Twist of fate update Tuesday 8 February 2022

Twist of fate update Tuesday 8 February 2022


Twist of fate 8 February 2022: Aaliya seeing Prachi standing there and asks Ranbir not to waste time and go inside. She says she is going to Bhai and Pragya. Prachi cries. Ranbir comes to Prachi. Prachi looks at him and continues crying. Ranbir wipes her tears.

Song plays….Dil meri na sune….plays…Prachi closes her eyes. Ranbir goes from there. Pragya tells Abhi that Tanu knows that thief and is very worried since he is caught and is sweating even when AC is on. Abhi says I understood when thief told that someone from the house asked him to theft. She asks why didn’t you say anything then? Abhi says he was not having proofs against her and says Tanu is not trustable. Pragya says something else is happening too, I don’t think that everything is fine between Rhea and Prachi. She says Rhea accused Prachi of theft. Abhi says it is siblings rivalry and they are kids. He says that even he used to fight with Aaliya in childhood. Aaliya comes there and tells that she has informed Police and they are coming. Pragya says if police comes before the thief gains consciousness then? Aaliya says we will tell Police that he was running away and fell down.

Pragya says then how we will make him confess that actually Tanu asked him to steal. Abhi says I don’t understand why Tanu asked him to steal here. Aaliya says Tanu might have to give a big amount to this thief and that’s why asked him to steal here, as she couldn’t pay him money. Abhi says I don’t think that this guy gave some money to Tanu. Pragya says I think Tanu asked him to do some work and that’s why he is asking for money. She says she might ask him to take Pradeep from here. Abhi says he will make him confess.

Shahana asks Somdutt to get up and tell who asked him to steal. Aryan asks her to be quiet for sometime. Shahana asks him to be quiet else she will wash him. Aryan gets angry on her. Ranbir comes there and asks Aryan to be there. He goes. Prachi comes there and goes sadly from there. Shahana tells Aryan that they have to keep an eye on him.

Tanu asks Mitali to go and asks until when you will sit here. Mitali says ok and gets thinking. Tanu thinks to open the rope and make Somdutt flee, before Abhi comes back to him. Mitali tells Tanu that she will be here as Pragya asked her to take care. Tanu asks if Pragya asked you to keep eye on me. She says don’t make me angry. Mitali says she is here for her mehendi. Tanu rubs her hands and says now mehendi is gone. She then says that she is hungry and sends Mitali to get something. Tanu comes to Somdutt and sees Aryan and Shahana there. She tells that Ranbir is calling him now. Aryan says chucks messaged me just now and he didn’t tell me. Tanu says Ranbir is calling you. She sends Shahana that Prachi is calling her and is upset and crying. Shahana goes. Tanu says I was telling that Ranbir is calling you.

Aryan says ok and tells that he can’t leave this thief here. He says if Ranbir wants to talk to me then he will come here. Tanu says I will go to my room and asks Mitali to tell that she is in her room. She pretends to go and hides behind the pillar. Aryan thinks the thief is tied and thinks if everyone is fine between Prachi and Ranbir. He goes. Tanu thinks they are predictable and sprinkles water on Somdutt’s face to make him gain consciousness. He gains consciousness. Tanu says I will open your rope and asks him to run away. She says if Abhi comes here, then he will beat you very much and I can’t do anything.

Somdutt says he will not go without money. Tanu asks him to run. She tries to open the rope and sees Abhi and Pragya coming there. Abhi asks what is she doing? Tanu gets shocked. Aaliya also comes there.

Prachi thanks Ranbir for taking stand for her. Ranbir says I don’t want to talk about it. Prachi asks him to listen. Prachi says she wants to thank him and you can’t stop me from thanking you. Ranbir says when you don’t want to listen to me about you, you are feeling good when I spoke about you with someone else. Prachi says she is thanking him for taking stand for him. Ranbir says he can support her for seven births even if she is right or wrong, and not doing this for her thank you and wants her not to leave him.

Shahana comes there and tells Prachi if she cried. Prachi says no. Aryan comes there and asks Ranbir if he called him. Ranbir says no. Aryan says Tanu aunty is upto something. They all run.

