Twist of fate 18 January 2022: Tanu is getting ready for the wedding, she wonders why did Aaliya not come to pick her up when she said to come and says that she would go by herself, she drinks the water when Ranbir enters the room saying that she should stay as Aaliya is coming and
apologizes for not informing her that she is looking georgious, she looking at the mirror says that she could have been better but feels fine, he secretly spikes her drink, he once again apologizes saying that she did not finish her water so hands her the glass, she then drinks the water and he leaves after thanking her, Tanu feels tensed because she should have thanked Ranbir but he left.
Aaliya shouts at gayteri ordering her to lift the Veil, she however declines mentioning that she informed them she would not lift her veil under any circumstance, Aaliya orders her to leave the house, Gaytari gets worried, she pleads with Aaliya to not fire her however she doesnot listen after which Gaytari is forced to plead for her family but it doesnot have any effect on Aaliya, Gaytari informs that she is angry but should think about Abhi, as no one beside her can control him, Aaliya explains that she is only listening to her for the last time and walks up the stairs in anger.
Ranbir comes downstairs, Pragya lifts her veil asking if he thinks their plan would work, she asks what he did, he explains that he mixed some sleeping pills in her water so she would fall asleep and they cannot be married while she is sleeping, Preeta gets worried asking if he thinks their plan would work however he mentions that he has a lot of experience then mentions they should walk away otherwise they might get suspicious.
Aaliya enters the room calling Tanu, she sees that Tanu is lying on the sofa not being able to speak properly, Tanu explains that she was waiting for her, Aaliya feels that she is drunk but Tanu tries to explain that she did not drink anything, Aaliya in anger calls her useless ordering her to shut up, she mentions she thought that some of her tensions would end after they are married and she would get Abhi to sign the power of attorney but she is drunk, Tanu once again says that she is not drunk, Aaliya forces her to stand up as she needs to be alright, she explains that this is why she called the lawyer as he can be a witness to the wedding.
Aaliya brings Tanu downstairs, Pragya gets worried so asks Ranbir what is happening because he said she would not be able to come, Ranbir explains he is not able to understand as his mother usually gets affected by one pill, Pragya mentions that she doesnot know Tanu because nothing affects her so easily.
The lawyer gets worried asking Aaliya if Tanu is under the influence however Aaliya says that there is nothing to worry about, she comes to the lawyer then explains that it is because of the pressure, the lawyer asks if she would even remember that she got married, Aaliya explains that she was sitting in the Mandap before the lights went off.
Tanu sits with Abhi in the Mandap and they are about to start the wedding when Ranbir realizes that he cut the fuse so decides to place it otherwise they would get caught, he fixes the fuse however nothing happens then he realizes they had also cut the wires, he accidently places the wire in the wrong circuit and it causes a lot of sparks and the fire erupts, it soon engulfs the entire house, everyone starts panicking, Tanu is forced to sit on the chair as she is not even able to stand up.
Abhi starts panicking standing in the Mandap and is not even able to move, Pragya tries to calm him, Rhea also tries to help her father however Gaytari sends her away but she doesnot move, Aaliya pulls her away not listening to her desire of helping Abhi, Aaliya explains she should not worry about him because Gaytari can take care of him, Ranbir also comes and asks Abhi to run but he is adamant to not move until the fire ends, Ranbir along with his father and the servants of the house try their best to end the fire, they finally succeed.
Aaliya is standing saying how would she be able to get the power of attorney, she turns to find the lawyer standing behind her with angry face, she gets tensed, he exclaims that he has understood what she was trying to do, Aaliya sends everyone to their room, he then destroys the documents for the power of attorney, before leaving, Aaliya runs after him requesting that he listen to her words but the lawyer doesnot stop.
Tanu is sitting when gayatri comes, she mentions that she cannot understand what is the problem of Abhi because he said that he would not marry her today and would get married the next day, that too with Gayatri, she asks what does she have that she doesnot have, Tanu stands up however is about to fall when Pragya catches her but in the meanwhile Tanu recognizes her, she mentions that Pragya would not be able to do anything now then Pragya places her on the floor.
Ranbir comes down explaining to Gayatri that Abhi has locked himself in the room but is sleeping, they see that Aaliya is coming so she immediately hides her face.
Aaliya stands with Gayatri thanking her for helping Abhi because if she had not been with Abhi then he would have gotten hurt which she cannot bear, Gayatri exclaims that she cannot wake Tanu, Aaliya asks her to not worry as they would take care of her, she calls Mitali Bhabhi, Pragya while walking sees that Aaliya is trying to get the power of attorney.
In the morning Tanu is really dizzy when Aaliya enters the room saying that she has finally waken up and doesnot have any problem because she only cares for money which she has gotten while she thought that tanu really loves her brother, Tanu meanwhile tries to explain but Aaliya doesnot listen blaming that whenever she involves tanu in her plan it always fails, Aaliya explains that Gayatri is better than her because she saved her brother, Tanu reveals that she is actually Pragya which angers her.
Aaliya and Tanu ask about Gayatri, the worker says that she is with Abhi, they both enter the room to find Mitali Bhabhi, Aaliya asks about Gayatri, she answers that Gayatri took Abhi to the ice cream park, Aaliya leave sin anger after shouting Pragya’s name, Mitali Bhabhi asks Tanu what she meant, Tanu asks if she did not understand revealing that Gayatri is actually Pragya, which causes her to fall, she realizes that she actually saw Pragya.
