Twist of fate 22 January 2022: Tanu gets her friend’s call. Her friend asks what has happened, I had told you not to leave your husband for Abhishek Mehra and you didn’t listen. She says he raped you, you have no idea how the new channel is showing the news.
She tells that she donates to the NGO in lakhs and will talk to them. She says nobody can bring Abhishek Mehra out of the lock up and he will get punished. She tells that she will talk to the NGO and asks her not to worry. She says you will get people’s sympathy. Tanu laughs and tells Netra that nothing can happen to her, without her wish and Abhishek Mehra loves Pragya so much and can’t think of rape even in his madness. Nethra asks if you are not raped. Tanu says Police will say and asks her to come to Delhi, it will be fun. She ends the call and says I am not raped. She tells that you have left me 21 years ago, and now I will not leave you and wants to see Pragya in the same pain as me. She thinks she has such a plan and will create such drama that will force Abhi to marry her. She tells that she don’t need anyone’s support. She thinks she will take Rhea to her side, and if she don’t then she will soon marry and leave.
Aaliya asks Pragya to leave from there and tells that Tanu will not back off if I leave, but you will leave then Tanu will back off from the case. She asks Pragya not to force her to take action against her and asks her not to do bad with them. Dadi asks what wrong did she do? Aaliya says if she had not returned then Tanu wouldn’t have done this. Aaliya says I have no sympathy for you, do you want to go and tell Bhai that I misbehaved with you. Aaliya says no and asks her to leave. Dadi asks pragya to go. Pragya leaves from there.
Dadi confronts Aaliya for breaking her promise. Aaliya says I didn’t do anything wrong. you have done a favor on me by supporting me. She tells that she has done this for family’s betterment. Dadi says Abhi must feel bad when he comes to know about this. Aaliya shouts at Dadi. Dadi shouts back at aaliya and says even she can shout. She tells that she will never accept that Abhi is arrested due to her. Mitali thinks today she thinks Aaliya is right.
Prachi thinks of Ranbir. Sarita behen tells that she can see love and care for her in Ranbir’s eyes and that’s why came to drop her. Prachi says he is engaged now and had said that he would have come to drop the peon if he was in trouble. Sarita behen says if you don’t love him then why you was thinking about him. She asks what you are hiding from me, when you both love each other then why is he marrying Rhea? Just then Pragya comes there and goes to her room.
Tanu thinks she loves Abhi and will go to any extent to get him. She thinks she is not the young Tanu anymore and is the new Tanu. Inspector calls Tanu and tells that they have taken Abhishek sample and asks her to come. Tanu says she will come. Rhea comes home and hears Dadi and Mitali talking about Tanu accusing Abhi of rape. Rhea says Dad can’t do this. Dadi says it is Tanu’s lie. Rhea goes to talk to Aaliya.
Sarita behen and Prachi ask what happened? Pragya tells them everything. Prachi says you shall be in the PS with Papa. Pragya says I can’t go, as Inspector tells that if I go to the PS, then the charges will increase and I will be blamed for interfering in the investigation. She says Tanu accused him such. Prachi says I will go and talk to Aaliya buji. Pragya asks her not to forget her values and says she is your Bua, if she is doing wrong then that doesn’t mean that you shall do wrong.
Prachi says what do you mean, if she shall bear silently. Pragya says Aaliya loves your Papa so much and she is troubled too. Sarita behen tells that it is good that Aaliya has thrown Pragya out of the house. Prachi asks what are you saying this? Sarita behen says whenever she meets Abhi, what does she get, accusation, throwing out of house etc. She says what will she answer, when people ask her how did Abhi do this with Tanu? She asks her to forget Mr. Mehra.
Tanu comes to the PS and asks why Inspector why Abhi is not inside. Inspector says he will be locked inside soon for many years. Tanu says I will come here for as many times as possible to get him punished. She comes to him and recalls their moments. She confronts him for choosing Pragya over him and tells that she will not leave him. Abhi tells that he is thankful that he chose pragya and tells that when he will go out then it will be due to Pragya. Tanu tells that Pragya will not save her. Abhi tells that Pragya’s love is so true and she will take him out. Tanu tells Inspector that Abhi is threatening to kill her. Abhi says I didn’t threaten her, she is lying. Inspector scolds Abhi for raping Tanu and then threatening her. He asks Constable to lock him in the lock up. Tanu thanks inspector for supporting her.
Sarita behen asks Pragya if she is inauspicious for Abhi or vice versa. Pragya says he is my everything, my Kumkum bhagya and my life. Sarita behen says then would haven’t come here and must have given a reply to Aaliya. Pragya tells that Aaliya and Tanu can’t throw her out of her house and tells that she will get him freed. Sarita behen says this is my Pragya, who can’t cry in helplessness. She tells that she was provoking her intentionally so that she can bring him out. She tells that Rhea needs her and asks her to go there. Prachi asks her if she will go there. Pragya says yes, she needs me, this house is of Sarita ji. Sarita behen tells that this is Prachi’s nani house and your mother’s house. Prachi says she will stay here. Pragya says she will meet Abhi and will tell him that she will stay in his house and will bring him back, as their family is incomplete without him.