Pragya asks Tanu why she was opening the rope. Aaliya asks if she wants him to flee. Tanu says no and gets tensed. She says she was tightening the rope as it got loose. Abhi says you got to know this, sitting in room. Tanu says I was hungry and going to kitchen, he was trying to open the rope, I scolded him and tightened the rope. Aryan and others come there. Aryan says you told me that Ranbir is calling me. Tanu says this is the problem of today’s generation. Shahana says you told me. Tanu stops her and tells that they all are behaving as if I am a culprit and asks if she is called here to get insulted. Abhi says she came to marry, don’t question her.

Tanu thanks him. Abhi says now the thief will say. He opens Aryan and Ranbir to open the rope and tells thief that only he will touch him, but nobody can save him from him and his anger. Somdutt says you can’t beat me. Abhi threatens to kill and bury him in the farmhouse. He says I can catch your lie. Prachi says when someone’s lie then the eye ball gets small. Ranbir looks at her. Somdutt asks them to let him go. Pragya asks if you are our guest whom we will leave. Somdutt says some truth can’t be spoken. Abhi asks if you are becoming hero, asks him to push and run. Somdutt pushes him and runs. They run behind him. Somdutt threatens showing knife. Ranbir, Aryan and Abhi catch him. Rhea comes there. Abhi promises Somdutt that he will let him go and will save him from police too, and promises to give all the jewellery too. Somdutt asks are you sure? Aaliya says I will record it in the camera. Tanu worries that if he tells the truth that Pradeep and her secret will be out. Abhi asks him to tell the truth. Somdutt points his finger at Tanu.

Tanu says he is lying. Prachi asks if she told the reason. Somdutt says she had only asked me to steal and tells that she is very bad person, how can anyone do this with her family. He walks towards Prachi and accuses her, asking her to tell. Prachi is shocked. Rhea smiles. Ranbir gets angry on Somdutt. Prachi asks what are you saying? Pragya says first you took Tanu’s name and now my daughter’s name. Somdutt says I don’t know her (Tanu) and knows just your daughter. Pragya asks him to tell her name. Somdutt gets tensed.

Pragya tells Abhi that he was lying. Abhi says I know. Rhea says why would he lie, when you are giving him everything. Pragya says whatever is seen is not truth, he is taking Prachi’s name to hide the person who asked him to steal. Rhea says if Prachi didn’t ask him to steal then who asked him. Somdutt looks on. Tanu recalls threatening to kill him like Pradeep, and promises to get him out of PS. Police comes there. Aaliya tells that he had stolen in their house. Police arrests and takes him. Tanu offers to drop Pragya home. Pragya says I will go by myself. Tanu says ok, we will meet for marriage day after tomorrow.

Tanu calling Somdutt and says I have freed you from PS. He says what about my money. Tanu says she is arranging and asks him not to call her. Somdutt asks her to tell a date. She says she will give after 15 days of marriage and asks if he don’t trust her, as she freed him from Police. He says if you don’t give me money. Tanu asks him to complain to Police then. She ends the call. Somdutt calls someone and says you had said right, Tanu is just promising to give money, but she will not money. Tanu comes to her room. She gets a call, but the caller doesn’t talk. She asks him to come infront of her if he dares. Pradeep comes there and holds her hand, says be careful what you wish for. Tanu pushes him and sees him. She gets scared. Pradeep asks if she is scared. Tanu says I am

happy. Pradeep says then we shall celebrate. He says I have bear your every nonsense until now and asks her not to do anything wrong again which is unbearable. Tanu asks what did I do? Pradeep says you have attempted to kill me, had attacked me and kept me in the car tied. He says you got the car parked at such a place where nobody can help me. Tanu says I had sent somdutt to help you. Pradeep says Somdutt had come, but thought me dead. He then informed you and you made plan to dispose my body. He tells that Somdutt was on his side, but went to her side seeing him dead. He says Somdutt saw me alive after informing you. A fb is shown, Somdutt says I have sent the wrong message. Pradeep asks him to do the right work. fb ends.


Pradeep says I wanted money so asked Somdutt to get money from you, but you didn’t give him. Tanu says I didn’t want to harm you. Pradeep asks really, it was in my favour. He says you want to kill me and want to marry Abhi. He holds her hair and says you can’t marry Abhi. Tanu says you are hurting me. She switches off the lights. They hear Abhi’s voice asking help from Pradeep and telling that he can give him money to get rid of Tanu. Tanu is shocked.
Rhea asks Prachi what does she want? Prachi says she came to talk to her sister. Rhea says your sister is not here. Prachi says ok then I will talk to Rhea. Rhea asks her not to do emotional drama with her.

