Amba says that they shall start the auction. Priya says starting bidding price for the auction is 85 crores. The people starts bidding. Dev enters and bids for 90 crores. The people gossip. Amba asks Priya from where Dev got 90 crores.
Priya says she didn’t know. Satyavati asks from where he got the money. Dev says it is arranged 100 crores and recalls taking Kaushik’s help. The guy bids for 95 crores. Dev bids for 100 crores. Priya thinks Bhai Saheb must have arranged money and thinks to apologize to him. A guy bids for 120 crores. Dev turns to go, hearing the final bid. Vidhi stops him from leaving. The guy says Raichand Mansion is bought by Mr. Karthik for 120 crores and asks Amba to sign the papers and lock the deal.
Priya gets up and says Amba Mehta can’t sell this house. Amba asks what nonsense, you are saying. Priya says this house is on my name, then how can Amba Mehta sell it. Amba says just now you have transferred this house on my name. Priya says surely, but she got it on her name by cheat. Amba asks if you have any legal proof. Priya says you have signed the papers, making the old papers null and void. The Raichands get hopeful. Amba says then why you didn’t stop the bidding right there.
Priya says I could stop it. She says you wanted to take revenge from Bhai Saheb for your personal problem, but you dragged my family on road and wanted to auction the house and bring everyone on their knees, but you have forgotten that one Raichand was remaining, ie. me, Priya Raichand, wife of Abhimanyu Raichand whom you had trapped, mother of Simmy Raichand whom you have kept away from her family and wanted to make her as your slave.
She asks how did you forget that we are Raichands and don’t become anyone’s slaves. She says you wanted to ruin our respect so same thing happened with you. She addresses to the people, media and her family and tells that due to her stubbornness, she has hurt those who loved her very much, her husband, Jethji and Satyavati Raichand.
She says I have broken their trust and says I might get their forgiveness or not, but might get some peace. She tells that this house is made by all Raichand, Satyavati’s tapasya, Dev’s hardwork, Abhi’s precious time, and Vidhi’s sweat and blood. She says only Raichands deserve this and asks Dev to come on the stage. Vidhi tells Dev that today Priya has proved that she repents for her wrong doings and she is with us. Priya says please come on the stage.
Dev goes to the stage. The Media tells that Amba has lost and Raichands have won. Priya tells Dev that she is very young and can’t handle the responsibility, and asks for forgiveness, asks him to take back the house. She says an outsider manipulated me and I was foolish to come in her talks. She says you had given me many gifts till now, but I am not competent to give you any gift.
She says I am returning this gift to you, and asks him to accept it. She says it is our baba’s dream and asks him to take up the responsibility again. Dev accepts the papers and keeps his hand on Priya’s head. Priya gets emotional and teary eyes. Amba goes angrily and shocked. Media goes behind her, but she goes.
Amba is in her house. Yogesh comes there. She is watching TV and the reporters tell that Raichand got their house back. Yogesh says Priya played game with us, we thought her foolish, but she is a player. The Raichands come to the Raichand Mansion. Satyavati says why there is no light at home. Priya lights the diya and the lights comes. She says it is Diwali and welcomed them in their own house. Simmy comes and goes to Abhi. Priya tells Vidhi that when she had come home after marriage, she didn’t welcome her properly so thought to welcome her now.
Yogesh tells Amba that he was loyal to her, and regarded her as his friend. Amba sees the news and tells that first Dev, Chitra and now Priya. She says I will take revenge from them and will kill them. Yogesh asks if she is fine. Amba says she was overconfident and regrets to doubt him. She says I want to correct my mistake. Yogesh says we were always in one team. Amba hugs him. Yogesh says we will take revenge from Raichand’s together.