Once there was a king 3 January 2022: Laksh was angry in the corridor challenging Gayatri.Gayatri takes blessings from everyone, Kokilla says she has taken huge responsibility. Gayatri says she will return in time. She comes to Bari Rani maa, Bari Raani maa reminds her to keep her Aanchal on her head, it takes respect of Amirkot. Her respect is now Amirkot’s respect, she must never forget it. Gayatri says alright.Laksh bribes his man and tells him to remove Gayatri’s saree, and snatch her respect.
Gayatri comes to Rana ji and says that a husband comes to take his wife back. She will watch his way, smiles and turns to leave. She stops as she turns away, her dupatta had been stuck in the watch of Rana ji. She looks at it, Rana ji removes it. Gayatri smiles and leaves. Rana ji thinks he will never come to take her.
In the car, Gayatri spoke to her brother about the dinner. Her brother appreciated her for her act. Gayatri has tears in her eyes, her brother tells her not to shed tears and asks what else she has to do. Her brother was worried how she will do this? Gayatri says she will do it all, she just has to get back home till evening to compile all the work.In the royal palace, Bari Raani maa says he promised that girl to marry, but not to keep her as his wife. She has seen him burn in the fire as he married Gayatri. This wedding was a trade.
Laksh’s men throw needles in the way of Gayatri’s car. They get worried.
Rana ji asks what she means. Bari Raani maa says that when it was about his wedding with Surakshna he was so happy.
She says that when a relation is tied at will it is like a necklace but when it is against will it stings like needles.A man comes there towards the car and asks Gayatri’s brother that he knows a man who will repair his car. Gayatri forbids her brother who say they will walk to home. The man watches Royal guards arriving, Gayatri says she hasn’t become a Rani now and will go by foot. The men say her respect has been saved today but not for many days.
Bari raani maa says to Rana ji that he can’t hide anything from her, she can see that he doesn’t want to fulfil the Pagphera ritual. Rana ji says he is doing his resposiblity. Bari Rana maa says he is a prince and has to change the past.
He doesn’t have to indulge in these petty issues, he doesn’t need to go to take Gayatri from her home. Yashoda brings a crown, Bari Rani maa says this is Raani’s crown. They are Raja and Rani, they must fulfil the big rituals and not worry about the petty ones. She leaves. Yashoda says to Rana ji that Raaj Mata has called him and wants to know when he will go to bring Gayatri.At royal palace, Gayatri tells everyone about the royal dinner dramatically. Bhabi says she didn’t take good by taking the responsibility of the royal dinner. Maa also says that how she will do this much of work. Gayatri says she isnt alone, there is a huge staff. She says she is doing this all for him, and awaits him to take her back.
Rana ji says to Raaj mata he doesn’t want to go to bring her back. He says he has sold himself for the welfare of Amirkot. He says that today she will get the crown and all the rights of Surakshna’s place but as a wife, she will never get Surakshna’s place. He says she can send his car to bring her back, he won’t go. Raaj Mata says that the ritual isnt fulfilled this way if he doesn’t go, she asks what she will think and feel. Rana ji asks if she only cared before placing the photo of Gayatri how he would feel? He says that Raaj mata knows well he didn’t put in sindoor in Gayatri’s head partition, nor he will. He leaves telling Raaj Mata to send his car, people will think he went himself.
Rana ji asks Raaj mata to send his car to pick Gayatri. Bari Rani maa heard this all, he comes to Raaj mata and taunts if Raam ji didn’t hear Kaushalya, there is a Kalyug. Raaj mata says if a mother in law is like hers, it is Maha Kalyug. Bari Raani maa asks how she will bring her daughter in law back, she has lost. Raaj Mata says whether Rana ji wants it or not, she will get Pagphera done.
Gayatri was waiting for Rana ji at home. Maa comes there and taunts Gayatri saying she remembers a poetry about waiting. Gayatri says there is nothing like that. Maa says he will come soon, she is treating her mother as a step. The kids come to Gayatri asking her to speak to them. Gayatri giggles them both, kids ask Gayatri to go out and ride a cycle. Maa comes there and says no one will go out for cycling, she tells the kids that Gayatri is now a Rani as well, and Raani don’t ride cycle. Maa leaves, Gayatri promises to play with kids for some time only.
The goons waited for Gayatri outside her house.In the palace, Kunwar ji tells Kokilla that Laksh wants to take revenge from Gayatri of his disrespect. Laksh comes and says this time he will punish Gayatri in a way that no one will call her Raani again. Gayatri was doing cycling, kids ran behind her cycle. Goons were also doing cycling.
Maa was worried at home about Gayatri. Royal servants came and an announcement about Raaj Mata’s arrival is made. Maa welcomes Raaj Mata. Maa asks about Rana ji, Bhabis ask how will the ritual be fulfilled without Rana ji. Maa was worried about Gayatri.
Gayatri rode the cycle, kids followed her. Someway ahead the good took up Gayatri and shut her mouth. Gayatri says they don’t know who she is. They say they know she is Raani. Gayatri says she has nothing to give them. The goons ask her to give her clothes to them, he ask if she will do it herself or they will have to do it themselves. Gayatri slaps one of them and run, the goons follow her. Gayatri shouts for help. The men finally get Gayatri, one of them slaps her on face and orders his men to snatch her clothes. Gayatri says they must first think that their mother is also a woman. She grabs a stone and deters them to come forward.