Aaliya talking to the lawyer. Rhea comes there and asks how could you do this. How did you let his arrest happen? Aaliya asks her to relax. Rhea says you would have called the commissioner or used your contacts to stop his arrest. Aaliya says Pragya tried, but Police took him. Rhea says what did you do? Aaliya says even I tried. She tells that Police have concrete proofs against Bhai. Rhea asks what proofs? Aaliya says she don’t know. Rhea blames her for calling Tanu home. Aaliya says she called her for good intentions and don’t know this will happen. She says she will take lawyer tomorrow morning and promises to take her with her. Rhea cries and hugs her.
Pragya comes to the PS and insists to meet her husband. Inspector says you can’t meet him as the meeting time is over. Pragya says just now I saw someone going inside. Inspector says ladies are not allowed in night and says if someone complains against me. Pragya says she will just give him food and talk to me. Inspector says if you are trying to emotionally blackmail me then I must tell you that I have no sympathy for rapist. Pragya says if I accuse you corrupt then will you bear it. She says until the crime is proved, how can you say this. Inspector says you can’t talk to me like this. She says I am requesting you and you are calling him criminal. Inspector says your husband will be proved rapist in court, it is open and shut case. Pragya records the video that Inspector Dwivedi is not letting her meet her husband, and not letting her give him food, he is unwell and needs food and medicine. She says Inspector is violating human rights.
Inspector snatches her phone. Pragya says you can snatch my phone, but not my rights. She says she will make another video. Inspector says you can’t do this. Pragya says Tanu is shedding fake tears and gaining sympathy by making such videos. Inspector tells that he has no sympathy for the accuse, but has sympathy for a wife. He asks her to go and meet her husband. Pragya goes to meet Abhi. Abhi gets emotional and says I thought they will not let you meet me. Pragya says they tried, but couldn’t stop me. He asks about Prachi, Rhea and others. He says I don’t know how will I look in their eyes? Pragya says they think what their mother think about you, you can’t do such a thing and asks him to have trust. Abhi apologizes and says until when you will support me. Pragya reminds him of their promise taken during marriage and says our relation is for 30-40 births, as we are married many times. Abhi says I am lucky that you came in my life. Pragya says I am lucky that I got you. Allah wariyan plays….She feeds food in his mouth and cries emotionally. Abhi also gets teary eyes and feeds food in her mouth. Pragya wipes her tears.
Tanu rejoices her victory. Prachi comes there and greets her, says she is Prachi. Tanu says I know. Prachi requests her to take back the Police complaint which you have filed against my Papa. Tanu says why shall I take such serious complaint? Prachi tells that many lives will be ruined due to your complaint. Tanu says I am the victim and I will think about myself. Prachi says Papa needs care and got well due to my mother. She says if you take back your complaint then I know that Papa will handle him, she has done many sacrifices in the past and even now will do. Tanu says I have a feeling that Pragya is standing infront of me, and asks if she has done sacrifice by keeping Ranbir far. Prachi asks what am I saying and what you are saying? Tanu says what do you mean, I complained against him as I want justice. Prachi says my mother will bring out your lie infront of everyone and says if you don’t want to be exposed then take back the complaint.
She says I know what you had told my mother that you will snatch my Papa from her. She says you don’t understand my words, you will understand my mother’s words. Tanu tells that she has done a big mistake by not marrying Abhi when he proposed her. She says she wants Abhi inexchange of justice and asks her to get lost. She pushes her. Rhea comes and holds Prachi. Prachi looks on.
She asks how was the food? Abhi says it was good as you made me have it with your hand. Pragya tells Abhi that very soon, he will be outside and will have food with the family. Abhi says system here is very bad, anyone can accuse anything to anyone. Pragya tells that you will get justice surely, this place is not for you. The goons lock in the lock up accuse Abhi and call him rockstar/rapist Abhishek Mehra. Pragya gets angry, Abhi stops her from reacting and says he don’t care about the people, as she is his world. Pragya says she will prove him innocent soon. Abhi asks her to go and says if they tell anything to you, then I will not bear. He asks her to go and tell everyone that I miss and love them. The goons talk that whose wife is good, why he got involved with another woman. Pragya says my husband is not like that. Abhi asks her not to react and go from there. Pragya kisses on his hand and leave. Abhi threatens the goons not to say anything, else he will murder them.
Tanu tells Rhea that their equation will not change with Abhi’s arrest. Rhea says the woman who accused my dad of rape, can’t have any relation with me. Tanu says he raped me. Rhea says Dad didn’t rape you. It must be your misunderstanding or lie. Tanu asks why will I lie? Rhea says you are the worst woman, I have ever seen. Tanu twists her hand and tells that she expected Prachi to say all that, but didn’t expect her to react. Prachi comes to Tanu and asks her to leave her hand, says my sister is in pain. Tanu asks how dare you and raise her hand to slap Prachi. Rhea holds her hand and tells that she don’t think that they are weak that they will raise hand on other. She says if you are raising hand on us, then even we can raise hand on you. Tanu says separated sisters united and calls Security. Prachi says she came to ask her to take back the complaint against Papa. Tanu says only Rhea is Abhi’s daughter. Rhea says we didn’t come to discuss about our family matter, we haven’t come here to tell our relation. She says we came to save our Dad. Prachi says our Papa can’t do this. Rhea says it will be better if you take back the complaint, else don’t say that we didn’t warn you. She asks Prachi to come.
Next Sunday update twist of fate
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Comment:i love this two sisters finally united