This is fate update Sunday 8 October 2023

This is fate 8 October 2023: Karan is constantly calling Natasha on the call but she is not answering, he gets in the car after thinking she mentioned lane 55 meanwhile the person has placed Natasha in the car.Shristhi explains Sherlin doesnot have any money but the person who has her hand over her is really wealthy so if they try to take her confession and she is able to then what will happen, Sameer mentions that their plan cannot go wrong hearing which Preeta explains it will go wrong as she has planned every step and she knows that Prithvi cannot also give her such a big amount and if he tries to take it out from the company’s account then they are going to contact her as now anyone cannot even take out a single penny from the account without her permission so she is sure that they would be able to execute their plan.

Karan reaches the location, lane fifty five when he wonders where is Natasha, she calls him from some other number explaining she managed to snatch his mobile so Natasha explains she is in some sort of a warehouse but doesnot know the exact location to which Karan replies they just talked give minutes ago so he is sure that she would be somewhere close, she starts crying explaining she is really scared when he assures he would surely find her.

Shristhi questions when should they call Sherlin to which Preeta replies they would call her now s there is not enough time, she explains that she must first prepare some points as it would be wise decision so she doesnot get confused, Preeta questions what would be the name, Shristhi replies Sherlin hearing which she gets annoyed asking about the name of the person whom she is going to act as, Shristhi suggests Rocky and Sameer also agrees to it, Preeta explains she would act as if Rocky is some low level robber who threw the CD and knows about her intentions, Preeta turns to go out when Sameer stops her but she says they should be able to look at Sherlin as only then would they be able to know if she is actually taking their threats seriously, it can be judged from her body language.

Karan reaches the warehouse where he starts looking for Natasha, she comes running through a pile of boxes with her mouth tapped while her hands are also tied. Karan starts to open the rope when Natasha pushes him away as the kidnapper tries to hit karan, they both start struggling so Karan after pushing him away once again tries to help Natasha but this time he hits karan in the back so Natasha during their struggle, hits him with a suitcase because of which he falls unconscious.

Karan asks her to tie him so they can go to the police station.
Preeta along with Shristhi and Sameer see Sherlin walking in the hall so they call her, She answers it wondering who is the person when Preeta asks if she doesnot get scared after doing such wrong doings, Sherlin tries to end the call saying it is a wrong number, Preeta hurriedly takes the name of Rishab Luthra, mentioning she only acts of being his wife as he knows how she along with prithvi made sure he got locked up in the jail of Dubai when Sherlin replies she will not get scared so easily but Preeta replies she knows the truth and if Sherlin also wants to know it then must come to the hotel tomorrow when she will tell the entire truth, Sherlin leaves after which Preeta says that she got scared and so now her strength would end really soon after which she will get to know the truth, Shristhi questions why did she not ask her for the money at the present moment as they would have to the hotel twice. Preeta asks fi Shristhi thinks she would be able to arrange the money tomorrow as when she finds out that they know the entire truth and she would surely agree to give the money after tomorrow.

The reporters are with the police inspector asking if there is any other news regarding the cricketer when the inspector asks why do they want to know about it as they only thing they care about is the news with which they can earn money just then Karan pushes the person into the police station when the inspector asks what is this, karan reveals the person tried to kidnap Natasha so they must arrest him, the police then start slapping the person who reveals he was the boyfriend of Natasha and got angry when he found out that she is marrying karan, Natasha reveals that it was a long time ago and he would also beat her a lot which is why she left, if he indeed wanted to talk with her then should have at least called his sister but he kidnapped her when Karan apologizes as he did not know that they were a couple but the person tried to kidnap Natasha and they should arrest him, Karan pulls Natasha out of the police station.
Prithvi questions Sherlin what is she saying because this cannot happen as they all just need a chance to earn money but she should not be so tensed, Sherlin explains she is not that mad but prithvi also demands her to call the person asking for the proof when Sherlin replies they are going to go tomorrow at the hotel and he will also accompany her as she will never face anything alone.
Preeta is sitting when the reporter calls her asking if Karan is actually divorcing her to marry someone else, Preeta sees karan and putting the phone on loudspeaker explains that he must say it clearly because she will not comment on it, Preeta warns Karan to clarify because if he doesnot answer then she is going to answer to them.
Rakhi pulls karan away mentioning she wants to talk with him, she takes him to the hall asking about the truth, Rakhi says he is thinking wrong if he is deciding to marry Natasha as he is already married and she knows Preeta is the perfect match for him, karan asks if she is the one saying it when Rakhi questions what wrong has she done when karan replies she has always said that she came for money and even treated them like servants, she also tried to rule on him as she was the one to decide what he eats or drink, Rakhi questions what is wrong in it because Rishab used to do it all and at that time Karan never felt anything was wrong, Rakhi explains Rishab would even take care of his income but now he is feeling bad as today Preeta is handling it, Rakhi exclaims she also feels bad when Preeta says she came for money but if she actually came for the money then would have first given the money to her own family, as their company’s turnover is in tens of millions but Preeta never bought a single piece of jewelry, she always thought good for their family.

