The insolent heart update Wednesday 29 December 2021

The insolent heart update Wednesday 29 December 2021


The insolent heart 29 December 2021: The episode begins with, suman asks mehar to take elders blessings,mehar does so, abeer signs mehar that she is looking beautiful, sasha says guys lets take a selfie, taiji says all this will take place later now lets begin with ceremony, taiji says suman come with me and tell me what all did u get for shagun, suman goes with taiji.Abeer sasha mehar nisar busy clicking pictures, taiji looks at the shagun and asks where are gold coins, suman says actually we couldn’t arrange for the coins, taiji says so u managed with cash and thank god i didn’t write for car or else u would adjust with juicer n mixers and laughs,taiji looks at the jewellery and says ur jewelleries are so simple n low cost, suman says i am sorry,

taiji says u feel bad all the time i brought u in bcoz i realised there is some problem in shagun, suman says there was less time by marriage i will arrange for everything,servant calls taiji n suman for ceremony,taiji says don’t feel bad i was just taking care of status and one more thing here is new list go through it,suman says ok, taiji says don’t talk abt this list with mehar n abeer we shdnt involve kids in all this matters and also in wedding all shagun will be opened in front of everyone so be careful,suman says i will take care of it,taiji says i know u have just one daughter n u must have arranged things for her wedding day and i hope u didn’t feel bad abt what i said, suman says no its fine and leaves.

Engagement ceremony begins, abeer n mehar exchange rings,mehar sees suman standing far away and abt to go call her, taiji stops and says mehar quick put ring, mehar puts ring, everyone applauds, mehar looks at suman,music starts playing, taiji says this is the happiest day in my sons life cmon louder the music, taiji asks abeer to dance, mehar sees suman very tensed and abt to talk to suman, abeer pulls her to join him dance, everyone starts dancing, bua sees suman tensed and asks what is it, suman says nothing,suman n bua feel happy seeing abeer n mehar happy together.taiji donates 51000 rs in name of abeer n mehar and says give my children blessings and then see what i give in wedding.suman starts feeling insure abt money a nd taiji makes sure she does by always looking at suman while giving money and showing of status.

Bua asks suman why is she so tensed, suman says abeers taiji takes care of us all the time she is so good but see she gave new list and i am tensed abt ti,bua looks at it and says what one more list, how will we manage this, i think we shd talk abt it to mehar, suman says no don’t abeers taiji said not to involve kids in these matters and she is right too, we shdnt let mehars special day spoil. Abeer n mehar on phone, abeer says can u imagine how our married life will be, i mean what all will u do to give me that husbands feelings, mehar says i will make u breakfast,lunch, abeer says so topeer will pack my tiffin, mehar says since i am topper i cant cook for u, and abeer u know bcoz of u i am living my dreams, i can see my dreams come true, i am very happy..

Bua says to suman, i agree mehar is very happy with abeer,but she shd know what expenses are gonna take place, suman says we will handle that relax, mehar goes to washroom, and bua n suman enters, suman hides list in drawer, mehar comes out n says abeer i am excited abt me being called mrs abeer malhotra, mehar finds the list in drawer, she reads it and says abeer hold on a minute,mehar remembers sumans tensed face during function, abeer says mehar whats wrong how long shd i wait, mehar says abeer i will call u later, abeer says ok i love u bye.

Mehar walks to bua n suman n hides the list and asks when did u come, and ma why were u so tensed in function, suman says i was just worried for u, u will get married and go away so i was a little emotional, mehar says ma is it reason or this list, suman asks where did u get this, mehar says is this why taiji was behind u and how much is this, its not a joke its so expensive, and how could u not tell me, bua says mehar u don’t get involved in all this, mehar says but this must be affecting u all so much, suman says mehar this is time to give u what u deserve, mehar says no ma,bua says mehar this is for ur happiness,mehar goes in tears, bua says mehar see u are getting married in a big family and we have to maintain their status and they aren’t wrong on their part.

mehar unable to sleep thinking abt marriage lists and suman n buas worried faces, she looks at bua n suman sleeping and thinks of abeers words saying he will always take care of her n her family, abt abeer proposing her and gets up and calls abeer and asks him to meet her right now.
Mehar goes downstairs and meets abeer and says i know abeer ur familys demands aren’t too big but still u know how ma n bua have struggled n so its difficult to afford all the demands, abeer says what are u trying to say mehar, mehar says i don’t know but just that my family cant afford all this, abeer says mehar do u understand what are u trying to say, mehar says abeer but its true in love we forgot that we belong from different status so its for good that we, abeer removes his ring and says this is what u want here it is lets break us,mehar says no abeer stop, abeer says u want this, feeling bad now seeing me go away,abeer puts back his ring and says what do u think mehar, just by thought of it u are feeling so bad then, mehar starts crying n hugs him and says what to do then how will we manage this situation, how will we marry n not see ma n bua tensed,abeer says i will go talk to taiji ,mehar says no abeer u will not talk to her, taiji has asked ma not to infrom us abt this list so don’t, i find no other way abeer we are losing it abeer and mehar walks away.


Taiji is thinking abt how did she didn’t receive the wedding cancellation news, madhvi comes n says look at this shagun mehars family is arranged it so well, taiji says what is good in it, madhvi says whats wrong, taiji says oh no i was thinking of something else this shagun is good.
Taiji meets kuber, kuber says i cant handle this anymore, taiji says just for few days trust me i wont let this marriage happen, abeer comes n says taiji i want to postpone this marriage, madhvi comes n says what n why, taiji says what happened, abeer says stop all these preparations i need time, madhvi says abeer think of mehar what are u saying, she will break, taiji says madhvi think of abeer first, and if he needs time let us give him time after all its marriage, abeer says plz leave me alone and leaves.taiji says madhvi give him time, i was worried too he is so small age so let him take time and u go get me milk,madhvi leaves and kuber starts laughing n says this is wonderful,taiji says this is the best revenge now we have to do something that abeer cancels this wedding.


Madhvi goes behind abeer n stops him and asks what is it, abeer says go talk to mehar she is responsible for all this plz leave me alone, madhvi says ok go i will talk to mehar, madhvi decides to meet mehar next day.Mehar goes back to bed and is feeling bad and starts crying, she is thinking abt abeer going away from her, suman wakes up seeing abeers taiji calling her, suman picks up the call, taiji says theres a bad news abeer has decided to postpone the wedding, kuber smiling and enjoying listening to all this, suman asks but why is abeer doing so, taiji says i don’t know even we are worried i can never forgive abeer for playing with mehars feelings, i am sorry but what to do and keeps the phone, taiji turns to kuber n says its time for peace after snatching their peace, kuber says good night, taiji says good night n leaves.
Suman thinks how will i tell mehar abt this news, i have to talk to madhviji tomorrow and goes to bed. Mehar says to herself, abeer u told ur family abt ur decision u didn’t feel like telling me first, and calls abeer,abeer doesn’t pick her call, mehar feels bad.

Next day madhvi goes to meet suman n bua, madhvi asks did kids fight, suman says no , mehar comes worried n asks do u know where is abeer, madhvi says with nisar, mehar says no he is not, i want to talk to him but he isn’t receiving call i am so worried, mehar starts crying, suman says don’t cry he will be fine, madhvi says he told me he is with nisar and said he needed time to think, door bell rings, mehar rushes to door n sees its sasha looking tensed, mehar asks what is it sasha why are u tensed, sasha says mehar actually abeer met with an accident.

Next: the insolent heart Thursday Update



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