Twist of fate update Tuesday 15 February 2022

Twist of fate update Tuesday 15 February 2022


Twist of fate 15 February 2022: Abhi thinks of Pragya celebrating his birthday and reminisces Pragya celebrating his birthday at midnight. A fb is shown, Abhi says we have decided to celebrate birthday tomorrow. She says we will celebrate with everyone, but today with each other. He holds her closer and says why she wants to make his birthday special. Pragya says I was a simple girl and small dreams, but got a rockstar husband and a big home. She says she wants to celebrate his birthday. He says he is speechless and says I love you so much, Pragya Abhishek Mehra and thanks her for making his life special. Pragya laughs. He says my life is stuck in your smile and when you smile, you look more beautiful.

Pragya says it is our secret, you will celebrate with me first. He asks for the birthday gift. She says I will give you after cake cutting. He cuts the cake and makes her taste it. Song plays….he kisses on her cheeks and they dance.

Pragya is standing outside the car and thinks she has nothing to do with his birthday. She looks at him, but doesn’t see his face. She bends down to pick her mobile, while Abhi looks at the seat and doesn’t see her face. Sushma asks Sumit about his fees. Sumit says they will get money from the hotel. Abhi finds Pragya’s earrings and thinks it seems to be of the lady. He tells Sumit to inform them when they call him. Sumit asks him to give him. Abhi says you will sell it off, I know. Tanu comes there. Abhi says lets go home and runs away with Sumit. Tanu says Abhi.

Ranbir asks Prachi to come to him and says he wants to hug her. Prachi says she can’t even turn her head, as she is working. Ranbir says my wife works so much and tells that he will bring coffee for her. He goes. Prachi sees cockroach and shouts calling Ranbir. Ranbir comes back. Prachi hugs him. Ranbir asks what is in that cockroach that made her hug him. He smiles. He says I honestly feels that I like you always and we love each other like your mom and dad. Prachi says you talks about them and kept them alive in your talks. She says she missed them. Ranbir says even he missed them.

Aaliya tells that she has ironed all the clothes and asks Mitali to keep it in the almari. She says she will return the iron to the neighbor. Mitali drops the clothes on the floor. Aaliya scolds Mitali and says you don’t know any work to do and thinks she has to iron it again. Tai ji asks Mitali if she enjoyed. Mitali says salt was less so she poured my anger on her. Tai ji tells Mitali that now she has no respect in the house and scolds her for helping Aaliya for Abhi and Tanu’s marriage. Mitali says I called and asked you, and you supported me. Tai ji says that’s what I am regretting. Mitali goes. Dadi comes home and tells that she has brought cake for Abhi. Tai ji asks from where did you get the money? Dadi looks on.

Abhi and Sumit are walking on the road. Sumit says you mess up with Bhabhi a lot. Abhi says weather is good, and he wants to whistle. Pragya looks for her earrings. Abhi and Sumit are walking from there. Abhi whistles like he used to whistled before. Pragya looks out through the window.

Abhi whistling and walking past Pragya’s house. Pragya tries to look at Abhi, but couldn’t see him as the scarf flies and falls on his face. Pragya thinks she shall not think about him, and thinks detective will find out about him.

She thinks tomorrow in the newspaper, Tanu and his pic will come. She waits for morning. Tanu comes back home and asks Dadi, if Abhi returned home. Dadi says no. Aaliya asks Tanu to talk to him like a wife sometimes. Tanu says he said that he will celebrate birthday with his friends as he has no family. Dadi thinks he means Pragya. She asks Tanu to come to her, and asks her to talk to him nicely and don’t taunt or curse him, being his wife. Abhi comes there and asks if everyone is waiting for him. He comes and hugs Dadi.

