Twist of fate update Sunday 30 January 2022

Twist of fate update Sunday 30 January 2022


Twist of fate 30 January 2022:  Rhea and Prachi coming to Pragya and Abhi. Rhea says I heard you talking that you want to get Tanu and Dad married, so that she take back the case. Prachi says but it is not needed. Rhea says even I have an idea and you don’t need to get Dad married.

They argue that their idea is best. Abhi asks Prachi to say. Prachi says Tanu aunty gave us an idea to get her defeated, and nobody thought of it. Rhea says I thought of it. She says she gave marriage proposal. Prachi asks him to accept the proposal. Rhea says then she will think that you are her would be husband and take back the case. Prachi says she will take back the case. Abhi asks what? And asks if he shall get lifetime punishment rather than 10 years imprisonment. Pragya says yes.

Rhea asks Pragya not to lose hope and tells that Dad told that you are strong and brave. Prachi says we are with you, we have to fool her and asks them to keep the marriage date after court hearing date. Rhea says we will get proofs against her and cancel the marriage. Pragya says she didn’t get any good idea as they got it. She hugs Rhea and Prachi. Abhi asks them not to do pre celebrations and tells that he hasn’t agreed for marriage yet. He says even if I agree, then also Tanu will not agree as I threw her out of the house and also that I rejected her proposal on call. Prachi says she has an idea and tells something. Pragya says anything is possible, if Aaliya can mend her ways in this house. Abhi hugs Pragya.

Mitali comes to Aaliya and finds her emotional and crying. She asks what happened? Aaliya says she was seeing her pics and saw even Tanu and her college pics. She says she is getting angry on Tanu and herself for bringing the former home. Mitali says you wanted them to unite.

Aaliya says I thought Tanu will keep him happy, but what did she do? She says I want to see Bhai happy and I get angry seeing her, and wants to kill her, but don’t want to increase Pragya’s work. She says I never supported Pragya, but now I respect her as she is standing with Bhai. Mitali is surprised and says what are you saying? Aaliya says she mean it, tells that she don’t know what Pragya will do to save Bhai and tells that they have just 24 hours.

Abhi comes to Pragya. Pragya says she was making coffee for him. Rhea comes and asks if Tanu agreed to marry Dad. Abhi tells that he is upset and asks where is Dadi? Pragya says she has gone to Tanu’s house. Dadi comes to Tanu’s house and asks if she is fine. She talks sweet with her. Tanu asks if you are fine and remember what I have done with your grand son. Dadi tells that she has brought alliance for Abhi’s marriage with her. Abhi says so Dadi went to my would be wife’s home. He is upset. Pragya asks Rhea to ask him to agree. Rhea asks Abhi to agree.

Abhi asks Prachi to say. Prachi says this is not actual marriage, it is drama. Rhea and Prachi argue. Rhea says she always cuts me, don’t let me say anything. Abhi says come on cut to Prachi. Pragya and Abhi smiles. Abhi says their sibling rivalry is coming out, as they are together. He says he is liking their argument/nok jhok. Pragya says your dad has to marry. Abhi asks her to say that he has to act to marry. He asks why is she acting weird? Pragya tells that she has convinced Dadi to go there and would have got slap from her.

A fb is shown, Dadi refuses to take Abhi’s alliance to Tanu and tells that she hates her. Pragya says whatever Tanu plans, we will fail her plan. Dadi says I will give her handcuff and asks her not to send her. She says I will kill her. Pragya says if I go there, then she will be doubtful. She asks Dadi to convince Tanu that she is ready for their marriage. She says if Tanu agrees for marriage, then we will get some time to cancel the wedding and get proofs. Dadi agrees and takes the bangles to make Tanu wear it, as a handcuff. Fb ends.

Rhea tells that if Dadi does anything wrong then? She says if we had known about Tanu’s plan then we would have stopped you from rejecting Tanu’s proposal. Prachi asks him to think it as an opportunity. Abhi says they are karishma and think same. Rhea says no and says she is thinking if Baljeet Dadi’s acting fails then what will happen.

Dadi gets inside tanu’s house and says she brought shagun bangles for her. She asks if she wants to be Abhi’s wife. Tanu says I am not convinced, you love Pragya and hates me. She says I know that this is your plan to trap me and tells that nobody can make me stupid. She tells that when I was in the house, you was against me and didn’t say when I was thrown out. She asks Dadi why Abhi will agree to marry her, who hates her and lectured her so much about his marriage with Pragya.

She says I know that this is all fake and asks her to get out of her house. Dadi asks her to listen. Tanu asks her to get out. Dadi tells that I hate you and tells that Pragya asked her to come here, it was their plan to trap her. She says what do you think that I will make you wear bangles, no I will make you wear handcuffs.

Abhi fears that Dadi might tell the truth to Tanu, if provoked. Rhea says Dadi will call if her plan succeeds. Abhi says Dadi doesn’t know how to lie. Pragya says Dadi knows how to handle if she says the truth. Mitali thinks what they are talking? Pragya says we shall go there. She says I will call her. Rhea asks her not to call her, and says if you call Dadi then Tanu will get angry. Mitali hears them from far, and thinks there is something to worry. She goes to tell Aaliya. Pragya is worried. Abhi asks her to be their strength and says we all are with you. Rhea asks Pragya to wait, if she trusts Dadi.

