Twist of fate update Wednesday 5 January 2022

Twist of fate update Wednesday 5 January 2022


Twist of fate 5 January 2022: Prachi, Ranbir and Shahana bring Pragya home. Sarita behen asks Pragya how is she? Pragya says I am in the room. Sarita behen thanks Ranbir and asks him to sit for tea. Ranbir refuses and says he didn’t tell at home, his mummy will scold him. He says bye. Prachi says bye. They look at each other.

Prachi coming to Ranbir as he is about to leave. Song plays….SubhanAllah plays…..Ranbir asks if she wants to say something. Prachi says thank you. Ranbir says thank you, Sarita Dadi said this. He says I thought you want to say something which is said during special moments, but nothing. He says ok and asks her to take care of herself. Prachi asks him to take care. Ranbir closes the door. Prachi goes to the door and thinks I have done wrong with him, but he is even now good like before. She regrets to do bad with him. Shahana looks at her. Pragya recalls the humiliation which she had faced due to Aaliya while trying to meet Abhi. She thinks nobody can stop me from meeting him. Sarita behen comes there and says I came to know everything and tells that she had called Baljeet Dadi, but she didn’t pick her call. She says baljeet Dadi was preparing for your grah pravesh.

Pragya says there is something wrong happening there. Sarita behen says you was bailed out this time, but..Pragya says nothing is easy, I have to go there and tells that she is Mr. Mehra’s wife now. Sarita behen says Mr. Mehra is not picking the calls. Pragya says even Purab is not picking the call. Sarita behen says if Aaliya sees you again then will call Police again. She hopes they both meet soon. Pragya recalls Aaliya asking Tai ji to bring her Servant from the village.

Aaliya calls Purab, but he doesn’t pick her call. She calls Manager. Manager gives call to Purab. Purab attends the call and says he is in hotel room and had food. Aaliya asks why are you worried, this is police work. Purab says I will find out who wants to kill Abhi and Pragya di. Aaliya asks how you will do sitting in London. Purab says I have talked to the detective agency and they will handle. He drops the phone and sits on the bed. Mitali comes there and tells that Rhea is sleeping since morning. Aaliya says Purab is in London and doing the investigation. Mitali says he loves Abhi so much and asks her to think about Rhea. Aaliya says just as she accepts the reality, she will become fine. Mitali asks how? She says you didn’t see Abhi, he looks so dangerous. Aaliya asks her to mind her language.

Prachi and Shahana come to the hall. Pragya asks them to brush their teeth and freshen up. Sarita behen gets happy seeing her fine and hugs her. Pragya says nobody can keep her away from her happiness and shows the newspaper. Prachi thinks Pragya wants to do the job. Pragya says she is thinking to do some job and will be fine if busy. Prachi goes. They go. Sarita behen says I understood what you want to do. Pragya asks her not to tell the girls. Sarita behen blesses her. Prachi brings kajal and applies black tika to her.

Prachi asks Pragya did you talk to Papa. They sit for the breakfast. She says ofcourse you might have talked and that’s why happy. Shahana asks her to beware of Rhea’s buji, Mitali and Tai ji. Pragya says do breakfast first. Sarita behen asks her to sit. Mitali asks the Servant Vandana to listen and says Aaliya will not give you salary. Vandana tells that she don’t want to stay here for salary and tells that Aaliya is like a bad cat. Mitali says I will inform Aaliya. Vandana goes from there and collides with Pragya, who enters there with veil on her head. Vandana tells that she was hired two days back and left the job, this house is like a mental asylum. Vandana tells that Aaliya thinks herself as the ruler and Mitali gives advice though she don’t have mind of her own. She says who are you, I find your voice familiar? Pragya coughs and thinks Aaliya will identify my voice.

Mitali goes to Aaliya and collides with her. Aaliya scolds Mitali and asks her to send Vandana to clean the floor. Mitali says Vandana left the job due to you. Aaliya says that Servant. Mitali says she is like a Queen and tells that she showed me attitude. Aaliya asks her not to give her salary. Mitali says Vandana said that she don’t want and told many bad things for you. She tells everything. Aaliya asks how did you hear all this. Door bell rings. Aaliya thinks Vandana has returned and goes to open the door. Pragya thinks if Aaliya identifies me, I have to take the risk. Tanu opens the door. Pragya gets shocked seeing her, thinks she was not here till yesterday. Tanu says if you don’t want to say then I will close the door. Aaliya and Mitali come there. Pragya recalls Tanu’s cheat, gets angry and looks at her.

At the college, Prachi tells Ranbir that she wants to thank her. Ranbir says you said this. Prachi says I was rude to you, but you behaved so nicely and helped me. His friend calls him. Prachi asks him to go. Ranbir asks her to say. Prachi says thank you and leaves. Ranbir says you called me with the right.

