If a story is good we become interested in the author. Same can be said of telemundo series that leave lasting impression on its viewers. Anyone can call themself a writer but not everyone can pull high TV ratings and followership consistently like Valentina Parraga.
A good telenovela is not just about the romance, I look forward to its conflicts, suspense, good and detailed characters, interweb of plots and sub plots and how all these elements are synchronised into a perfect TV series that you just can’t wait to watch.

Valentina is the creative writer (sometimes adapts) for hit Telemundo series such as The boss (2011), My Heart Beats for Lola (2013), Eva la Trailera (2015), Anita, do not worry! (2004), Queen of the South (2011) And more recently Blood and wine (2017).
Just like Julie Plec in CW, Valentina Parraga is a woman who is not afraid to put her creativity into life regardless of her age. A perfect example of the saying that life begins at 50, she is currently 65!

Things you probably didn’t know about her:
She is originally from Caracas, Venezuela and not Mexico. She attended Andres Bello Catholic University, Venezuela and was born 26 November 1952.
She had worked for other TV networks such as Venezuelan Television, RCTV and Venevision before coming to work at Telemundo.
The TV series she’s worked on till date include:
Original stories
Venezuelan Television
My Brother Juan de Dios (1982)
Blood and wine (2017/18)
Eva the Trailer (2015/16)
Anita, do not worry! (2004/05)
Negra consentida (2004/2005) adaptation by: Henry HerrerIntimate rags (2002/03)
Viva la Pepa (2000/2001)
Painted face (1999/2000)
Pampered girl (1998)
Sweet enemy (1995/96)
María Celeste (1994)
The lady (2016/17) Original by Rómulo Gallegos
Los miserables (2014/15) Original by Víctor Hugo
La patrona (2013) Original by José Ignacio Cabrujas and Julio César Mármol
My heart insists on Lola Volcán (2011) Original by Julio Jiménez
The Queen of the South (2011), together with Roberto Stopello Original by Arturo Pérez Reverte
Doña Bárbara (2008/09
For loving you so much (1992/93) Original by Vivel Nouel
Beautiful (1991/92) Original by Alicia Barrios
World of beasts (1991) Original by Ligia Lezama
Inés Duarte, secretary (1990/91) Original by Alicia Barrios
Her social profiles include:
Our final words.. . ☺
Telemundo is just as good as the army of creative brains working with it. What would the world look like without a Valentina Parraga?