Twist of fate update Wednesday 19 January 2022

Twist of fate update Wednesday 19 January 2022


Twist of fate 19 January 2022: Pragya walks to the Mandair exclaiming that she is giving the last chance as if god desires that those who believe in him keep their belief then he would have to make sure that her husband is healthy and comes back to him, she doesnot know what he would do,

Pragya starts the pooja taking up the fire, she exclaims that she has not asked or anything for herself but today would ask and has become selfish so doesnot care for anything, she is praying when there is lightning in the skies, Abhi also starts moving, she exclaims that people say that if one prays with the heart, he never turns the believer, the nurse sees Abhi is restless so tries closing the window but is frustrated as it is not closing, Pragya prays that either Abhi come back to her or her life should be snatched, she is still praying when the lantern drops on the floor, Abhi suddenly wakes up calling her name remembering when the got married, Pragya starts crying.

Ranbir is walking when he sees Prachi in the office, he stands by the office asking why is she still here, Prachi mentions she is leaving but asks if there is something which he has to say, he asks if she has the contact of a mechanic because his car broke down, she explains that she is no longer his personal assistant but even then calls Supriya, she hands Ranbir the contact, he immediately calls the mechanic, she tries to leave but gets uncomfortable when he is standing near her, she says goodbye, she is about to walk away, Ranbir asks how will she go as it is raining so she can stay in the office till the weather calms down, she walks to her chair but drops her files, Ranbir picks them for her before leaving the office.

Dadi comes to the hall in the house Alia and the entire family also come, Alia asks if they have heard, Mitali Bhabhi says that she has also heard Abhi’s voice, Dadi is eager to meet Abhi however she hurts her feet, Ria asks her to clam down and sit down because they have to check for any injury, Alia exclaims that this means Abhi has regained his memory and so they would be ruined, Mitali Bhabhi mentions that he would not leave them.

Pragya is adamant to go and meet Abhi because he called her, Savita jee explains that this is not the case because she did not hear anything, Pragya insists but she then explains that Pragya herself informed her that the doctors gave him an injection so he would be asleep, they both hug each other.

Alia is with Mitali Bhabhi who asks her what would happen to them if Abhi has regained all of his memory however doesnot know who Pragya is because this is exactly what happened the last time when he lost his memory, Mitali Bhabhi mentions that this means he would get mad with them when he comes to know that Alia has brought back Tanu so he would throw them all out of the house, Dadi however pleads with Ria to take her to Abhi’s room because she needs to meet him, Alia also agrees then when they are walking up the stairs, Abhi comes out of the room asking where is she, Mitali says he is asking of Tanu however Abhi asks about Pragya, they are all shocked when

Abhi explains that he remembers everything and knows that he got his life back after marrying Pragya but some people did not let them live and so came after them but he got hit by the bullet however has come back, he is adamant to bring back Pragya when Alia asks why does he want to bring her because she left him lying outside the hospital when he needed medical attention however Abhi stops her saying that she is lying because he knows that Pragya was the person who saved his life, Alia is adamant that she left him outside the hospital and his treatment did not start till they came.

Dadi stops her saying that she will inform him how Alia uued to treat him, she used to beat him with a rod and he was given a food which was worse then animals, she was threatened which is why she remained quiet as she desired to be with Abhi, Pragya came to meet him but Alia did not allow her so she had to come back disguised as Gayatri, Pragya is the owner of the house but was forced to live like a worker, she came to know about her truth so threw her out when she was constantly pleading them to let her remain with Abhi, but they did not allow her, Abhi asks her to not worry as he would correct everything then leaves to bring back Pragya.

Alia asks Dadi if she has fulfilled her desire and said everything against her questioning what good did it do because Abhi still left without saying anything to her, Dadi leaves explaining she doesnot have to say anything now because Abhi is healthy once again so would correct everything, she leaves for her room.

Ria asks Alia what all this is because she informed her that Pragya did not come even once however she lied, Alia explains that Pragya came to get their property, she must not worry and go back to her room, Ria leaves thinking that her father is healthy so what is the need for creating any scene, Alia sees Tanu coming from the corner who is really angry and leaves.

Prachi sits on the chair in her office, she is tensed when Ranbir enters asking if she would drink coffee, she agrees then he asks her to also bring one for him, she agrees and is about to leave when she accidently stumbles, she is about to fall however Ranbir catches her, they both are not even able to move away, she gets nervous.

Prachi thanking Ranbir. Ranbir says it is my pleasure. She goes to bring coffee for him. She brings it and gives to him. His phone rings. Prachi asks him to talk to his fiancé. He will talk when he wants and not on someone’s insistence. Prachi says I said, as you was not talking. He picks Rhea’s call. Rhea informs that it is raining heavily here. Ranbir says you know that I like coffee in rain, when I am with the person I love. Rhea asks if his happiness is this or something else. He says romance comes out eventually in rain. She informs that when Dad got fine, he took my mom’s name first. Prachi says Papa took my Maa’s name. Ranbir says Chief got fine…The call gets disconnected. Ranbir hugs Prachi and tells that Chief got fine. They break the hug.

