The insolent heart update Thursday 20 January 2022

The insolent heart update Thursday 20 January 2022


The insolent heart 20 January 2022: Episode starts with Meher thinking about Abeer’s challenge that he will win her in just 8 days, and will prove that she is wrong and still loves him, else he will not show his face to her. She drinks water tensedly. Akshat comes to her room. Meher asks him to come. She asks what happened? Didn’t you get sleep? Akshat says he was sleeping, but then got a dream. He says he was playing with Ishaan when someone came and took Ishaan away from him. Meher says it will not happen and says Ishaan is yours also. Akshat says he don’t want Abeer’s reflection to fall on him. Meher asks for 8 days and says she will prove to Abeer that what matters to her is Akshat and Ishaan. Akshat says I trust you, but don’t trust him. Meher says Abeer is badtameez, but he will not do anything wrong. She asks fo 8 days. Akshat gives her 8 days and asks her to keep Ishaan away from the drama. Meher nods yes.

Abeer comes to Meher house and sings Le Jayenge Dilwale……………and greets Suman. Meher comes. Abeer sits for breakfast, and says he thought to do breakfast as they are going to office. Meher says I know you well, and says I am ready to go to office with you then why you are doing this. Abeer says he was doing good morning. Akshat comes. Abeer asks if he slept yesterday night. Akshat says yes and sits down. Devki tells Meher, why did you come in Abeer’s talk and says what nonsense. Abeer says it is his magic and says it is Khawosense, and says whoever is not having common sense will not understand. Akshat asks why he is in a hurry to take his girl friend to office? Meher goes to get ready. Abeer asks her to come fast. He tells Akshat that Meher is also excited to go with him. Akshat says Meher is used to him since 8 years and says lets see until when she will be with you. Abeer laughs and calls him monkey indirectly. He tells you might be worried as your fiance is going with me. He calls Suman and asks him to bring something more to eat. Suman brings breakfast. He eats sandwiches and sings Le Jayenga again irking Akshat.

Meher and Abeer come out of her house. Meher asks what he is doing and says nothing will change if he takes her to his house. Abeer says I believe that we have to make a new start from the place where we have done a first mistake and shall rectify it from the same place. Meher says everything is history for me and there will no effect on our chemistry. I am over it now. Abeer says history repeats itself, and asks her to come.Kuber tells Madhavi that whenever Abeer pleads infront of Meher, then it is his insult. Madhavi says don’t you think Abeer shall get Meher. Kuber says you are Abeer’s mum, and doesn’t bother about Meher rejection. He says love should be two sided and says Abeer will yearning in love.

Madhavi says Abeer was at fault, and says she can understand being woman. She says Meher was hurt and it was difficult to love him again, but I am sure that he will win her. kuber thinks Madhavi has gone mad like their son, but he is still in his senses. Madhavi gets a message and she smiles.Meher and Abeer comes home. Madhavi stops them and does the aarti. Meher recalls her grah pravesh after marriage and gets emotional. Madhavi tells her that it is a blessing, aarti and mum’s blind faith. She asks them to come inside. Meher greets Kuber. Abeer tells her that he wants to show her something and holds her hand. Meher stops her and says she can come by herself. Abeer says okay. Meher tells him that if he tries to get physical with her then she will leave. Abeer says I am not that bad. He takes her in his room. Meher sees their photos with family, and says it is decorated well. She says mom must have decorated the room.

Abeer says he has decorated it. Meher doesn’t believe him. Abeer shows her book and says he is ready the book, how to be a better husband and says it has romantic ideas. Meher laughs. Abeer says he will do what she feels good. He says he has many demerits, but he can improve. Meher says you have changed my mood. Abeer says I have realized what I have lost after losing you. He says you also love me and I have to make you realize that you also loves me. He drinks something and falls unconscious. She looks at the bottle and sees poison written on it. She panics and shouts Maa. Abeer gets up and asks her to calm down. Meher cries and says it was a bad joke.Tasha comes to the office and asks about Abeer. Receptionist tells that he will not come today. She goes to Kuber’s cabin, and asks what is the matter. Kuber says he can’t talk infront of Abeer and asks if she and abeer are still friends. Tasha says yes. Kuber tells that Abeer doesn’t hold me in high regard unfortunately. He says Abeer is my only son and I love him very much. I can’t see him broken. He tells Abeer married Meher 8 years ago and I was against it. He says may be I was wrong, Meher and Abeer loved each other very much. He says Meher returned to Abeer’s life again and Abeer has fallen for her again. He says this time I am not wrong, I am seeing Abeer’s efforts and Meher is breaking his heart. She says Meher is busy with her engagement. Tasha asks if there is anything which I can do for them. Kuber says you are good friend of Abeer. He says Abeer is broken after Nisar left, and says you have to support him as a friend. Tasha promises to take care of Abeer. Kuber says I feel that you shall have become my bahu.

