Timeless love update Thursday 3 August 2023

Timeless love 3 August 2023: The Episode starts with vidhi showing her resignation to her parents. She tells that they were right that since she has done this job, everything is ruined. She tells that they were happy and peaceful before, today she felt the pain and the insult which Papa was talking about. She tells Hariprasad that he was not wrong, but this job is wrong. He says that’s why I have decided to quit, don’t want to make my parents feel ashamed. Bimla asks her not to take decision fast. She says good things too have happened because of this job, why you are thinking about bad things. She says she shall look the good aspects of her job. Vidhi says she can’t make her parents feel ashamed. Hariprasad asks her to tell if she is responsible for all this. He asks her to swear on his head and say.

Vidhi tells that she has not done anything wrong, she has neither snatched anything from anyone nor hurt anyone. Hariprasad tears her resignation letter, says it is his reply. Vidhi hugs him and cries happily. Bimla asks her to go to office with her head high. Hariprasad offers to drop her to her office. Vidhi goes with him.

Amba tells Chitra that she is feeling bad as whatever happened is because of her. She shouldn’t have involved her and says tension brewed between the siblings due to me. She says in Mahabharat, Amba tried all means to get Devrath, but I can’t do that as your family peace is very important to me. She says sorry and sheds tears. Chitra asks her not to cry and says it is all Dev’s mistake, he is stubborn. She asks her to suggest her what she shall do. She says Dev doesn’t understand anyone’s perspective, loneliness made me changed. Amba tells that they can’t force love and years long wait on Dev. Chitra says you are head on heels with Dev, I have to play Cupid and do something. Dev calls Chitra. Amba asks her to pick his call. Dev gets worried when she doesn’t pick her calls. Amba asks what Priya said.

Vidhi comes to office and thinks why Dev Sir haven’t come to office till now. Sangeeta asks what is she doing here? Vidhi says she thought to see. She asks when he will come? Sangeeta says she doesn’t know and says Abhi Sir might know. Vidhi says I will give coffee to Abhimanyu Sir.

Bimla calls Kanika and tells that they were talking about Vidhi’s alliance. She says we haven’t asked her anything, as she got scholarship from your office for MBA, she can’t marry so soon. She tells that though she likes Arjun a lot, but can’t take decision in a hurry. kanika says it is good that you called, lets see where these kids take their friendship to which level.

Vidhi takes coffee for Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu says he understood Share market due to her. Vidhi asks about Dev. Abhimanyu says Dev Bhai has decided to operate from branch office and he will never come here. He says he said that he feels suffocated in this office. Vidhi asks what does he mean? Abhimanyu says he is CEO and can operate from wherever he can. He says he is aged and shall not take work stress, and shall meditate and do puja. Vidhi tells Abhimanyu that Dev is fit and fine and can defeat Arjun too. She asks him to go and bring him. She tells that she will go and bring him. She says he never refuses her and tells all the incidents when Dev took her side and never refuses her. She tells Abhi that this office is heritage of you both. She says I don’t like when you said that he is aged.

Abhi laughs and says he was joking. He says today he will do work from home. He asks Vidhi if she can convince him for anything. Vidhi says if matter is right and good, and if I try 100 percent then can convince him. He gets a call. Vidhi goes. Dev tells Satyavati that he is going to Chitra’s house, as she is not picking the call. Satyavati says no need to go anywhere, Amba has come to talk. Amba takes off her properties and assests papers and tells that she is ready to leave everything.

Satyavati asking Amba what is it? Amba keeps all her business documents and tells that she is ready to leave everything. She tells that if her work is a hurdle then she is ready to leave it. She says this property and business is worth 800-1000

crores and asks Satyavati if she will give permission for their marriage. Dev is shocked. Vidhi thinks to call Dev and says she shall not call him, he will get upset. Arjun comes there and asks where is she thinking? Vidhi says something is missing in office. Arjun says only Dev is missing and asks if she is missing him. He says we all are missing her and says if he would have been in office, then would have scolded us. He asks her to wear the earrings gifted by him. She thanks him and says until I give you return gift, I can’t wear it. He says you and your rules. She says rules are important. Golden takes their photos/videos as they laugh. Priya looks at the things whatever Amba gave. She says it seems like Amba ji is really serious about Dev, and let go her professional life. She says Amba’s thinking is good and our bad. Satyavati asks Priya to return all those stuff to Amba’s house. Priya says Raichands shall be happy to get the dowry without asking. Dev comes and asks Priya to think what is she saying. He asks her to return the stuff. Abhimanyu says I have promised Chitra. Satyavati says we will not talk about this. Abhimanyu calls Chitra and says he will book luxury car for her. Chitra says I just want it. Abhimanyu says we can’t force Dev Bhai and Maa is with Dev. Chitra says Amba loves Dev so much. Abhimanyu says they are returning Amba’s stuff and says sorry.

Chitra cries seeing the stuff returned by her family. Amba is upset. Chitra apologizes to Amba. Amba says your brother refused your wish. Chitra says don’t know what happened to Dev Bhai. She promises that she will get them married anyhow and hugs her. Amba smiles.

Dev comes to the office and recalls Amba’s words. Yogesh comes there and asks Dev, what did you think about Amba’s proposal? Dev asks who told you? Yogesh says everyone knows about FM proposal. He asks what you thought, that I am asking you about Amba’s marriage proposal. He says your family is mine. He asks him to agree to Amba, and says you will not get girl like her, who is of same standard as him. Dev says I don’t want her. Yogesh says don’t know what happened to Kanika, says she thinks that Vidhi is a perfect marriage material for Arjun. Dev is shocked. Yogesh says Kanika wants Arjun and Vidhi to get married. He says I was shocked and asked Arjun not to think about marriage. Dev says Arjun doesn’t have marriageable age. Yogesh says Arjun is London returned and that jhalli Vidhi, no match. He tells that he told Kanika clearly, that if Arjun hormones are jumping, then he shall take Vidhi out for dinner dates and enjoy, and then they shall separate. He says when I was of Arjun’s age, Vidhi like girls were after me, but I never looked back at them. Dev gets angry. Yogesh says we shall see our standard and class, such girls is for use and throw. Dev shouts Yogesh and grabs his collar. He says Vidhi like girl will not look at you even once and says you are not suitable for her. He says Vidhi saved Kanika when I was firing her. He says you can’t compare yourself to Vidhi’s one gesture. Yogesh asks what happened to you. Dev says Vidhi is very classy than you. Yogesh asks him to calm down. Dev says he can’t tolerate such things about any girl. Yogesh says sorry and goes. Vidhi asks herself to focus else Salary will not come on time.

Vidhi thinks Dev got the same fortune message Gujiya and thinks Milapni devi shall do something so that she can confess her feelings to him. Dev recalls Arjun and Vidhi’s growing friendship and gets upset. He calls her and asks her to come to his cabin. Vidhi thanks Milapni Devi. She says she got the chance to tell her feelings to him.

Next: Timeless love Friday 


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