Tanu telling Dadi that she knew that she hates her and says I was thinking why you wanted me to marry Abhi, as you thinks of Pragya as dutiful bahu. Dadi says you are right, but want you to marry Abhi. Tanu asks her to tell clearly. Dadi says I hate you and loves pragya as she keeps Abhi happy. She asks her to think of childhood and says your mother must have loved your friends who likes you. She says same like me, Pragya’s love is troubling abhi and he is not happy.

Tanu says you used to say that Pragya keeps him happy. Dadi says I used to say that and says which grand mother likes any witch to marry her grand son, but if that witch saves her then why not. She says all persons are not bad, and gives example of Neem referring to Tanu and tells pragya is honey, which is sweet at first then bitter.

She says I know every person well and asks her to marry Abhi, as she can save him and save him from any trouble. She says you will say that Abhi doesn’t love you, but you are like neem stick which is loved with time. Tanu says I have understood when you referred to me as Chudail, I understand. She says when work is not done with Devi’s prayers then people opt for evil practices.


Dadi asks her to marry Abhi and says once you marry him, then the house ambience will change, one whom you love and one who will love you. Tanu asks whom? Dadi says me. She asks if you remember Dallu Dadi.

Tanu says very well. Dadi says Didi never respected me and praised Pragya and thought her as God. She says that’s why I praised Pragya and acted like her. She says I wanted a modern girl for him like you, but Didi scolded me too much that day. She says that day I opened my mouth and today I am saying. She says she wants stylish, modern wife for Rockstar Abhi and tells that Pragya is looking like a mother, being a mother. Tanu says I want to trust you, but my heart is not willing. She says even if I agree, then also Abhi will not agree. Dadi asks why he will not agree and goes out. Abhi says Dadi’s call.

Pragya picks the call. Dadi says she is a big actress and a rockstar. Pragya says I was so worried. Dadi says it is good that you didn’t call me. She says everything is fine here, but she is doubtful due to Abhi. She says you have insulted her on video call. Abhi says I didn’t know that my daughters and wife plan to marry me off to Tanu. He says I want a boy. Dadi says I can’t tell her that I will make Abhi sit on the mandap forcibly. Tanu thinks what did she say, everything seems to be like a drama, but then there is no reason to doubt her.


She thinks everything is happening so nicely that it is so good to be true. She thinks she shouldn’t have told her that she trusts her. She thinks to go out and check, th inks Dadi must be talking to Pragya. She comes out and hears Dadi talking and thinks she is talking to Pragya. She thinks I caught her lie. Dadi sees her and ends the call. Tanu asks if she is talking to Pragya. Dadi says no.

Tanu asks her to give her mobile. Dadi says even if I give my mobile then you will not believe me and asks her to come with her. She says I will get you married to Abhi. Tanu asks how? Dadi says in our times, if the guy doesn’t agree then we used to pull his ears and make him sit forcibly. She says such marriages works. Tanu asks are you sure? Dadi says yes, and asks her where is her car? Tanu says this one. They sit in the car. Mitali tells Aaliya that something big is about to happen.

Tanu asks Dadi if she is taking her somewhere else then her lawyers knows everything. Dadi says one has to win the trust first. She silently messages Pragya to get ready for action. Dadi and Tanu come home with the Media. Dadi calls Abhi. Pragya asks Abhi to act as if she is trapping him and not that he is trapping her. Abhi asks her to see his act.

Pragya asks Rhea and prachi not to tell anyone. Prachi says everyone is on our side. Rhea calls her stupid and says even Shahana shall not know. Abhi comes out and asks what is media doing here and asks them to go. Tanu asks Dadi what is she doing and says you didn’t say anything on the way. Abhi says Dadi brought you here, and asks Tanu what she told Dadi that she is behaving this way.

Dadi asks him to calm down and says someone wants to know what is happening? Aaliya asks why she called media? Dadi says I called Media to say that if Abhi has done wrong then we shall rectify it. She says in our times, if a guy did anything wrong with the girl then they were married off. She asks Tanu if she wants to marry Abhi. Tanu nods. Abhi says I hate her and has insulted her on the call. Dadi says she has accepted her as her bahu and tells that she will get their roka done today.

Media asks Tanu if she is expecting this. Abhi tells that he will not marry. Pragya tells her daughters that it is her entry time. She comes there and asks what is happening here? Abhi says Dadi is getting me married to Tanu. Pragya asks with whose permission? She says you didn’t ask me. Abhi says I will not marry her. Dadi says you have to get engaged and goes to bring the aarti plate. Mitali asks Aaliya to do something. Aaliya asks her to wait and watch, what she will do. Tanu asks what will you do and says you was my friend and got against me. Abhi thinks Aaliya shall not say anything, she didn’t know about our plan.

Next Monday update twist of fate 



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