Wedding planners update Thursday 20 January 2022

Wedding planners update Thursday 20 January 2022


Wedding planners 20 January 2022: The Episode starts with KT making sure Kirti has no problems. Vishal comes to school. He argues with Preeti. The girl gets scared. Preeti asks him not to fight. She asks the girl Preeti to go with her dad. Vishal insists Preeti to come along. The girl cries and goes. Preeti says there would be someone from my past to make me meet myself. KT is in the car. Her file papers fly over and stick to his car window. KT sees her poetry and gets the paper. He reads it. Vishal worries seeing the fee structure. He gets angry on Mohi. He says I have no status to get your admission done here. KT comes and sees him scolding his daughter. Vishal argues and asks him to get lost. KT says I was also the same, frustrated, then I understood that I was angry on myself, talk to your daughter well. Vishal asks him to get out. Principal looks on. KT and Vishal have a fight. KT says sorry to the girl and leaves.

Shikha’s mum asks for lunch. Preeti serves the lunch. She says don’t know what’s happening in the school. Vishal and Preeti come home. Preeti does the tilak to her and hugs. Little Preeti cries. She complains about Vishal. Preeti worries. Vishal argues with Preeti. Preeti says I wanted the girl to have a life of esteem, you can scold me, don’t tell anything to Preeti, I had promised Shikha, Preeti is more than my daughter, I will always be her mum, if you think I m a burden, you may think of anything.Vishal says she snatched my wife, she wants to snatch my daughter. Kushala asks Kirti to come and have food. Kirti demands other dish. KT pampers Kirti. Kushala gets upset. Preeti wears a costume and dances for the girl. The girl says I didn’t get admission. Preeti says I will get your admission there, pinky promise. She hugs the girl and makes a prayer that she fulfills her promise.

Its morning, KT reads Preeti’s poetry on the radio show. She gets shocked. She checks her papers. She says my poem… KT says I want to thank the person who wrote such a beautiful poem, identity is from you, find yourself in yourself, what’s the need of the identity who someone else gives you, you are your own sky, right. Preeti says everything will be fine. She says I feel I have some old relation with you, I have heard you first, I feel like your words are to make my problems easy, thanks retro Rangila.

Principal’s son gets stomach ache. Preeti comes. Principal says we can’t help you. Preeti says calm down, you give admission to staff’s children right, I took the staff’s job in the school. Principal says sorry, I like your efforts, but we can’t ignore Vishal’s behavior. Preeti asks is he your son. She greets Shaurya. She says your mum is a rockstar, become like your mum, child makes future on own, we should help children, don’t snatch the chance from the child. Principal says fine, Preeti will study here, staff children fees is 10000rs.KT sees Preeti’s pic and talks to her. He says mom thinks I m spoiling Kirti, I m giving her much love. Preeti joins the school staff. KT says show me how a mum saves a child from spoiling. Preeti sees Kirti crying. Kirti is hurt. Preeti says nothing will happen. She also acts to cry. She does aid to Kirti. KT says meet Kirti and tell me if I have raised her well.  Preeti getting food for Kirti. Kirti throws the noodles. She insults Preeti. Preeti takes her keychain and says clean this up, don’t be stubborn. Kirti refuses and says my Papa is the world’s best Papa, I will get you punished.

Preeti says I will see that later, I will throw the keychain. Kirti cleans the food from the floor. She comes home and complains to KT about Preeti. He gets angry and says I will get that helper fired, who is she to punish you. Preeti says you got the admission in Shikha’s school. Little Preeti says I wish we could celebrate, I know we have no money. Preeti gets halwa and makes cake of it.She makes the girl cut the cake. Vishal comes. Preeti asks him to have prasad, Preeti got the admission in school. Vishal gets upset. He goes to his room. He calls to get some job. He says I will do any job, I will manage, don’t worry, I have to earn a lot of money. KT and Preeti come to the school. Kirti says so this girl is the helper’s daughter, I will not leave her. She drops some glue on the floor and goes away to hide. Preeti doesn’t fall there. Kirti makes her tiffin fall down. She says your mumma asks us to clean the food ourselves, you do it now. The other girl stops her. Kirti says the helper is her mumma, she works in the school.


Kirti falls down by stepping on the glue. The kids laugh. KT complains to the principal about Kirti. He says call the helper right away, I want to meet her. Principal asks peon to call Mohi. KT says I want her out of the school. Preeti comes to help the girls.Kirti’s skirt gets torn. Preeti says I will stitch it. Peon comes and says principal is calling you. Preeti asks can we talk to her mum. Peon says she doesn’t have a mother, KT’s love spoilt her. Peon comes. Principal says just call Mohi. Mohi stitches the skirt and says I m doing what your mom would do. Kirti says I have no mum. Preeti says I don’t know myself, I m finding happiness, your mom would be around you, take your skirt. Kirti cries. Preeti gives her skirt. Kirti asks helper to get another skirt for her.


KT says I want that woman out of the school, take her out of here. He goes. Preeti comes. She doesn’t see him. Preeti and her daughter come home. A football comes towards her. The boy says you can’t play, leave it. She kicks the football and scolds him. She says don’t know what does KT think, I would have hit on his head. She sees Shikha’s mum. Aunty says you left the job in one day. Preeti says someone got me fired. Aunty asks what will we do of Preeti’s fees. Preeti says we need to pay 30000 in two weeks. Vishal says its impossible. Preeti says we will work out something. He asks will any magic happen, stop giving her false hopes. Preeti makes a call to get KT’s number. She says I have to bring someone to senses.Its morning, Priyanka feeds sweets to Sneha. They all are happy and celebrate holi. Vishal is also working as a servant. Neil and Kushala ask servants to take the cartons out, it has pictures. Vishal doesn’t see Preeti’s pic. KT sees him and asks him to keep the things back. Vishal says I m asked to throw these junk. KT asks him to get out. Vishal says if I knew its my house, then I would have not come. Preeti says he isn’t answering my calls. Kushala asks KT to see, Preeti won’t come back. KT says enough, Preeti will come back. She says Preeti is dead, its better you understand this soon. He says Preeti will come back, its my faith. Preeti hires an auto to go to Tibrewal house.

Next: wedding planners Friday Update



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