Tanu and Aaliya ask Pragya to say. Pragya tells that she has seen the Advert isement and came. Mitali says she must have seen old Advertisement. She says your job is fix. Aaliya says let me talk to her and asks about her work experience. Pragya says wherever I work, people praise me and says you can make me do muck work in day time, but I will go home in night. Tanu asks her to remove her veil/ghunghat. Pragya says I will not move my veil and praises her work. Aaliya says it is enough of self appraisal, listen to my condition now.

Aaliya tells Pragya that she will keep her on trial for 3 days and if she works well then she will get 6000 Rs as salary. Mitali says half of Vandana’s salary. Pragya tells that the salary is less, as she was offered 15000 Rs in her old house.

She taunts Aaliya and tells that if they get more money then give her more salary. Tanu asks her about her name. Pragya says Gayatri. Aaliya says she don’t like her attitude. Tanu asks her to keep her stuff in her room and asks Mitali to show her room. Aaliya asks did you find difficulty to come here, Tanu. Tanu tells no and tells that she got excited when she asked her to return. Pragya hears them. Aaliya says you are hearing us. Pragya says she don’t have such habit. Mitali asks her to wipe the floor. Aaliya says she can’t work


here, as she don’t like her attitude. Pragya says her language is Haryanvi and that’s why even she talks, it seems like she is fighting. She asks her not to feel bad. Tanu and Mitali ask Aaliya to hire her. Mitali asks her to do the kitchen work. Pragya asks where is Kitchen. Mitali shows the way. Pragya goes. Tanu says it seems she is hardworking.

Prachi comes to Palak and wishes her for the happy marriage. Palak takes her to side and asks her not tell anyone. Prachi agrees and says you have to tell your parents some day. Palak says she will meet her later. Prachi asks her to forgive her, as she left from her marriage suddenly. Palak says try to understand, my friends are coming here. Prachi asks her to forgive her. Palak says that day Ranbir and your marriage was happening in the temple. Prachi asks what were you telling? Palak says they asked me not to tell me and tells that Ranbir wanted to marry you. Prachi says you was sitting in the temple. Palak says Ranbir loves you so much and wanted to marry you. She says his plan was very romantic and asks her not to fight with him. Prachi breaks friendship with Palak and gets upset.


Sarita behen calls Pragya and asks if she met Abhi. Pragya says she is going now and reminds her that it is her new number. She takes the mop and bucket and knocks on Abhi’s door. Her Dupatta flies and moves from her head. The Servant comes there. Pragya starts wiping the floor and asks her to go. Servant goes. Pragya enters Abhi’s room holding the mop and the bucket. Abhi sees the mop and gets angry. He comes out of the cupboard and holds her neck, asking her if she will beat him.

They fall down. Aaliya tells that what is this sound? Mitali says if Gayatri went to her room. Aaliya says Bhai will kill her. They run. Abhi sees her hand and bites on her hand. Pragya gets shocked to see his state. Aaliya beats him asking him to leave Gayatri. Pragya sits shockingly. Tanu asks Mitali to call Doctor and asks him to give injection. Mitali tells that Doctor will come at 10:30 am. She asks Gayatri if she is hurt. Pragya goes out to the kitchen and thinks of her moments with Abhi and how Aaliya was beating him in that state. She cries.

Dadi comes there with Tai ji and ask Pragya not to leave the job, says everything is fine here, you will have no problem to work here. Tai ji says why don’t you tell the truth to her, Abhi has gone mad, we shall shift him somewhere else. Dadi says Abhi is not mad, he will be fine. She asks her to go and tells that her grand son needs love and care, which he can’t get here. Tai ji asks are you coming or shall I call Aaliya. Dadi goes. Pragya thinks what has happened to him, his sister is beating him so much and he is not doing anything. Aaliya continues to beat Abhi and asks Mitali to take the mop. Mitali is about to take the mop. Abhi takes it.

Aaliya beats him and gets the mop. She gives it to Mitali. Aaliya says he has messed up the room, says they have call the electrician again. Tanu walks towards Abhi. Abhi gets up. She gets scared and runs out. Abhi says I am hungry, give me food. Tanu tells that Gayatri went, who will do the work. Tai ji says Dadi has brainwashed her with her sweet words, now she will not go. Aaliya says Dadi had done the same thing with Pragya. Mitali tells that they want behenji type servant, and says Pragya is that type. Tanu asks her to think about Gayatri and goes to talk to her. Pragya is crying and sitting in the kitchen. She thinks she shall go from here, so that nobody can know about her, else Aaliya will get her arrested again. Tanu comes there and says we came to know about you.

Next Thursday update twist of fate 



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