Imlie 1 December 2023: Chini applies a balm to Kairi to ease her cold and fever. Devika says she will use home remedy on Kairi. Atharva gets doctor’s call to come and take Kairi’s reports. Rudra asks him to be with Kairi and let him go and bring reports. Atharva hesitantly agrees. Rudra calls doctor who informs that Kairi’s reports are normal. He asks about Kairi and Imlie’s DNA reports. Doctor says even they are back and Rudra can collect them. Imlie bumps on Atharva and asks him not to worry about Kairi as she will be well soon.
Atharva says she didn’t want to get Kairi into this world and now kidnapped her, warns her to stay away from Kairi. Imlie says she didn’t kidnap Kairi and asks him to trust her. Atharva says she lost his trust. Their argument starts. Imlie says he forgot to apologize in 5 years and has burdened Rudra with a guilt of losing son, kept a sister away from her brother, an aunt from his nephew, etc.. Atharva walks away. Imlie stands crying. A sad song plays in the background.
Rudra reaches hospital and gets Kairi’s medical reports. He calls Devika and informs that Kairi’s reports are normal. Devika gets happy. Imlie hears that and says she will inform Atharva and Chini about it. Devika stops her and says Kairi’s grandma or other relatives are there to relay this news to Kairi’s parents, who is Imlie. Imlie says she is Imlie’s maa, then says maasi and gives a speech on how she is emotionally connected to Kairi. She walks to Kairi and informs that she is absolutely fine, asks about Atharva and Chini to inform them about the reports.
Rudra reads DNA reports and is shocked to see Imlie and Kairi’s reports not matching. He angrily throws the reports away and leaves. Atharva picks the report and recalls how he overheard Rudra’s conversation, reached hospital with Chini before Rudra, and bribed nurse to change the report. Chini argues that he can’t hide the truth from Imlie for long and should reveal truth to her. Atharva argues that he is protecting Kairi by doing this. Kairi demands for a family picnic and asks Devika to convince Atharva for it before going to Goa. Devika calls Atharva and says she wants them all to go on a family picnic tonight as per Kairi’s wish and asks him not to make her world’s bad grandma. Atharva agrees. Chini thinks she thought she would return to Goa with Kairi via next flight, but her plan is postponing continuously.
Next day, Kairi enjoys in family picnic. Devika says Kairi likes this place. Shivani says why shouldn’t she when Imlie selected this place. Atharva asks Chini how far airport is from this place. Devika asks him to stay back. Atharva says he has to go back anyways. Devika says let’s not talk about it now. Dhairya passes by. Atharva gets angry and walks away. Keya tells Akash that his family’s drama never ends. Akash says in that sense, she is the biggest vamp in this family. Keya fumes. Devika talks to her lawyer and informs Rudra that Imlie and Atharva’s divorce papers are ready. Atharva asks how can be so harsh on Imlie. Devika says when he and Imlie hid the truth, didn’t they think they are harsh on her; she wants to give a name to Atharva and Chini’s illicit relationship.