My desire update Friday 30 June 2023

My desire update Friday 30 June 2023


My desire 30 June 2023: Rudra tells Kalindi he is really happy that she revealed that Raj is her baby’s father. He acts as angry on Raj for not informing him about his affair with Kalindi and asks Kalindi when and how did she meet Raj. Kalindi gets tensed. Armaan fears Kalindi will reveal truth and asks Rudra if he wants to know how Kalindi and Raj got intimate and humiliate her. Rudra says he is protecting her instead from media as media would want to know how and when she met Raj, they will question even him as he is Raj’s mentor; media will label Kalindi’s baby as illegitimate if Kalindi fails to prove herself. Preesha says he is right and recalls Rudra playing same game with Kaveri to make her confesses her lies. Rudra asks Kalindi when she is too older than Raj, is she trying to trap him. Kalindi asks why should she answer him.

Rudra asks constable to be evidence as Kaveri’s confession and acceptance to marry Raj will prove Raj innocent. He reminds Preesha how she saved him from Kaveri. Preesha remembers. Armaan gets tensed seeing Preesha’s memory returning. Vidyuth brings Kalindi’s boyfriend Veer and says Kalindi’s baby belongs to Veer and they can prove it via DNA test. Rudra says he will call lab tech then. Vidyuth says he already called lab tech. Kalindi panics and accepts that baby belongs to Veer and not Raj. Rudra asks why did she lie then. Kalindi says her and Veer’s are unable to fulfill their needs with their earnings and can’t upbring a baby, so she thought she can trap Raj and then blackmail Rudra for money. Rudra says she can’t plan all this alone and there must be a mastermind behind her. Kalindi says she alone planned it.

Rudra says if she had asked money from her, he would h ave easily given it to her; now she and her baby will rotten in jail. Kalindi pleads Rudra not to send her to jail. Preesha also Rudra not send Kalindi to jail as she doesn’t want Kalindi’s innocent baby to suffer because of her sins. Rudra agrees and asks Kalindi to visit police station and take back her complaint. Vidyuth accompanies her to bring Raj home after she takes back her fake complaint. Pihu thanks god that Raj is innocent. Armaan asks how dare she is to lie to him that she is going to stay at Coppola Hotel and booked a hotel room at Yellow Orchids. Preesha says Pihu wanted to prove Raj innocent. Armaan says he was worried for them and would himself have helped them instead of them taking Rudra’s help. Preesha says he wasn’t ready to listen to Pihu at all and this time she took a right person’s help and helped a right person.

Rudra invites Preesha and Armaan to attend his wedding at any cost. Armaan says he will to prove that he really has moved on. Preesha also agrees. Rudra thinks he wants Preesha to attend his fake wedding and revive her memory. Back home, Armaan informs Digvijay about this plan to attend Rudra’s wedding with Preesha to confirm Rudra really wants to move on. Digvijay asks him to take Preesha immediately to London. Armaan says Rudra is planning to revive Preesha’s memory, but he is giving double medicine dose to Preesha to erase her memory. Preesha flushes away medicine in commode and tells Pihu that she can’t trust both Rudra and Armaan and hence will use her own gut feeling to know the truth. Pihu praises her idea.

Rudra discusses with family that they need to start his wedding drama to revive Preesha’s memory. Armaan determines to make sure that Preesdha’s memory doesn’t return.Rudra and Vanshika’s prewedding rituals start. They both sit for a haldi ritual. Preesha with Pihu and Armaan attends it and gets jealous seeing Rudra and Vanshika’s PDA. Sharda welcomes them and says they came at the right time as haldi ritual is about to start. She asks Rudra if they can start the ritual. Rudra says of course as everyone have come. Sharda applies halid on Rudra and Vanshika. Rudra says he wants to apply haldi to his beloved would be wife. Vanshika says he has right on her and should apply haldi in a special way. He rubs his haldi smeared cheek on her cheek. Shiddat Banaloon Tujhe.. song plays in the background.

Preesha recalls her and Rudra’s haldi and thinks why she is recalling her past. Rudra asks Vanshika to apply haldi to him now. She rubs her cheek to his cheek. Pihu notices Preesha jealous and asks if she is feeling jealous. Preesha asks why would she feel jealous.Sharda asks others to apply haldi to bride and groom now. Saransh, Roohi, and others apply haldi. Sharda says now haldi ritual is complete, bride and groom can go and change for next rituals. Rudra says he will lift and carry his bride and carries Vanshika. Preesha recalls Rudra carrying her during their haldi ritual. Vanshika asks Rudra to drop her down as shagun is complete. Jealous preesha cross legs Vanshika and makes her fall down. Sharda helps Vanshika get up. Rudra asks how did she fall down. Vanshika says she tripped over her lehanga Pihu tells Preesha that she saw her cross-legging Vanshika and making her fall down, it looks she is really jealous of Vanshika.


Preesha sratches her nose and says she is not. Pihu says she trusts her. Rudra says Preesha’s feelings are still intact for him and she is feeling jealous even after Armaan’s conspiracies.Roohi apologizes Preesha as she was angry on her. Preesha says she was but not now. Roohi takes her to show her room and winks at Rudra. Sharda says she forgot to apply Rudra’s used haldi to Vanshika. Saransh says he will give it to Rudra and thinks Preesha will get this for Preesha. She slides on a skateboard and drops haldi on Preesha. Roohi scolds him for spoiling Preesha’s dress. Saransh apologizes Preesha and says he was taking it for Rudra. Preesha says its okay. Roohi takes Preesha towards Rudra’s room to clean herself. Arman gets restless when Preesha doesn’t return and asks Sarnash about her. Saransh says she went to clean herself as haldi fell on her. Armaan thinks he himself will go and check as he can’t trust Roohi who leaves no chance to get Rudra and Preesha closer.


Roohi drops Preesha to Rudra’s room and leaves asking her to freshen up till she returns. Preesha hesistantly stands there thinking Rudra must be in bathroom. Rudra asks for a towel. Preesha hands him towel. He pulls her in and hugs her from behind. He pushes her away. He acts as shocked and says he was expecting Vanshika as they had planned to bathe together and its normal for couple to bathe, asks not to say that she is old fashioned and feels awkward. Preesha says she is not old fashioned but is not interested in his story. She tries to leave. He slips and pulls her under shower. They both get lost in a flow and get intimate. Yeh Laal Ishq.. song plays in the background. Preesha recalls similar earlier incident with him and thinks why she feels good when Rudra touches him and wants to be in his arms forever.

Armaan goes to check. Roohi notices him going and thnks she will check with Saransh if he is executing the plan properly. Saransh throws marbles in Armaan’s way and make him fall. Vidyuth and Raj rush to him and asks how did he fall. Roohi says she by mistake left her marbles on floor and apologizes Armaan. Vidyuth says its okay as its not her mistake, Armaan should have watched properly. He and Raj help Armaan walk. Rudra asks Preesha if she is feeling fine. Preesha says he feels they were under shower before. Rudra says she rememebs that, they bathed under shower together many times and used to enjoy a lot.

Next: my desire Saturday update 



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