Tasha looks on. Sasha telling Kuber that she will always be there for Abeer and asks him not to worry. Kuber says I always felt that you would have become our bahu. Sasha gets uncomfortable. Kuber apologizes and asks her to be with Abeer as his friend. Sasha agrees and asks where is he right now? Kuber says he is at home with Meher? Sasha goes. Kuber smiles at his plan. Rathi comes and asks about the reason for his smile. Kuber tells her that Sasha will make Meher’s game over and will become his trumpcard. He says Meher will not know it. Abeer gives water to Meher as she is crying. He says what would have happened if I had poison really. Meher says anybody would have cried in this situation and says it was a sick joke. Abeer promises her that he will not joke with her. He asks her to accept that she loves him. Meher says I don’t love you, but I care for you a lot and don’t feel for you like that. Abeer asks what shall I do for you, shall I expose, or strip for you. He gets close. Meher asks him to move away. Abeer says you will come close to me soon. Madhavi comes and asks them to have food. Abeer says he will serve lunch for the two most important ladies in his life. Madhavi smiles. Meher looks on.


Devki asks Akshat when will Meher come back? Akshat nods no. Devki says you should have stopped her. Akshat says you are her bahu and should have stopped her. She asks him to call Meher, but Meher doesn’t pick the call. Akshat says she might be busy. Abeer brings gravy dish, and it falls from his hand. Abeer asks Meher not to cut his marks and tells everything is falling from his hands. Meher and Madhavi smiles.Ishaan comes to Akshat and asks him to make science project. Akshat says I am busy now and will do in the night. Ishaan insists and says he has to watch cartoon in the night. Akshat loses his cool and gets angry at Ishaan. He says don’t you understand that I am busy right now, and will do project in the night. Ishaan cries. Akshat apologizes to him. Devki and Akshat follow him. Ishaan locks the door and cries. Akshat asks him to open the door. Ishaan picks his tap and sends audio message.


Madhavi talks about Abeer. Meher talks about Ishaan and says he is very possessive about her. She asks Abeer to get her phone from his room. Abeer calls servant and asks to bring Meher’s phone. Abeer tells Meher that she has to eat icecream. He goes to bring it. Meher gets her phone and sees Akshat’s 11 missed calls and Ishaan’s audio message. She is shocked to hear that Akshat shouted at Ishaan. She tells Madhavi that Akshat never shouts at Ishaan and says something happened surely. She says I have to leave, and says my issues are affecting my s on. Madhavi looks on surprisingly. Meher is about to leave. Abeer comes and asks where she is going? Meher apologizes to him and says she can’t do this. Madhavi thinks Meher might be hiding something and wonders about her relation with Ishaan. Meher calls for auto on the road. Abeer asks did I do anything wrong. Meher says she can’t ruin her life. Abeer asks for a chance. Meher explains to him that she has moved on and asks him to forget her and move on. Mere Nishan song plays…………Abeer holds her and asks to say by looking in his eyes. They stare each other. Just then Akshat comes in his car and takes Meher with him. Abeer looks on.

Meher comes home. Devki informs her that Ishaan is not listening to them and have closed the room. Meher knocks on the door and asks him to open the door. Ishaan opens the door and says Papa. Meher tells him that Akshat loves him. Akshat apologizes to him and promises never to shout at him. Meher holds her necks and says she will never leave him alone. Akshat tells Ishaan that they will play video game. Ishaan goes. Meher tells that it is all over between Abeer and her, and says she will never go to him. Akshat says it is okay. Ishaan tells Akshat that he will play game first. Akshat says it is cheating and takes her. Abeer thinks about his romance with Meher, and then imagines Meher with Akshat. She recalls Meher’s words asking him to move on, and breaks the glass angrily. Just then Sasha comes and comforts him. She asks what happened? Why you are crying? Abeer hugs her and cries. He says Meher is leaving her and he is unable to stop her. He says I will die. Sasha says this phase will end soon. Abeer cries again hugging her.Meher tells Suman that she is fed up of fighting with life, and says why Abeer came back to my life again. She cries and hugs Suman asking her to give reply to her questions. Suman asks her to question her heart. Meher says I will go mad thinking about this, and says I have moved on. She says she has home, Ishaan, Akshat, you all, and asks then why I am not happy still. She asks if you have answer for my questions. Devki says I have answers for your questions. She says at one side is Abeer, and other side is Akshat. She says time has come to take a decision. Meher says yes, you are right and thinks to end this game.

Next: the insolent heart Friday Update



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