These streets 17 January 2022: Krishi comes to the terrace. She says why did mummy call me here?? She looks for Asmita. Krishi says where are mama papa? Nandani and Shekhawat are there. Nandani says no one would hear her cry because of the noise. Lights go off. Krishi screams papa ma.. Nandani shoves Krishi on the fire. She saves herself and gets up.
Someone throws a snake on her. Krishi runs. Nandani says I won’t let her go this time. Krishi runs downstairs. Nandani says she fails all my plans. Shekhawat says maybe she actually has God’s hand on her. Nandani’s own saree gets burned. Shekhawat says if you plan ill for her, it comes back to you.
Krishi comes downstairs. Nevi says thank you Asmita for being part of our plan. Asmita says you have enabled her to get her right. Nevi says I am a mother. Krishi says papa, let’s do the arti together. All kids and you and mama. Let’s do this. She asks all kids to come for arti. They do arti together. Nandani is angry. Krishi gives parsad to everyone. Moni says we will play with firecrackers.Asmita gives prasad to nandani. She says the same God is with me Nandani. You’re facing a mother, not a woman. Nandani says the game isn’t over yet. Shan isn’t yours. Asmita says you can never change.
Nandani says I will teach them both a lesson. Nandani sees the chain shan gave to Krishi. She is about to throw it. Krishi says my papa gave it to me. Give it back to me. Nandani says you remember your papa gave it to you? And forgot everything else? Krishi says mama just told me papa gave this to me. She leaves. Nandani says I am sure she never forgot anything. I will expose her to lie.
Krishi asks Asmtia to wear earrings and lipstick. Asmita says can you live alone? Krishi says don’t worry. I have convinced papa to take you on a date. Asmita says when did you learn this word? She says I just want you two to live happily. Best of luck. Asmita says call me if you have any problem.Guddan calls Asmita. Guddan says you sound so happy. Asmita says my daughter gives me so much strength. Guddan says I have to invite you to Mamta devas competition.
Please come there with Krishi. Asmita says, of course, we will come there. Nandani hears. Shan says Asmita are you ready? Nandani says I will never let you prove you’re the best mother. I will not let you participate in this competition.Nandani says to Shekhawat Shan and Asmita are going on a date then they would get married. Shekhawat says that won’t ever happen. Nandani says that Krishi is fooling us. She hasn’t lost her memory. But now she will. I will make her suffer so bad.
Asmita and Shan are on their way. Songs play. Shan says why are you smiling? She says you should smile too. Shan says what do you want to eat? She says let’s go to the temple to pray, He says yes. Asmita says you’re agreeing to Asmita? He says I would do anything for Krishi.Nandani has invited the doctors. She says I will bring the patient. You prepare. Nandai says either you will tell truth or I will actually make you lose memory.Nandani says to Moni fell. She is bleeding. She is in her room. Nevi runs upstairs. Nandani locks them in a room. Moni says I am fine. Nandani says Krishi your bari ma fell downstairs. Coem. Krishi runs. The doctors grasp her.
Nandani says give her shocks and check if she actually lost her memory. Shekhawat comes there. Krishi says uncle please stop them. Shekhawat says we are doing this for your treatment. The doctors tie Krishi. Krishi runs. She hides. Krishi tries calling asmita but her number is off. Shan and Asmita are doing mannat for Krishi. Both of their phones are off. Asmita says in heart, Shan really loves Krishi. I hope he considers her his biological daughter. The dia is blowing. Asmita and Shan save it. Asmita says something isn’t right. Please let’s go home.The doctors find Krishi. Shekhawat says we shouldn’t do this.
Krishi is screaming. Nandani says if you want Asmita we have to do it. The doctors prepare everything for the shock. Krishi is crying. Nandani says do you recall anything? Doctor gives her a shock. the doctor says she is a child, she might die. Nandani says do what I asked you. Shan comes and hits the doctor. He says please don’t hit me. Nandani asked me to do all this. Shan is about to slap Nandani. He says how dare you? Shekhawat says stop. The doctor said this is for her treatment. Shan says I am her father. I decide that. Asmita says Shan Krishi isn’t opening eyes.
Shan says Krishi open your eyes. ASmita gives her water. Asmita says Krishi please open your eyes. asmita cries and says why did I leave you alone. I won’t let anything happen to you. I can’t let you suffer like this. You have to stop this acting of memory loss. Krishi opens eyes and says no mama. Unless papa is convinced. Asmita says I can’t risk your life.
asmita comes to Nandani. She says how dare you to do this to my little daughter. Asmita ties Nandani. Asmita gives her shock. Nandani says please leave me. Namdani says Shan help me. Shan says Asmita don’t stop, give her more shock. Asmita says stay away from my daughter or I will kill you. Asmita leaves. Nandani says I will make sure Krishi doesn’t live.