He says all his friends went to their homes. Dadi asks him to sit and says today I have surprise for you. Abhi calls Tanu. Tanu asks him not to talk to her, and says she is in bad mood. Dadi brings cake and sings happy birthday. She asks Abhi to cut the cake. Aaliya asks from where did you bring the cake? Abhi asks her to tell from where she got money? Tanu says she might have stolen from the kitchen. Abhi asks Tanu not to say like this. Tai ji says that Dadi saved her medicine money and brought this cake. She scolds Aaliya and Tanu. Aaliya says from next month, medicines will not be brought for Dadi. Abhi says I will bring medicines for my Dadi. Aaliya and Tanu ask him how he will earn money? Tanu says you takes wine inexchange of money, where you work.

Abhi says he returns for Dadi. Dadi says she wants them to stay together happily and says she trusts Abhi, and knows that he will bring her medicine. Aaliya says let him feel bad, we have talked to him nicely. Tanu says what Abhi can give us? Abhi says I don’t want anyone love or sympathy, and says he has no interest to return home, he returns home for his Dadi. He goes out. Dadi says you people didn’t let him celebrate his birthday. She brings cake out and asks him to cut the cake.

Abhi is sleeping. Tanu comes there and takes the cake with her. Dadi thinks if Pragya would have been with him, then she would never had make love lessened for him. Pragya checks the newspapers and says there is no news about his birthday celebrations. She gets upset. Sushma tells her that Mr. Thappar is coming with his son and tells that this is the reason that she doesn’t want her to return to India. Pragya says I think that he is not in India. Sushma says if you want then we can postpone the meeting. Pragya says no. In the morning, Aaliya wakes up Abhi and tells that they have no respect in this chawl because of him. Abhi asks her to go and fetch water.

Dadi comes and sits with Abhi. She asks how is your mood? Abhi asks why are you asking? Dadi says everyone ate the cake without you and asks him to eat the cake and make her eat too. Abhi says you didn’t eat the cake and says it is fun to eat cake by birthday boy’s hand. He asks a neighbor Manoj to sing birthday song for him, as he makes Dadi eat the cake. Dadi makes him eat too and asks how is it? Abhi says your medicine smell is coming in it, and asks why do you love me so much? He says I don’t deserve anyone’s love.

Dadi says my love is not selfish and asks him to come inside and have coffee. Pragya thinks she took morning coffee with her, and left this wine, which is not leaving him. He takes her scarf and looks on.

Prachi tells Ranbir that she has a meeting and will be going. Ranbir says I will make food for you. Prachi says that’s why I don’t make you get up. She says you does all my work. Ranbir says what did I do? Prachi says you gave me this house and loves me so much, that I don’t miss anything. She says this is my world, and says you made me learn to be happy, love etc. Ranbir says even you have taught me many things, and says you have taught me how to think big standing on the ground. Prachi says you have left your home for me. Ranbir says I didn’t leave the family members, but the house where you was not respected.

He says you know how my family behaved with you, we just wanted their blessings. A fb is shown, Ranbir and Prachi touch Pallavi’s feet. Ranbir asks her to bless her. Pallavi says she couldn’t see her bahu here and tells that she can’t be her bahu, never. Ranbir says you can’t talk to her like this. Pallavi says I am not talking to her, if you want to stay with her then leave from here with her. Prachi asks Pallavi not to treat him like this. Pallavi ends her relation with Ranbir. Vikram says you have ruined us, and breaks his relation with him. Beeji asks what are you doing? Pallavi says we are giving your place to Siddharth and asks him to leave. Fb ends. Ranbir says he has no regrets. Prachi asks if I don’t deserve their blessings. Ranbir says I will bless you and blesses her. Someone knocks on the door. Prachi says Siddharth must have come.


The detective meets Pragya and tells that either that have left India or something must have happened to them. Pragya says nothing can happen to Mehra and his family and says I will search him myself. The detective thinks if he is so important for him, then he might be searching her somewhere. Abhi misses Pragya and hopes to meet her. Pragya thinks he will be surprised and yearn to know how she stood alive.