They were servants when prithvi ruled on their family as they used to stand but now when she came everything has changed as they have all the meals at the same time, Mahesh jee came out of the basement and even the medicines along with the nurse have changed. And he also got released so they were assured she did not do anything wrong with him, karan exclaims Preeta had not done anything when Rakhi replies she tried her best but she is also not a diety, Karan question why is she taking so much side of Preeta to which Rakhi replies she is his mother and has seen a lot of the world, asking that he saw the layers in the ocean as sometimes they are really strong and at other times calm, this is the life so they must try to take care of the relations, if she also made a mistake then he should forgive her but if he decides to marry Natasha then she would be really furious.
Karan starts smiling which angers Rakhi, Karan exclaims that she is angry while Preeta is also insecure even today that he doesnot marry anyone else, he explains she complained a lot but not once said that he must not think of Natasha, Rakhi questions what does he want to do when he explains he is trying to make sure she stops thinking of the money and turn towards him as he feels this is the only way he would be able to get the old Preeta.
Shristhi suggests that Preeta should tell the entire truth to karan as she feels then he would realize she is the same old Preeta so everything would get better, Preeta replies she told him at the police lockup that she just came for him but he did not believe her so what will change now.
Karan informs Rakhi that he is just doing this all because he wants to make her believe there is nothing more then their love, Rakhi starts smiling. Preeta questions what is the love in which they have to clarify. Karan exclaims they only get married once and he still loves Preeta a lot so doesnot want to lose her, Rakhi and karan hug each other while Sameer starts smiling standing in the corner.

Preeta informs that in love there should not be any need to make someone believe, there should not be a need to make them understand and if there is a need then is it not called love, she mentions even karan does a lot of childish things but she never doubted his love so why does she always have to prove herself, Preeta mentions she doesnot have any chance to think of these things because they only have six days left and she has promised Mahesh papa that she will bring Rishab jee back, Shristhi questions how will she be able to win because of this broken heart when Preeta replies she is going to fight with her heart after this battle, Sameer coming to the kitchen exclaims there is a lot of love between them both, he informs just as she doesnot know his love, he heard Karan saying to Rakhi Chachi that

this whole Natasha scene is just a drama and he really loves her, Preeta exclaims that if this is the case then she is also going to give him a befitting reply, he is thinking of making her jealous but she will not be bothered.
Natasha is with naman when he exclaims, he felt really bad after what happened today because he is a really big fan of Karan Luthra so wanted to take his autograph but what did he got, he then punched him. He questions what is Natasha doing as she is going to marry Karan, Natasha replies that she also loves him a lot and is marrying karan just because of his money, once she gets married then will also bring him after which they are going to live like Sherlin and Prithvi.

Karan is sitting in his room, Preeta enters going to the bed so he asks the number of Pandit jee when Preeta asks if he wants to match their Kundali, she exclaims he can marry her without this ritual because they are the same with their habits, Karan coming to sit on the bed exclaims he felt of revealing the story of Natasha but is going to say it clearly that he knows she really loves him a lot and doesnot want him to be near any other girl other then Preeta, so she should come back from her secret trip after which they would live like the old Karan and Preeta, she thinks how he changed when she did not give him any importance. Preeta informs he can do anything with the guilt, she mentioned that she came back for this family and there is still one person, Rishab jee because he was the one who brought her into this house and was the only one who was calm and honest, she is going to bring him back from any country in the world, Preeta goes to sleep exclaiming he can take the number from Rakhi maa, Preeta thinks she angered him and he really looks good when he is angry.

Sherlin comes to the room of prithvi, he is sleeping so she tries to wake him up but he is about to hit her, she questions how can he sleep so calmly when Sherlin informs she was not able to sleep because what will happen if the person is telling the truth, Prithvi exclaims he told her to not worry as the person doesnot have any proof, Prithvi is shocked to see Kritika standing at the door, she questions why is Sherlin in his room and why is she crying, Prithvi replies she was cutting onion, he sends Kritika away exclaiming that there is an important topic which they are discussing so she needs to leave, Sherlin once again  exclaims what will happen if the person really has the proof, Prithvi informs he assured of coming with her to the hotel where he is going to see the proof after which are they going to assure that they need to be scared, he once again goes to sleep.

In the morning Dadi is having breakfast with Karina and Rakhi when Natasha comes wishing them all, Dadi questions what is going on between her and Karan as she is constantly hearing the news, Natasha tries to explain herself when Karan assures there is nothing going on, they both are just friends and lie for each other’s sake but the problem is that the reporters are always there to make the news about it, Natasha assures he is telling the truth when karan sees Preeta walking down the stairs so he immediately gets close with Natasha  asking if he can take her for lunch when Rakhi questions why does he never ask her for accompanying her to the restaurant. Karina looks at her when she exclaims, she is talking about the restaurant. Preeta receives a call from Shristhi who explains that she has reached the hotel room with Sameer and have prepared everything when she must come before time since they have to get ready. Preeta leaves when Karan wonders why did she leave even when he created such a big scene, he plans to give her a big shock.

Preeta questions Janki explaining she doesnot need her help however Janki replies she is going to sit in the corner and if they need her help then she is going surely help them, Preeta agrees when Janki sees Sherlin standing in front of her, she informs Preeta who reveals a secret plan to her, she follows Sherlin inside the hotel where she secretly places a knife in her purse, after which she informs the security women who  checks Sherlin, she replies that she doesnot own this knife and has no idea how it came to her purse. Preeta manages to rush inside with Sherlin notices, Janki replies she is going to go outside and keep an eye of Prithvi.

Sameer calls Prithvi threatening him of a severe beating, this angers Prithvi to the extent that he challenges Sameer to come in front of him when they will have a battle, Sameer however irritates him till the time Preeta reaches the room before ending the call, Prithvi sits in the car, Janki exclaims he would be thinking that he won but in reality he was made a fool.

Preeta rushes to change her clothes when Sherlin rings the bell, Shristhi exclaims Preeta di is not even ready now, they both hide when Sherlin enters asking why is it so dark, Preeta in the changed voice exclaims he knows what she has done to Rishab Luthra and he has also seen the video, Preeta throws the disk as the proof and asks for twenty crores from Sherlin, she replies she doesnot have that kind of money, Preeta threatens that if she is not able to arrange the money then she will take the proof to the Luthra’s who will do anything for their son Rishab, she scares Sherlin away before turning in her disguise of a criminal.

Next: this is fate Monday 


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