Pragya is with Abhi who is eating an ice cream while holding one in his other hand, she after making him sit asks what is he doing, he explains that he is having a race with sun to see if he can eat the ice cream faster then it melts, he asks if she would like to have one and then offers to buy her a new one however she says that she would like to eat his ice cream, he at first declines but then gives her the ice cream, she asks why is he not eating the other one, he explains that it is for the challenge, she therefore hands him back his ice cream, Pragya recognizes that the biker who stopped is the same one who was trying to murder him before.
Pragya is sitting with Abhi when she sees the person on the motorcycle and remembers that he was the one trying to kill him, the killer is not able to find the gun and however exclaims that he has his knife, Pragya asks Abhi if he would like to have a competition with her and they have to see who would reach the parking area first, they run and the killer is not even able to catch them, Pragya asks Abhi to sit down however he cannot understand what is happening, she explains that they have to play the game of hide and seek from the person as he is trying to find them, Abhi asks if they can hide in the wardrobe, Pragya explains that wardrobe is only in the house and they can hide in the trunk, she goes to find a trunk.
The killer calls Abhi to come out otherwise he would kill him but Abhi exclaims that he cannot kill him, Pragya comes to Abhi signalling him to follow her because they have to hide, she opens a trunk explaining that he has to hide and should not come out under any circumstance because if the person sees him then they would loose the game , Abhi then gets in the trunk, trying to hide, Pragya hides behind another car then sees that he is about to open the trunk but she calls him while trying to divert his attention, she hides from him but is however caught, he asks her to reveal the location of her husband but she doesnot,
he gets angry so slaps her but she doesnot reveal anything, Abhi gets tensed so comes out when the killer is about to strangle her, he hits his hand with a bat but this angers the killer who starts hitting him with the bed and it causes the blood to flow out from his head, Pragya is crying for help but no one comes, finally the driver arrives and is able to pick Abhi.
Pragya is talking with Alia in the car, she orders Gayatri to bring him back even when Pragya tries to explain that he needs medical attention, Alia says that there is a medical team waiting for Abhi in the house, the doctor perform the medical treatment of Abhi and then Alia along with Tanu come demanding Gayatri to come with them because they would reveal the truth about her, Tanu explains that there are a lot of people who can take care of her. Gayatri reveals that the person has tried killing Abhi in the past, Alia says that there is someone who desires to kill Abhi and they know who that person is, she lifts the veil exclaiming it is Pragya who has been hiding, Mitali Bhabhi gets shocked saying that both Gayatri and Pragya are the same person.
Alia asks why she took him out of the room when she was asked to not do anything without asking for her desire, Pragya mentions that she only cares for Abhi which is why she is staying with them while Alia is not treating him like his brother as she starts beating him, Alia reveals that she only hit with a single time and scared him with the rod, Pragya in anger says that she should not have done it but Alia reveals she had to take such steps because Pragya brought him to the dining table where he tried hitting Raj Bhai, the other time he created a scene in the party, Pragya tries to reason that their way was not right, Alia once again asks why she brought him outside, Pragya answers it was because he is not a prisoner and they cannot restrict him in a single place, Alia explains it is because of his reputation as if his fans and the media came to know about his condition they would make fun of him, Tanu and Alia try to throw Pragya out of the house however she is adamant to stay with him and even pushes Tanu away.
Alia gets mad coming to Pragya saying that she would not leave so easily, she orders Mitali Bhabhi to forcefully throw her because she had gotten the habit of getting scolded before being thrown out, Pragya pleads with them then Dadi comes, she rushes to her explaining how they are throwing her out of the house and she only cares for Abhi, Dadi explains that they would not say anything to Pragya because she love on her side and they cannot understand its value, Alia then explains she would have to work by herself as if she stays in the house then would be responsible for his medical expenses, Alia asks if she is ready to accept because she is a school teacher, however Pragya accepts the challenge saying that’s he would do all that she can to fund the medical treatment of Abhi, Tanu mentions that Alia explained it wrong, she should leave the house otherwise they would call the police and if they arrive then she would be in jail, Tanu then throws her out of the house, Alia also opens the door when Pragya is pleading, she asks what can she do for her brother so closes the door, Tanu starts smiling thinking that her plan might succeed.
Pragya knocks on the door, and when Sarita je opens it she is shocked to see that Pragya is standing, she asks what has happened, Pragya mentions that she has lost and no one in the family of Abhi cares for him, they have recognized her and threw her out of the house, Sarita je gets worried saying that is asking about her and she is talking about Mehra jee.
Pragya going to the mandir starts explaining to god questioning why does she fail every time she tries to get close to her husband and Abhi started believing in him because of her strong faith however she now feels that Abhi was right because he is not only made of stone but also has a heart of stone, Sarita je comes to her and starts explaining that she should not say such things because a believer is tested before getting the reward, Pragya asks how many times does she have to give the test, she followed the instructions of her mother and did everything right even then she lost each and every time so now doesnot believe that god would do anything for her, Pragya sees that the flames around the mandir are flashing severely.
Next Wednesday update twist of fate