These Streets update Tuesday 18 January 2022


These streets 18 January 2022: Kajol saves Krishi and Alisha. Krishi says, mama. Alisha says Guddan? What is happening here? Guddan says to the masked man what do you want? You got the money. Kajol says such a complicated problem but there must be a solution. Her partner says she has a solution for everything. The masked says she can’t have a solution. Kajol says you tie with rope but what if there’s no rope. This is a riddle. Perv says where do all these problems come from in my life. Guddan and Asmita try to break the ropes. They free their hands.

Kajol fights Perv. Asmita and Guddan save Krishi. Perv shoots in the air. He says don’t dare moving forward I will shoot you both. Guddan says please let us go. Shan and AJ come there. They hit all the goons. Per runs from there. Gudadn says Alisha are you okay? Perv brings in the police. He says arrest them. They tried to kidnap our daughters. Guddan, AJ, Shan, and Asmita thank Kajol.AJ says I found this phone here. It must be of the kidnapper. He dialed into some boss all day. AJ dials the number. Durga’s phone rings. Everyone is shocked. Perv says Durga you? Guddan slaps AJ. Guddan says how dare you? Durga says I only did this to get not let you win the competition.

I didn’t do anything wrong. Guddan says how could you stoop so low. Durga says I got to know Alisha’s truth and she got a taste of her medicine. Guddan says she is my daughter. How dare you? AJ says to prove your point you risked Alsha’s life? And Krishi, she is a 6 years old kid. Durga says I made a mistake. I didn’t do anything wrong with them. This Perv.. Perv says me? AJ says don’t try to hide behind his name. Everything is clear. Durga says please.. Guddan says enough. You have lost every right. I wish I could stop myself. I wish you didn’t do such a sin. Two mothers can’t forgive you. You will be punished. Aj says to arrest her. Durga says I didn’t do anything wrong. Please don’t do this.

Dadi says I can’t believe Durga did this. Our own family did this. AJ and Guddan could win this battle too. Guddan says we have to win the competition now. Guddan and Asmita dance on the stage. Dadi and everyone is happy. The host says there are two mothers who stood out today. It’s a tie. Welcome our winners, Asmita and Guddan. Everyone claps. Guddan and Asmita go on the stage to collect the prize. The minster gives them a trophy. Asmita says thank you Guddan. You invited me. Guddan says you’re the best mom. Asmita says you are an amazing mom too. Kirshi is my blood but Alisha.. Guddan says a mother is never step. Guddan sees a bomb inside the trophy. She is shocked. Nandani says in heart, Asmita you thought I would let you become the best mom? Guddan runs out with the trophy. Everyone is shocked. The bomb blasts.

AJ rushes Guddan to the hospital. He says Guddan you can’t leave me. Please open your eyes Guddan. AJ says to the doctor please save my Guddan. I will give you my everything.Laxmi slaps Alisha and says shame on you. Guddan loves you so much. How can you do this? Alisha says I didn’t do this. Laxmi says I saw your video. I know how evil you are. You can’t fool me. I know you planned all that. Alisha throttles her and says I am not a killer like her. Don’t dare to accuse me. Dadi says what is happening here? Guddan’s life is at risk and you two are fighting here? Shame on you. Pray from God for her life. Kishor says dadi where is Durga? Durga comes in with the police.

Kishor says what is this? Dadi says the price of her sins. Kishor says what do you mean? Laxmi says I will tell you everything.AJ says I need the name inspector. Who did this? Inspector says there’s one person who knows who is behind the blast. Perv comes and says I know who is behind this. AJ says what is this drama? AJ says I will kill the person who did this. Perv shows him a video. He says inspector find out who this person is? Inspector says we will find this person. AJ says I will kill him. Perv says in heart I will make you all suffer.Guddan’s treatment is being done. AJ is in tears. Perv says what a game did I play.