I will separate you and Krishi tomorrow.Asmita says Krishi you need rest. We will take part in the competition later. Krishi says I am a fine mama. I want to meet Guddan auntie. Shan says she is a strong girl. If she insists, you will go. Krishi says please mama. Asmita says okay we will go. Krishi hugs them.Nandani calls Perv. Perv says what timing. Nandani says Asmita has to lose her daughter tomorrow. Shekhawat says nothing should happen to Asmita. Perv says Guddan and Asmita will only be proved as bad mothers. Nandani says Asmita will lose Shan and Krishi forever tomorrow.
AJ is getting ready. Guddan says should I help? AJ says no thank you. Guddan touches his feet. He says what are you doing? Guddan says give me blessings that I win this competition and prove that I love my daughter. AJ says love isn’t shown in competition. You weren’t there when she needed you the most. What’s the point? I don’t want any stain on our family name. I don’t want our personal matters to be discussed in front of everyone. Please don’t do this overdramatic acting. It won’t get you anything. He leaves. Guddan says he is being mad as if I am 40 years old experienced mother. It isn’t my fault. I will win this competition and show everyone I am the best mom.
Everyone comes to the competition. Dadi says motherhood isn’t a competition. Asmita comes there. She meets everyone. Asmita says this is my daughter Krishi. Guddan says this is my daughter Alisha. Krishi says we will defeat you in the competition. AJ says it’s going to be tough. Guddan says we don’t lose. Krishi says you’re challenging us? Guddan laughs.Chahat says mama why are we here? Nandani says the best mom and daughter have to win this. Chahat says but we are the best.Nandani says we have to show Guddan and Asmita. Nandani says where is Perv? I have to make my plan succeed.
Perv comes there disguised as a Sikh. Nandani says can’t you see? He says I am Perv. I am home for everyone else so I am not blamed. Nandani tells him the plan. She says Asmita and guddan both would be defeated. Perv says life is exciting finally. Someone calls Perv. He says don’t worry boss. Guddan won’t win today. Durga is on the other side. Durga says I have to stop Guddan and show she is wrong. If she can’t be a good mother in real life, she doesn’t deserve to win this competition. I won’t let Guddan be unfair to the daughter of this house even if I have to be with Perv.
The competition starts. The host says this is the biggest competition in the country. I would ask AJ’s mother to come on stage and inaugurate the competition with the minister. Dadi lights the candle. Dadi says for every mother, and for every daughter they are special. But we have to find the best one today. I wish you all the very best. The host says we are about to start our first round. AJ says to Guddan all the best. He says I know there are problems between us. But I really love you and will always do. Guddan says your love gives me strength. He says Guddan you can do anything. Guddan says thank you.
Dadi says you keep fighting with her but ou can’t live without her. AJ says I try. I can’t see her losing. Dadi says I am scared. Alisha might try to lose the competition on purpose. AJ says she is my daughter. I have all faith in her.Krishi says to Asmita why are you scared? Asmita says I am not. Shan says I respect you all that you do for Krishi. He says all the best. Shan holds her hand. Asmita says thanks. She says in heart, soon you will hold my hand forever.First-round starts. Asmita and Krishi come on stage and dance Mayan ya shoda. Nandani says to Perv, their performance is over.
Asmita would be getting ready for solo performance. Krishi must be alone. This is the right time to end her life.The host says Alisha and Guddan would come on stage now. Guddan and Alisha dance on Mai ne Mai.Krishi is alone on backstage. Perv kidnaps her. She screams. Perv says I have to do this.The host says in the second round, the mothers will give a solo performance. AJ says Alisha you did so well. You worked so hard. Laxmi says you will win for sure.Asmita asks Guddan have you seen Krishi? I am really scared. Asmita says don’t worry. We will find her. Nandani says no one will find this Krishi here. Now let’s kidnap the other one, Alisha.
Revati calls Alisha and says where is Perv? She says why would I know? I don’t have time for you I have to make Guddan lose. Revati says we are together. Alisha says I have to make that Guddan suffer and take revenge of my mom’s death. Durga hears everything. Revati says we are all helping. Alisha says I did all that alone. You didn’t do anything. I falsely accused Vikrant in the molestation case. Durga hears everything. She is shocked. Durga comes to Alisha. Alisha says you heard everything? Durga says Guddan was right. You lied. Alisha says go tell my dad. He didn’t trust his wife, why would he trust you? Durga says you accused an innocent man of a disgusting crime? She says disgusting is what Guddan did to my mom.
Durga says Guddan did right. Alisha says killing someone is right? Go from here and don’t give me a lecture.Guddan says to AJ Krishi is missing. AJ says what? Shan says what are you saying? Where is my daughter? Asmita says I was backstage. Shan says how could you be so careless? AJ says please calm down. Asmita says I am really scared. AJ says do you have doubt on anyone? Asmita says Nandani. Chahat says my mama didn’t harm anyone. AJ says we are talking here. You stay calm. Shan calls Nandani. Her number is off. Shan says where is mama? Chahat says mama is getting ready for solo performance. Guddan says she is so young. I am so worried.