Pragya cries lying on Sarita behen’s lap. Sarita behen feels her pain. Pragya couldn’t bear to stay away from Abhi and hopes he don’t go through any trouble or suffering. Sarita behen says when you want to take all his troubles on you, then why he will not get fine. Pragya says he must be fine by now, I shall go. Sarita behen says I will not let you go, your husband shall come here and take you. Just then door bell rings. Abhi comes there. Pragya opens the door and finds him standing. Abhi smiles seeing her. Allah wariyan plays…..She couldn’t believe and gets overwhelmed. He lifts her in happiness. Pragya says I was feeling that you got fine. Abhi asks her to cheer. He says I am sorry that you have to bear so much because of me. He says I told everyone that I got my memory back, and I am going to Pragya, but thought if I remember your address when on the way. Pragya laughs. He asks her to pack her bags and come. Pragya looks on. Abhi asks if she don’t want to come.


Ranbir thinks destiny didn’t give him a chance to hold her hand. Prachi closes the window. Sad song plays…Ranbir asks if I have no value in your life and tells her that he has no interest in her. Prachi says you shall not have any interest. Ranbir says I stayed here, as outside it was raining. He tells that he got excited and hugged her, when he heard about Chief. He asks her not to think the nonsense. Prachi asks what? He says you couldn’t move on and says she can’t hide her love from him. He asks where is Parth now? He says you had said that he is your everything and you share moments with him etc.

Prachi says he is not with me now, as I found someone better than him. Ranbir says I know you very well now. She pretends to talk to someone. He says he is not interested in her third boyfriend. Prachi tells someone that she likes that US guy on the call. She asks if he is not believing her even now, then believe her when she sends the marriage card. She leaves from office.


Abhi asks Sarita behen, how is she? Sarita behen says you remember my name? He says yes, everything. She asks if he remembers Pragya now. Abhi says Pragya has handled this mischievous child and tells that he remembers everything, if she had not taken him to have icecream then he wouldn’t have got fine. He seeks Sarita behen’s permission to take pragya home and thanks her for letting her stay here. Sarita behen tells that she wants Pragya to return, but few people in his house don’t like Pragya and Prachi. Pragya tells that he can’t adjust here, but she wants to stay with everyone. Abhi asks for a day’s time and tells Sarita behen that he will come and take Pragya in the morning. She asks him to make arrangements of grah pravesh tomorrow. Sarita behen says sorry for saying so much. Abhi says you are more than her mother and can say anything. Sarita behen says Tanu is in your house. Pragya said that Tanu was marrying you and tells everything. She tells that they will wait for him to come and make arrangement of grah pravesh. Abhi says I will clean the house before that and goes.

Ranbir goes behind Prachi. He says you can’t do stupidity and can’t marry seeing a random pic. Prachi asks who are you to tell me? Ranbir says I am boss. Prachi says this is your Papa’s company, if this was your company then I wouldn’t have searched someone else. She asks how to prove more now. She says you are not important to me. Ranbir asks her to marry before his marriage, if she has really moved on. Prachi says I will marry before your marriage. She promises him. Ranbir is devastated and shocked. He says go and marry, but you will not get such a loving guy like me. He gets teary eyes.

Rhea calls him. Ranbir picks the call. Rhea asks what happened? Ranbir says something get in his eyes. Rhea says you seems to be tired and asks him to wash his face. Ranbir thinks he is tired of proving his love. Prachi says the guy she will marry, will love her more than him, as she is such that people loves her. Ranbir cries.

Rhea and Aaliya’s photo frame falling down in the former’s room. Rhea thinks when I told Vikram uncle and Pallavi aunty about dad’s recovery, they were happy, but when I told Buji, Tanu and Mitali, they got tensed.

Mitali tells Aaliya that she will hide Tanu in her room. Aaliya asks her to let her think. Mitali says you both are mad, she asks them to understand her and says Abhi just knows that Pragya had taken care of him as Gayatri, but Dadi didn’t tell that you want to marry him. Tanu tells that Pragya might have told Abhi by now. She says my destiny is bad, I thought Abhi will get fine after marrying me, but he got fine before marriage. Aaliya blames Tanu for drinking that day. Tanu says I didn’t drink.

Aaliya says you can drink and blames her for spoiling her plan. Tanu says it was not my mistake, you didn’t plan well. She says I am the victim, don’t know how he will behave when he returns. Mitali asks Aaliya to give some solution. Just then they hear…

Next Thursday update twist of fate 




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