Can you see me update Thursday 28 April 2022

Can you see me 28 April 2022: Anandita reminisces Vikram telling he is Subodh’s brother Vikram Bose and asks him now cannot she identify him, what happened to her. He says Subodh has sent him to take care of her and Pihu, she had met with an accident and consoles her. Pihu enters and thanks him for consoling mamma, but he will be meeting her evil doppelganger. Shona troubles Bobby and Mohini. Pihu continues that mamma cannot see her as she is bhootu now, Shona will enjoy as her now. Shona continues troubling Mohini and Bobby. Bobby says she betrayed them. Mohini cries that they planned to own this house, but became beggars.

Shona says they are thieves and will always be. They pin her down. She warns to leave her. Vikramm walks in. She cries to save her. Vikram saves her. She says they both tortured her, they should be punished to sit in chicken position. They say no. She cries. Vikram says they can leave house else. They sit in chicken position.Pihu sees Shona punishing them and says Gopal that she is mannerless. Gopal says Shona is bought up on foothpath. Pihu says she will mend her. Gopal says one mischievous child will correct another mischievous child, good to see that.

Neelam wander in her room at night thinking where Pihu must have gone, if she does not find her, she will not get her reward. Sooraj wakes up and asks what is she hiding. Neelams ays nothing. Soooraj asks then why was she telling Shona. Neelam says he is her Shona. Hes says Pihu’s behavior has changed. Neelam says nothing like that and asks him to sleep now. She thinks if Shona has escaped and Pihu took her place, it is a big game.

Barbie walks towards kitchen to get water and sees Bobby and Mohini sleeping near dinning table shivering. She gets emotional and dorns blanket on Bobby and thinks why god makes them love. Once she leaves, Mohini wakes up and thinks if she can fool Barbie.Shona wakes up at night. Anandita asks what happened to her, if she is not getting sleep. Pihu says she is asleep. Shona says how can she, this bed is so soft, she used to get so peaceful sleep when she used to sleep on footpath stone. She cannot sleep until mosquitoes bite her, she needs to smell drain. Pihu shouts shut up. Anandita asks if she is fine, something has happened to her, she will sing her lullaby. Shona pushes her. Pihu fumes how dare she is to hit her mamma, she wants to punish her.

Her magic does not work and she asks Gopal why is her magic not working. Gopal emerges and says he already told her she has to fight evil with her goodness and start with her doppelganger. Anandita sleeps with Shona on floor. Pihu wakes up and does not find mamma. Shona wakes up. Anandita greets her goodmorning. Sona angrily yells to get up and make breakfast for her. Anandita tries to get up, but cannot due to back pain. Pihu asks what happened, who asked her to sleep on floor with evil child, she cannot take her pain even if she wants to, Shona evil is giving her new pain, how to make Shona a good girl.

In the morning, Shona wakes up Mohini and Bobby and scolds them for not waking her up with cock sound. Mohini angrily tries to beat her. She shouts Vikram chachu…They both sit in hen’s position and makes hen sound. Vikram warns to do as Pihu says, else he will kick them out of house. They continue making hen sound. Shona arrogantly calls Damroo and asks him to check if her hens laid eggs. Mohini and Bobby continue fuming.

Anandita pampers Shona in the morning. Pihu feels sad that her share of love is going to Shona. Anandita feeds her laddoos, but Shona shouts enough, she hates laddoos. Anandita says she used to love laddoos and used to finish whole plate. Shona warns she will hit her if she pesters. Anandita asks what happened to her. Pihu fumes seeing Shona misbehaving with her mamma and pleads Gopal to help her.Neelam tells Mohini and Bobby that she thinks a ghost has entered Shona, if she is Pihu, they should pull her teeth and check.

Mohini angrily pulls her mangalsutra. Vikram walks in and asks what is happening. Neelam says she is forcing them to work. He asks to give them money after work. Mohini fumes in anger.Shona’s misbehavior continues. Pihu pleads Gopal for help repeatedly. Shona can see Pihu…Pihu calls Gopal and asks why did he make her Bhootu. Shona comes and calls Bhootu. Bhootu asks if she is talking to her. Gopal smiles hiding. Sooraj tells Vikram that Pihu is not herself, something is wrong, they need to find out what is happening.

Shona asks Pihu if she is dead, how can she be alive. They both touch each other and say they are twins. Gopal enjoys their drama hiding. Pihu asks Gopaal what did he do. Gopal says she asked for help, so he helped her, now she can correct Shona by touching her. Shona asks whom she is talking to in air. Pihu says she is speaking to Gopal. Daamroo asks who is talking to. Shona arrogantly tries to slap him and says she is speaking to Bhootu. Pihus shuts her mouth and warns not to take her name. Vikram comes and lifts Shona and says she should go and sleep now as she has to go to school tomorrow. Shona asks sakoool. Vikram asks what language is this and takes her to Anandita’s room.

Shona sleeps with Anandita keeping her leg on Anandita. Pihu fumes, she should hug mamma and sleep instead.Next morning, Damroo gives list of house hold chores to Bobby and Mohini and asks to start working, it is Vikram’s order. Their jokergiri starts. Neelaam walks in. Mohini asks to do work for them. Greedy Neelam asks 2000 rs. Mohini says she does not have money. Neelam says she will not even burp without money and leaves. Mohini dumps all her work including cooking on Bobby and leaves. Barbie sees that and thinks Bobby cannot cook.

Anandita shows Shona sleeping on floor and shows her Vikram, says Pihu never used to sleep on floor, something has happened to her. Vikram says she is right. Bobby tries to prepare food and burns his hands. Vikram asks to serve food. Bobby pleads to forgive him as he did not prepare food today. Barbie says Bobby already prepared food. Shona tastes food and says it is tasty. Pihu sees Barbie and realizes she prepared food for Bobby. Bobby walks thinks how prepared food. Barbie throws ointment for him hiding. He takes it to room and shows his burnt hands to Mohini.

Mohini asks him to be careful. He says he did cooking and washing, now she should clean floor. Mohini acts that she is having severe headache and shortness of breath. Bobby asks if she is lying. Mohin throws tantrum and forces him to work. Barbie sees that and thinks Mohini is spoiling Bobby, but he is good hearted though.Pihu walks to her old area wearing school uniform and shows it to her friends. Friends are shocked seeing her neat and clean. Pihu says her friends are so dirty. Shona says they are her bestfriends. Pihu says she will have to attend school to become good. Shona’s friend asks how did she become so clean, how did she get teeth.

Shona says her fate has changed and gives them gifts. Pihu says she stole her items. Shona arrogantly scolds her. Pihu thinks how to correct Shona.

Next Friday update can you see me


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