They hear horses arriving towards them. Gayatri is shocked.Raaj Mata tells Gayatri’s family to see whom she has brought with her. She calls him inside.Rana ji stops his horse near to Gayatri, Gayatri is elated and drops the stone. The men run away.
Laksh enters Gayatri’s house.Rana ji comes to Gayatri who smiles, he offers his hand which she holds and rides the horse. He asks if she is fine. She nods and says she had a belief that he will come for sure. Rana ji says if there is an attack on Rani Gayatri Devi, it will be on Rana Indravadhan’s respect and it is his duty to defend their respect.
Raaj Mata says to Maa that if a husband can’t come in Pagphera ritual, a brother in law comes to take the bride back home. She says Rana ji had to go to meet Mr. Wilkinson’s so Laksh has come. Kids run into the home and announces that Gayatri has gone missing, she was riding the cycle in front of them. Laksh resassures Raani ji must be back, and thinks he just wanted to see that proud girl, else he isn’t interested in helping Rana ji. Rana ji announces that Rani Gayatri is with him and enters the home with Gayatri. Everyone is shocked to see Gayatri’s condition. Laksh is left open eyed.
Gayatri explains that she went outside with kids, some goons followed her. Rana ji came there in time and saved her. Rana ji thinks he wants to save himself from her, fate brings him here again and again. Had Rani Gayatri not gone out without her guards, he won’t have to come here.
In the palace, Bari Raani maa asks Gayatri how dare he went outside without her guards, neither is she in this age nor in this position. Jewellery is there to keep them in safe, not to be shown on streets. She is the most expensive jewellery of the palace, from today if she will even breath will be with her permission. Bari raani maa leaves.
Kunwar ji grabs Laksh’s neck, and says had he been successful he must have lost his head. He tells him to do someth ing for not letting a heir be born to Rana ji.
Kokilla stops Kunwar, and says Laksh will work with him from now. She tells them about a herb and says by eating it, Gayatri will lose her conscious.Rana ji was playing shooting game. He thinks about the faces of the people who tried to misbehave with Gayatri. He thinks Gayatri had been attacked, and no one other than Kunwar ji can do this. But he needs to prove it. Gayatri passes through the hall, watching the long moustache security man she laughs out. Rana ji asks if she thinks this is funny. He drags her to him and asks her to take an aim, he helps her with the gun.
Gayatri only looks at Rana ji, he asks her to take an aim and shoot. He reminds her it is there in front, shoot Raani Gayatri. Gayatri hides her head in his chest as soon as the Rana ji pulls the trigger. He says if her own hands shiver she shouldn’t have made fun of him. He takes a real gun and blow all the bottles. Gayatri stands, her ears shut down. He tells the security guard to teach her shooting.Kokilla watches Gayatri and thinks there will be more fun in a few days. Kunwar ji comes there, he compliments her ring.
Kokilla says she knows he is saying this only because this ring contains the herb that will let Gayatri go crazy for a little time only. Rana ji comes there, Kunwar ji asks if he has come to look for the preparations. Rana ji says he was thinking about all the attackers, he thinks if the attackers are taking his silence as weakness. He doesn’t react only because he had promised his father to keep the family united, but at that time he was Kunwar Indravadhan, now he is Rana Indravadhan. He has now promised to protect his Rani as well, he must forget the promise of a son now and be a Rana ji. Kokilla asks Kunwar ji that Rana ji deterred him, won’t he do anything. Kunwar ji says someone else can do their work as well, Mr. Wilkinsons.
Gayatri was passing by the corridor when she stops at the photo of Rana ji. She sends the men inside the kitchen and thinks that Rajputs get angry at once. She watches a man cleaning the swords and goes to take the sword from him. The servant tells her that this is a special and the most favorite sword of Rana ji. She assures she will clean it well. Gayatri takes the sword to kitchen with her. The cook is afraid why Gayatri brought sword with her, Gayatri smiles that this isnt for him and keeps it aside. Raaj mata comes to ask Gayatri why she isnt ready yet.
Kokilla comes there and says Gayatri is hungry since morning, she tells a cook to prepare juice for Gayatri, then goes to prepare a glass for herself and mixes the herb in her ring. Gayatri finishes the glass at once. Raaj Mata asks Gayatri to come with her. Gayatri thinks she will clean the sword once she returns.Laksh, who was stalking Gayatri comes to take the sword in his hands and smiles.Rana ji comes down to take his seat in the hall. Mr. Wilkinson arrives with Kunwar ji. Swarna and Gayatri come downstairs together. Mr. Wilkinsons comments that the new Rani is a common girl, she must be really lucky for them.
Kunwar ji asks Mr. Wilkinson’s if he has forgotten he met her on Raaj Mata’s birthday as well, she can really be dangerous for him. Mr. Wilkinson’s remembers his insult in hands of Gayatri. Kunwar ji says that she is from common people and will speak the language of common men. It can cost British government a lot.Gayatri at once feels dizzy. Kokilla thinks her herb has started to work, she comes to ask Swarna to get her a glass of water. Swarna says she will bring it herself. Kokilla says to Gayatri that today it is her crowning ceremony, what is a British doing here and who is he to stamp her position in the palace.
They have stolen everything from India, she wants someone in their country who can show these British their right place. Kokilla comes to Kunwar ji, he asks if something happened. Kokilla says the herb has started to show its action, she won’t herself know what she is saying.
Next: once there was a king Tuesday update