These streets 15 February 2022: Devika laughs and says Shan can’t win from me. Shan says this is my game and I will win it for my daughter. You know what I want. Devika says let’s see. Krishi and Akira come there. Krishi says where is papa? Akira says we will surprise him. A man says he’s in basketball court. Krishi says in heart I brought you here so you see Devika and you get better and we can all live happily.
Shan is playing basketball. Krishi is coming there. Devika falls on Shan. Shan holds her. Krishi says papa? Devika runs. Shan hugs Krishi. She couldn’t see Krishi. Shan says you here? Shan asks Akira why did you bring her here? Krishi says we came to surprie you. I also want to play basketball. Shan says I will teach you how to play. Shan plays basket ball with Krishi. Devika says Shan moved me from there or it would have been another trouble. Shan says I am proud of you. You’re playing well. Krishi says mama would have been so happy if she were here. Shan says we will play in front of her once she’s back.
Krishi says when will she be back? I can’t wait anymore. Shan says I promised you she will be back soon. Shan says Akira take Krishi home. And next time, ask me before doing anything like this. Krishi says papa you come too? Shan says I have some work. Krishi leaves.Krishi sees Devika in a mirror while leaving. She says mama, where are you? She runs. Shan says what happened? She says I saw mama. Devika hides. Shan says mama can’t be here. Akira says let’s go home. Shan says you see what you think. I know you miss her. Krishi says you’re right. Shan says go home. Akira takes her home.
Shan stops Devika and says where are you going? You can’t forget your promise. Devika leaves. devika says I don’t forget my promises. I am not like you. You’re such a useless father. You’re lying to your daughter. How long would that work? She would hate you. Tell her the truth. She will recover with time. All kids recover. When I was her age my papa died. But I am here. Everything gets better. Don’t lie to her. Shan says are you done? Shan says who are you to show me what’s right and what’s wrong? You don’t know what kind of a father I am. She stayed away from me for six years. I can’t let her suffer.
Her health is going down the drain. You don’t know what hope is. Her heart is mentally weak. A little stress can stop her heart. She has a hole in her heart. A little hope can keep her alive. I need you to keep that hope alive. You are not even near Asmita’s foot. Only your face looks like her. Devika leaves. Shan says why did you leave me Asmita?Devika comes home and says ma? Where are you? She is nowhere. She asks Chachi. Chachi says how would I know where your mom is? she is such a drama. Chacha says I went out get vegetable.
Devika shouts and says where is my mother. Chachi says I asked her to stay home but she went to the hospital. Devika says I will kill you if anything happens to my mother. Devika is worried.Devika’s mom comes in front of a car. Shan saves her. He says are you okay? She faints. Shan says does anyone know her? Or her family? Who is she? Devika is looking for her mom. She screams ma.. A man says this man saved her life at the last moment. Devika runs to her and says what happened to her? Shan says relax she is fine. We have to take her to the hospital.
They try to stop the cars. Devika says ma, nothing would happen to you. Shan and Devika take her mother on the bike. They rush her to the hospital.Devika is crying. Her mother is being treated. The doctor says we have to do her heart surgery. Deposit the money right now. Devika says where would I arrange that money? Shan says money will be deposited right now? Please start the treatment. Devika hugs her mom crying. She says why did you go alone? Couldn’t you call me? What if anything happened to you? Shan comes in. Her says mom says as long as there are angels like him, nothing can happen to me. He saved me. Shan says you would be fine.
Nothing would happen to you. She says always stay happy. Men like you are rare. Shan says you will be fine. She says her dad used to say the same. Shan says he would be happy to see you healthy. She says are you married? Shan says I have two daughters. She says if you weren’t, I would marry you with my daughter. She is crazy. Devika says what are you saying? Shan says your daughter is crazy. He leaves. Her mom says he is made of gold.Shan deposits the money and says there should be nothing short in the treatment.
Devika stops him and says why are you doing all this? So I become Krishi’s mom? Such an opportunist? You’re using my circumstances? Shan says I can’t stoop that low. I am not that selfish. I don’t use people. I know mother is the most important thing in life. Your mind is full of dirt. We have to help each other as humans. Even animals help each other. God gave you only face like Asmita. Your heart isn’t even 1% like hers. Go and take care of your mom. Call me if you need anything. He leaves. Devika says no you see what I do.
Krishi tells Chahat she defeated Shan is basketball. Chahat says wow, it would be fun. Doorbell rings. Krishi goes to the kitchen. Devika comes in as Asmita. Everyone is shocked. Krishi comes and hugs her. she says mama, where were you? I waited so long. Devika hugs her and says I am back. Devika wipes her tears. Krishi says I missed you so much. I couldn’t even talk to you. Papa told me there was no network. Krishi says I love you mama. Never leave me alone.
Next: these Streets Wednesday update