The insolent heart 10 January 2022: Meher tells Abeer that she told him repeatedly that she does not want to talk to him. He says when she stopped him, he stopped. She says she remembers and says after marriage, when she pleaded him to not leave her, he failed and left her and after divorced, he tricked and stayed. He asks what he should do to stop her and says if she has problem with her, he will not trouble her and takes music’s promise. She asks him not to create more problems and she did mistake by joining this office. He says she will see him only on TV from here on and he will inform staff that their boss is not going. Meher says she is going finally and he should stop forcing her.
Abeer angrily walks out. Satish asks if Meher agreed. He angrily says no. Satish says if his channel’s CEO leaves, his profit will come down from 100 crores to 20 croes. He says he considers Abeer as his brother and son and he should do something. Abeer breaks things and says his own children don’t listen to him, then how will he.Rathi goes to Meher’s cabin with teary eyes. Meher asks what happened and if she is thinking about Nissar. He left without informing for a new job and she could not reach him over phone and asks she is in contact with him. Rathi thinks Meher is very manipulative and is making drama as if she does not know anything, but however she acts, truth is Nissar left because of her and Meher and she will never forgive them both. Meher asks what happened. Rathi nods nothing .
Abeer apologizes Satish for overreacting. Satish say he is his rockstar and can hynotize anyone and make them dance on his tunes. Abeer says he needs Meher more than him, but she is more egoistic than him, so he should find out another CEO. Meher is trying to go away from him, but he will love her so much that she will come back to tell him not to love her. Satish praises her and asks him to make sure his channel’s profits don’t drop. Abeer says if that happens, he will not take his salary. Meher comes and says Satish his office’s 3 month’s experience is more than any work experience for her and thanks him. Abeer says everone brags during farewell and suddenly she is praising Sattu sir. She says Satish bye and then to staff. She turns back and looks at Abeer. Abeer asks if she really has to go. She stands silently for a few seconds and then leaves.
At bar, Abeer drinks heavily and asks waiter which place is this. Waiter says it is a 2-star bar at a highway. Abeer says when man’s heart breaks, he loses everything and asks waiter to continue pouring alcohol in his glass. A singer comes with guitar and tells he is singing Pancham da’s song. He sings Kya hua tera waada….song.. Abeer says not bad. A few men on table order tandoori chicken and scold waiter for keeping AC low. One of them gets his boss’s message to send sales number. All 3 continue creating nuisance and singer gets disturbed. He then says he is singing a song which was sung on radio. He sings Abeer’s song..Neend udi thi meri raaton ki jo dur tu gayi..Men continue disturbing. Singer gets more disturbed and starts scolding them that they are corporate dogs, don’t have even fan at their houses and are scolding waiters for AC, etc..Manager tries to stop him. Men ask who is he. He continues scolding. Abeer laughs and interferes. Manager calls him appendix and asks if he came to increase sale with his singing or decrease it by his fights. Singer says he is an artist and will not tolerate nonsense.
Manager says he will sue him. Singe says he is hire by his boss and not by him and asks him to go and beg tips from customers. Abeer laughs and asks him to apply pause button and asks why is his name Appendix. He says in school, his friends thought he is waste like appendix and in college also words spread, in frustration he changed his profile name as appendix. Abeer says he learnt new word corporate chomu from him. Appendix says even he is corporate chomu and sings as passion. Abeer offers him drinks. Inebriated appendix asks who is he. He says he is Abeer and does what he would be interested in. Appendix asks what is it. Abeer introduces himself to new friend Appendix as Abeer Malhotra and work he would. Appendix starts his blah blah.. that usually a person manages both work and signing with great difficulty and also has to manage to girlfriend’s tantrums. Abeer asks what type he is. Appendix says he got a girlfriend, so he had to take up corporate job and when he did not get personal satisfaction, he started singing hiding from his wife. Abeer asks why hiding. He says his girlfriend does not like his singing, so he signs here hiding and asks what is he doing here. Abeer says there is a girl..
Appendix says he understood and says without girls life is tasteless and with them, it is horrible. Abeer nods yes. Appendix continues god made Adam and then made Eve to trouble him. Abeer then starts his story that he married 8 years ago and divorced within a few months, the story’s conflict is he married the girl whom he loved and divorced her and same girl stuck him after 8 years and he again started loving her. Appendix asks him to get himself treated as he is having suicidal tendency. Abeer says she does not love him at all, 8 years ago due to immaturity they could not stay together and now she does not want to stay with him. Appendix says girls like donkeys. Abeer asks if he is a donkey. Appendix says he is donkey, dog, etc.. and sometimes even honey, shona…He continues and says girls are always right and then says he has a lot of ego. Abeer asks what he means. Appendix says he is not a donkey, so his marriage broke and suggests him to imagine himself as donkey in front of his girl, then s he will not go away from him.
He then says he will leave now as he ahs to drop his girlfriend to college in the morning. Abeer says he will drop him and takes him near car. Appendix asks if he can control car. Abeer says he can control anything except his girl and her aunt, they made his life like a daily soap. They both then piss on tree and Appendix says he made him drink so much that this tree will burn by morning. Abeer asks if he will help him. Appendix asks what he has to do. Abeer says if he will do kidnapping.Abeer and Appendix reach Meher’s building and see watchman sound asleep. Appendix picks a small bag and says they will kidnap the girl in this and then ask ransom. Abeer likes idea and hugs him. They both then reach outside Meher’s apartment and Appendix asks weight of girl, if they can carry her. Abeer says she is very light. Appendix asks her height and if they can carry in lift. Abeer asks if he was a trailor and says he does not have to stitch clothes but to kidnap. Abeer then rings bell.
Appendix says door has to be broken, moves a back and runs to break it. Devki opens door just then and he falls on her. She sees Abeer and asks why did he come here inebriated and who is this specimen. Appendix asks if this is the girl and they both tie her hands and mouth. Abeer asks to bring some cloth. Appendix takes Tunnu’s bedsheet. Tunnu awakens and asks who is he. Appendix says his dreams and Tunnu falls asleep again. They both then wrap Devki in blanket and drop her in car. Abeer says he will not free Devki until Meher cancels her resignation.Appendix hears Devki shouting and asks when will she stop. Abeer asks him to bring chloroform from medical store and he leaves. Devki sees Abeer’s mobile and picks it. Appendix goes to medical store and thinks how to tell chemist that he needs chloroform. He asks if he has one that numbs body. Chemist says a lot of people buy it and gives con**m packets instead.
Devki searches Meher’s name, but does not find it. She then enters number and name comes as Baby. Devki thinks she will teach him a lesson. Meher sees Abeer’s call and thinks why is he calling at this time. Devki says it is her and says Abeer has gone mad and has kidnapped her. Meher asks where is she now. Devki opens door and leaves. Abeer sees car door open and panics.
Next: the insolent heart Tuesday Update