Kishor says you trusted Alisha over Durga? durga won’t go to jail. She has done so much for this family. Dadi says but this is true. She has made a mistake. Kishor says she won’t go to jail. Dadi says you think we don’t love Durga? You know that very well. But a sinner has no place in this family. Kishor says if someone has to leave this family it would be Alisha. Dadi says leave her hand. Alisha won’t go anywhere. Durga made a mistake. She says to the inspector nothing is more important than the health of Durga and her baby. He says don’t worry we will take care of her. Kishor says no. Durga says I deserve to go to jail. She says in heart I trusted him and made this mistake. Guddan’s life is at risk because of me.

Guddan’s condition gets critical. AJ says would my Guddan be okay? The doctor says you can pray. We are trying our best. AJ comes to the temple. He says you like to make me suffer? I never begged you for anything. You made me small right? I can only trust you right now. I bow down to you and beg you for Guddan’s life God. Please give me my Guddan back. I am not broken. I won’t even let you take my Guddan for me. She made me a human. My house is home with her. You have to save her. you have to give her life back. I am not giving you an option. I want Guddan back. AJ puts a dia on his head. Guddan is being treated. The doctors give her CPR. The nurse comes and says Guddan is conscious. Her life is out of danger. AJ runs to her.


Alisha says to inspector I want to talk to Durga. She says see what your Guddan did to you. You’re going to jail with your baby. See what happened to you. You helped Guddan, now suffer. She only thinks about herself. She didn’t even think about herself. I think all kids of this house go to jail. Like me and your child now. Guddan will rule the house and you would be in jail.AJ comes to Guddan. He holds her hand. Guddan says I scared you? He says a lot. I felt like I lost you. Guddan says your love will always save me. I diffused the bomb.

AJ says it wasn’t a good joke. Guddan says I will be fine. AJ says I won’t leave the person who did this to you. Get well and come home with me.Asmita walks in with the injured foot. Shan holds her and dresses her wound. He says it will be good. Asmita says you still care when I am hurt? He says I don’t want to, but I care. I try to run away from you and hate you. But I keep coming back to you. I don’t know what is it between us that never breaks. Asmita says I know why is it this way. I really love you Shan. I know you love me too.


Asmita is dreaming all this. Shan isn’t there. Asmita cries and says I can’t live without you. Why do I keep imagining you and dreaming about you? I can’t live. Krishi has right on you. I want us to live a happy life together. I want to wear your sindur. I will make you mine no matter what happens. Krishi comes to Asmita. Asmita says mama. What’s on your hand. Asmita says are you okay? She says yes. But show me your hand. She says mangalsutra. Can I wear it? Asmtia says only married women wear it. When we got married your papa made me wear it and sindur.

Krishi says why don’t you wear it? Asmita says I used to wear it when I used to live with him. Only papa can make me wear it. Asmita says now you rest, I will get you fruits. Krishi says if papa makes you wear it, we won’t have to leave.Chahat and Nirvan fight over the toy car. Chahat shoves him. Shekhawat says what happened Nirvan? He says Chahat shoved me. Shekhawt says are you crazy? She says Nirvan is crazy. Shekhawat is about to slap her. Nandani says don’t dare to hit my daughter. He says you are a loser yourself. Nandnai says you didn’t even dare to come there. Shekhawat says you can’t still see the power that a girl has. You only speak, you can’t do anything. I am giving you one last chance only. He leaves.

Krishi calls everyone in the hall. She says everyone teases me in the school and says my parents don’t live together. We can all live together, right? Like a happy family? Then please wear this mangalsuraa and sindur. Please papa, make mama wear it. Nandani says what the hell are you saying? Asmita says this can’t happen. Krishi says you have patched up. I want my parents to stay together. Please papa. Make mummy wear it. Krishi starts crying. Shan says please don’t cry. Shan says why is it important? Krishi says for my happiness, please do it papa. Shan recalls what the doctor said. Shan says please don’t cry. We will do what you wish.

She says then make mama wear it. Shan takes mangalsutra and comes to Asmita. He picks Sindur.

Next: these Streets Wednesday update



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