Sushma and Pragya coming to the office. Sushma introduces Pragya as her daughter with another surname. The business partner says I heard so much about you. Pragya says I am sure that you have heard right and tells that real confidence comes when a person is self made. They praise her. Pragya says we are here to discuss about the properties which we have acquired. The properties image is shown on the projector screen.

The partner asks someone to move this bungalow image and tells that this is our bungalow and is under renovation. Pragya asks how did you get it? The partner tells that it was on sale and we bought. Pragya says she wants this bungalow and recalls marrying in the house and getting kicked out by Pragya. Pragya offers three properties inexchange of this bungalow.

Sushma asks Pragya what is she doing? The partner thinks she might give her studio too and asks her to give the three properties and the studio too. Pragya says you said right that it is not that worth and tells that she will buy only if you give the property on market price. Mr. Thappar’s son agrees and gives the property papers to her. He says I have bought this house on half rate and tells that you have done bad business. Pragya tells that she would have given him entire business and tells that he has lost it. Mr. Thappar asks what is it? Sushma says it was a lesson for your son.


Siddharth comes to Prachi’s house. He tells Ranbir and Prachi that he is jealous seeing their love. Prachi gets ready to go for meeting. He gets a call that Pallavi got heart attack and asks Ranbir if he is coming. Sushma appreciates Pragya for her business. Pragya tells that she got grah pravesh in that house and then she was kicked out. Thappar’s son is impressed with her. Thappar tells that they didn’t want to sell the house, but she convinced us. He tells that he shall get the folder from her purse and plan to acquire her factory.

Pragya comes there and asks them when she can get the bungalow keys. Mr. Thappar’s son tells that after the renovation. Pragya says ok. Mr. Thappar’s son tells that they shall find out about her connection with the bungalow.

Abhi, Sumit, Prashant and other friend are sitting to play carrom board. Sumit’s wife comes there and tells that she is going with her mother. They tell Abhi that his wife is going from there. Abhi says she is upto something. Sumit says you don’t talk to her, but knows her. Abhi says Police also knows the thief. He drinks.

Pragya and Sushma come home. Pragya tells that Manager called and told that car will be ready. She asks her to see the things. Sushma finds Priyanka’s pics and says she had forgotten this in Australia. Pragya says how can I forget it and tells that she requested Mark to give it to Brandon and he brought it here. Sushma gets emotional and says I will see them. She says just as the car comes, we will go to boutique.

Sumit is repairing Pragya’s car. Abhi comes there and asks him to play final match. Sumit tells that he has to work, as reminds him about repairing the car outside the hotel. He says they called him to repair their car and the boss is impressed with his service and doubled his salary. He says you will not get Rani. Abhi picks the call and says I love you Rani. Sumit asks what did you do? Pragya looks on. Abhi tells Sumit that he didn’t pick the call. Pragya asks Sumit not to waste time and bring the car to her home safely soon. Sumit tells Abhi that she was scolding him and asked him to value time.

Abhi says I will talk to her, call her. Sumit says it was get to scolded by her, there was love in her scold. Abhi recalls Pragya’s scolding and says she was like her. Sumit repairs the car and sits in the car. He gets his wife’s call and tells Abhi that he has to go with her for his child’s vaccination, asks Abhi to deliver the car to the lady’s house. Abhi says I am drunk and stinking. Sumit asks him to eat pan and deliver the car.

Sushma looks at Priyanka’s pic and gets sad. The Servant comes there and tells that food is ready. Sushma asks about Pragya. The Servant says she is upset due to some mechanic. Sushma says mechanic hasn’t brought the car. Abhi comes there and says he came to give the keys. Servant opens the door. Sushma asks him to give the car keys to her daughter. Abhi looks at the food kept on the dining table and tells that his Dadi used to make food for him like this. he says Dadi is no more, just her memories are left. Sushma asks him to eat the food after giving car keys to her daughter. Abhi is about to step on the stairs when Sushma asks him to give keys in Pragya’s hand. Abhi says Pragya.

Next Wednesday update twist of fate 



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