. Pihu says she does not trouble Khadoos at all. Gopal smiles and says he knows what is in Suchi’s heart.


Aarav and Suchi’s usual nok jhok starts. He hides her keys. She throws pillows on him. He holds her hand. She says it is not good to hold a girl’s hand. He says sorry. She asks to return her keys. Pihu takes Gopal’s flute and insists him to give her powers. Gopal requests to return it and agrees.Aarav walks out of house towards his car to go to office when he sees cycle instead with a letter she will not spare him if he troubles Bhurbhuri. He fumes that this handwriting is of a child and who this child is. He angrily kicks cycle.Suchi with Pihu reaches hospital and meets Anandita.

Anandita says she never saw Pihu, but she helped her in fighting Pihu’s case and saved her many times, hope she would have seen Pihu anytime. Suchi thinks she can see Pihu, that is why she is attached to her emotionally and is helping her mother. Their discussion continues. Pihu gets emotional.Suchi gets Aarav’s call and leaves. Aarav asks where is his car. She asks what. He says where did she hide his car and who is Bhurbhuri, he got a letter with cycle in place of car. Suchi realizes it is Pihu, says she is coming come and disconnects call. She scolds Pihu. Pihu writes sorry Bhurbhuri on wall and is not seen around. Suchi sees some other girl wearing similar shirt and scolds her. Girl’s mother turns and asks if she needs anything. Suchi rushes towards home. Gopal smiles.

Suchi reaches home and sees Gulgule being punished. He says he did not do anything. Aarav stops her and asks where is his car. She says in backyard. He rushes there and sees car not there and fumes that Suchi tricked him again. Suchi searches Pihu in whole house and goes out searching Pihu. She slips. Gopal comes disguised as a boy and asks to be careful. Suchi again rushes to find Pihu. Gopal asks if she is searching Pihu. She is surprised and asks how does he how. He smiles.


Suchi rushes home and searches Suchi all around. She does not find her except her shoes. She reminisces Krish/Gopal’s words to search Pihu thoroughly all around. She sees shop address on shoes and thinks she may find clue in that shop. She reaches shop and finds it closed. Krish/Gopal comes there and says shop is closed, but she can meet shop keeper and he is going out of city forever via 9 p.m. bus, and if she does not find him, she will never meet Pihu.


Aarav breaks thing in Suchi’s room fuming he will continue until he gets his car. Suchi returns home and sees Aarav breaking things, asks why is he doing this. He says he will continue until he get his car back and asks her to tell who took his car. She says she will tell him later. He locks door from outside and says he will not let her go out until she tells who took his car. She thinks she has to reach shop keeper at any cost and gets out of window via cloth rope. Gopal peeps and says she has to pass many tests to prove her motherhood towards Pihu and has to risk her life.

Suchi gets out, but sees her scooter not starting. She thinks she has to reach shop keeper at any cost and runs. Krish shows her shooper\s address. Suchi reaches shopkeeper’s house and sees it locked from inside. She hears goons torturing shopkeeper to repay their loan, else they will kill him. Suchi knocks door and pleads not to kill shopkeeper. Goons open door. Suchi walks in and warns goons not to harm shopkeeper, else she will file police complaint against them. They laugh and say they will give him poison and he will die slowly within 12 hours in his own house. Pihu thinks if shopkeeper dies, she will not get Pihu’s info. Drama continues

Next: can you see me Friday update



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