AJ says where is Alisha? Guddan says she must be backstage. AJ says you had to watch out. Laxmi says she went out. AJ says no one stopped her? Alisha’s phone is off. AJ runs out.Perv tries to calling someone. Nandani says where is your friend? Perv says I am trying. Nandani says by now they must know both girls are missing. Perv calls someone and says come here. These mothers will kill me. Come here fast.AJ is looking for Alisha everywhere. AJ says Laxmi why didn’t you stop her. Laxmi says she isn’t picking up the phone. AJ says I will call the police. Laxmi says to Durga Krishi and Alisha both are missing. Durga is worried. She says I am sure Perv did this. I have to do something.
Guddan says I feel like Krishi and Alisha are kidnapped. Their earrings are here. Asmita says no they must be around. Asmita throttles Krishi. Her earring falls broken. Asmita says this is how her earring must have broken. Asmita says who would kidnap our daughters?Perv says they won’t even know our plan is way beyond kidnapping. Nandani says I am sure you did this for money. He says I have much more. Krishi says I want to get rid of this Krishi. Perv says no one will know where they went. Durga is on my side as well. I will blame it all on her. Durga comes there. Perv says I think they’re here.
Perv has called some goons. He says here are the girls. They are both virgins. The man says very well. How much? Perv says 4. He says that’s a lot. Perv says it’s 4 crores only. He nods. He says this is the first time I am seeing a bad policeman like you. Take 5 crores. Nandani says wait a minute. They must all be looking for these girls. You shouldn’t go together. Perv says we can go in two halves. The man says once we pay, no one touches ours. Bring the girls out. Nandani says I feel like this is all risky. Perv says Durga would be blamed for it. I have her fingerprints and name everywhere.
AJ says I have called the police. Guddan says I am really worried. Guddan says I would come with you as well. Perv keeps Krishi in a car. Shan and Asmita are looking for Krishi. They ask a few people have you see Krishi? Nandani says I saw a girl, she took Krishi. Shan says are you involved in all this? She says I still got that shock. I won’t do the same again. Asmita says I want my Krishi back. Shan says come with me. Nandani asks her goons to go. She says I hope Perv took Alisha too.Alisha is fainted in a suitcase trolly. He walks past Guddan and AJ, they don’t notice.
Guddan says I smell Alisha’s perfume. AJ says why would Alisha come here? Guddan says she is around. Perv puts petrol on the floor to reduce perfume’s fragrance. AJ says we can’t waste time here. Let’s go. They leave. Police stop cars to check. Nandani’s car is in the queue. She calls Perv. She says how would I go forward? They’re checking cars here. Perv says let me try doing something. Perv calls AJ and says ask the police to leave. AJ says we can’t risk Alisha’s life. We have to ask the police to leave. AJ calls the inspector and says can you please stop checking the cars? We found Alisha and Krishi. Guddan says how would we find them now? Inspector asks cops to stop checking.
AJ tells Asmita and Shan that he asked the police to leave. He says we can’t involve them. The kidnapper called. Our kids are in danger. Guddan says we have to go there. Guddan says please try to understand. The kidnapper asked mothers to come. Asmita says yes Shan we have to go. AJ says but.. Guddan says we have to go. The host announces the second round is starting. Guddan says we took part for our daughters. Asmita cries and says what happened. Shan says you will take part, AJ says and win too. AJ says if we can’t go with you, we can delay this competition. We will not let you lose. Asmita and Guddan run.
Nandani says to Perv you asked AJ for 6 crores? Perv says this was to distract them. I only want the mothers to suffer. The mothers would come here with money but I will test their motherhood. I will make their daughters suffer in front of them. Nandani leaves.Asmita and Guddan come to the shed. They look for Alisha and Krishi. They see the daughters tied. Asmita says Krishi opens your eyes. Your mother is here. Guddan says Alisha, open your eyes. The goons come there. Perv is hidden. Guddan says here is your money. Let us go now. The goon says the deal is already done. No one will take the girls from us now. Guddan says how dare you. Asmita says you can’t do that. The goon says take the mothers too.
AJ says I hope they’re fine. AJ says on stage you all know me and this is my friend Shan. He says we realized, this is unfair. We should be able to show our affection too. All the fathers agree. Shan says yes, we decided to take this chance for ourselves. This is our special gift for our daughters. Shan says our daughters should know the swag of their fathers. Shan and Asmita dance on desi boys.Guddan and Asmita are tied as well. Asmita says to take the money but let us go. Guddan says where are you taking our daughters? Asmita screams.
She says Krishi.. Please stop. They shove Krishi out. Someone holds Krishi and saves her. Asmita and Guddan smile. She hits all the goons.. She says you must be thinking where did I come from? I am Kajol. I am doing a college project to understand motherhood so I came to mamta devas. I observed everyone and saw you two. I thought I should ask you what is wrong? But everything is wrong here. Right partner? Her partner says exactly. They hit all the goons with their magical partners. He says don’t you have mothers? No one told your mother is the best power on planet. Kajol says let’s teach them a lesson. Perv comes there.
They hit Perv as well. Someone pulls a gun on them. He says I want to shoot you as well. Should I?
Next: these Streets Tuesday update