Prachi says she wants to make emotional bond with her as they are connected through their parents, since they met, they have been fighting and have many difference, asks if we can’t start afresh. Rhea says I need to leave. Prachi says I will forget whatever you have done wrong, I promise, lets start afresh and behave like normal siblings. Rhea asks you told me that you hate me, and tells that she don’t regard her as her sister, as she tries to get closer to Ranbir behind her back. She says you want to snatch my life’s biggest happiness from me. She says I will not make you as my friend. Prachi goes.


Pradeep says I was thinking how much you love Abhi, today I got the answers, you love him madly. He asks Abhi to come there. Tanu asks him to come out. Abhi says you should have killed Tanu, Pradeep. He asks Tanu to apologize to Pradeep. Abhi asks Tanu to apologize to Pradeep. Tanu asks if Abhi knows you pradeep. Pradeep comes to her and says I love you Tanu and wants to marry only you. Tanu says you was talking in Abhi’s voice. Pradeep says I have this way to calm you mind. He says you are silent as if there is a deadly silence, tells that he loves Pragya more than her in Abhi’s voice. Tanu slaps him and says Abhi and his voice is precious. He says if he is so precious then think what is the value of the person taking his voice. He tells that he had fooled Pragya in Abhi’s voice too. He says it is fun to do this and says I don’t think that I need this relation. He tells that where there is no trust, there is no relation. He shows her knife.

Tanu throws his knife and says you knows well that we need money for survival. She says she will give him money the needs, tells that they can become partners in this deal, if not partners in a relation. Pradeep says I will inform you by evening, if you are going to hell as you have betrayed your husband. He says we will meet for the breakfast.

Prachi goes to the balcony of her room and cries badly thinking of Rhea’s bad behavior and Ranbir taking stand for her. Ranbir comes there and covers blanket on her. Prachi looks at him and cries more. He asks her not to cry and asks why is she crying? Prachi asks why did you come in my life, why you love me so much, don’t love me. You always fights for me and wants the world to see my goodness. She asks him not to be so good that she can’t take him out of her heart. She asks why did you come in my life, why you made me see so many dreams? She cries questioning him. Ranbir hugs her. Prachi also hugs him and cries. It turns out to be her imagination, she cries more and thinks she can’t think about Ranbir, he is marrying Rhea, I can’t think of him. She thinks she can’t let her mind overpower her heart, tells herself to forget Ranbir.

Everyone is sitting for the breakfast. Mitali asks Ranbir to take something. Ranbir says I will take something. Prachi comes and sits, thinks of Rhea’s words. Pragya asks why nobody is having food, shall I make something else. She asks Abhi to have food and says everything is your liking. Abhi says he is not in a mood. Pragya says I will forcibly make you eat. She asks everyone to start having the food. Mitali says they behave like kids. Rhea gets Pallavi’s call. Pallavi asks her to talk later and give call to Ranbir. Rhea says Pallavi aunty called me so she wants to talk to her. She attends the call. Pallavi asks Rhea to give call to pragya. Rhea says I wilk to you after dinner. Pragya asks her to put call on speaker. Abhi asks about Vikram. Pallavi says he is good and asks Pragya if she believes in 7th births. Pragya says yes, but some people’s destiny is not good. Pallavi asks if marriage shall happen in a good mahurat and asks Abhi. Abhi says date and mahurat are good, after 2 days. Pallavi says I will inform vikram.

Rhea says she is so happy. Ranbir tries to talk to Pallavi, but she ends the call. Aaliya congratulates Abhi. Mitali asks Ranbir why is he not saying anything, see Rhea is happy and smiling. Ranbir says chief, I can’t do this marriage. He says I want to say that I can’t do this marriage now, as tomorrow is his marriage. He says my marriage can be done later. Abhi says my marriage is not a marriage, but a plan. He asks him to marry. Prachi excuses herself. Mitali says it will be fun to shop clothes, jewellery etc. Abhi says now we can’t do anything, as tomorrow is my marriage. Shahana asks him to do something so that he can exchange vows with Pragya.

Next Wednesday update twist of fate 



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