The insolent heart 12 january 2022: episode starts with Abeer asking Meher about the guy in her room. Meher says there is nothing to do with you. Abeer asks her to tell else he will create a scene. Meher asks him to enjoy the party and go. Abeer says I will ask him, how dare he to sleep on your bed. Meher asks their colleague to take Abeer with him. They take a selfie. Meher comes to kitchen and says there is no peace when he is here? Suman says party will end in some time. Meher says Abeer went to her room and saw Akshat there. Suman says you would have tell him that Akshat is your friend, supported you in the last 6 years, you fell for him and is going to marry him. She asks her to tell Abeer. Meher says you are taunting me for Abeer. Devki comes and says she is blind folded by Abeer. She says your mum forgot that Akshat did so much for you and this house. She asks why did Abeer left Meher? Suman says Abeer is childish, but he is a diamond.
Devki says you never saw any quality in him. Suman says Akshat is good, but he don’t have heart like Abeer. Devki says Abeer is a big loser. Meher calms them down and tells Devki that Suman is emotional about Abeer. Devki asks Meher to go down and she will bring Akshat to party. She says she will introduce Akshat in the party, so that Abeer understands that she deserves a good person like him. Suman asks Abeer to talk to Meher about Akshat. Meher gives drink to Satish.
Meher asks Tunnu to help them. Abeer comes and tells Meher that he wants to talk to her. Meher asks him not to create scene. Abeer asks her to come to a side, and asks what is going on? He asks who is that pyjama party and what is he doing in your bedroom. Meher reminds him that they are divorced. Abeer asks who is he? Meher says I got married to him. Abeer says you can’t marry him or anyone else. He calls him Kabutar or Pyjama chaap. Meher says you are jealous of him. Abeer says he is not. Devki brings Akshat to the party. Meher smiles looking at him. Akshat introduces himself as Akshat. Abeer slaps him hard. It was Abeer’s imagination. Abeer shakes hand with him. Akshat says I heard Meher talking about you. Abeer asks him to drink. Akshat says I don’t drink.
Meher introduces Akshat to everyone and praises him very much. Akshat says Meher is workaholic. Abeer thinks to beat Akshat. Akshat asks Satish to jog to be handsome. Satish jokes and laughs. Akshat sees Suman bringing the tray and takes juice tray for her hand. Abeer looks on jealous and angry. He thinks Akshat is trying to be more perfect and good. He thinks I should be host of this party. Devki comes and asks what you are thinking. She says I should have sent you to Jail and says I am feeling sympathy for you. She says real hero came infront of you. Abeer says hero……Devki says normal people do work at their house and says Akshat is ours.
Meher laughs and makes Akshat have chocolate. Abeer gets jealous seeing their closeness. Devki provokes Abeer and says your kite is cut in air. Abeer says I gave her liberty, but she will come back to me. Devki says there is no comparison between you both. He earns more than you, loves her also. Abeer thinks to feed milk bottle in Akshat’s mouth. Devki says I want to give you gift today and brings toy guitar for him. She asks him to forget Meher and never meet her if he has self esteem. Abeer throws the guitar and leaves. Akshat asks where did he go? Satish says he is very moody, and asks them to enjoy party. Meher feigns smiles.
Abeer gets drunk and thinks about Meher and Akshat’s closeness. She thinks of Devki’s taunts and cries. He looks for his phone and calls Suman. Meher picks the call and hears him. Abeer greets her thinking she is Suman, and tells Devki has sweared not to let him complete his love story. He says how can Akshat be so perfect and says there is something wrong with him. He says he is fraud and asks her to take care of his amanat Meher. Meher asks what you are saying? Abeer says your voice is resembling Meher now and laughs. He says Meher is my amanat and asks her to take care of her, and not let Akshat roam around her. Meher says I told you many times that it is over between us. Abeer sleeps on sofa being drunk. Meher thinks please let me go Abeer. someone bringing breakfast for Abeer. He thanks him and comes to Satish. He thanks him for taking care of him, and says you know about my liking. Satish says I didn’t send you breakfast and juice. Kuber comes and says he sent it. He says he has taken 51 percent stake in groove and he is the new partner and boss of the company.
Abeer is shocked and says he wants the ruin me and reached my office. Satish says he has helped me and this company. Abeer says there is no word like help in his dictionary and asks him to leave Satish atleast. Satish tells Abeer that he can’t be wrong. They hear Kuber addressing to the employees. He says I am new chairman, boss and also Abeer’s dad. He says I am new here, but my son is not new here. He says this is Abeer’s extended family, so this is my family too. When you are family, so I am not hesitant………He says elders have taught is to have strength to accept our mistakes, and I am doing that. He turns to Abeer and says I am not ashamed to apologize to you. He says sorry for everything. Everyone looks on cluelessly. Kuber says this is really shocking for a father, when his son disowns him. He says Abeer has shaken me and made me realize that I did a big mistake. He says I came here to rectify my mistake and God has given me a chance. He says he has only one motive to save this company and says he didn’t want this company to shut down because of Abeer. He apologizes from his heart and forwards his hand for a hug.
Abeer comes near him, but stops Kuber from hugging him. He says you came late and your mistake have been sin. You have done a big sin by separating us. He asks can you return my 8 years, which I spent like a dead body. When we met again, you have separated us again. He says just because of you, Meher has left office. He refuses to forgive him. Kuber looks on worriedly.Abeer comes to Suman and asks where is Kabutar and Ms. Egoistic. Suman says she went out. She asks why he is angry in the morning. Abeer says he saw Kuber’s face in the morning, he has brought office and became new boss. He asks if Meher and Akshat are close? Suman says yes. Abeer asks why you didn’t stop them and blames Suman. Suman calls Akshat and asks to have breakfast. Abeer asks if she has adopted him. Suman calls Akshat and serves him breakfast. Akshat comes and sits to have breakfast. Akshat tells Abeer that they are close friends. He says I met her when you divorced her. She is a brave girl. Abeer smiles and says she is a brave girl. Akshat says you both were married in a filmy style and then got divorced.
He says Meher called him before joining in groove channel. He says Meher was not sure to join as you was already there. He says I asked her to join. Abeer thinks he is flying high and asks if he is having home here. Akshat says yes.Abeer asks Suman if she needs anything in kitchen. Suman says no. Akshat gets a call. He thanks Abeer for bringing Meher in his life and leaves. Abeer makes butter and bread sandwich, and is angry. He calls someone and says he wants to meet her. Suman asks him to have food. Abeer is angry and meets Appendix. Appendix comes up with weird plans. Abeer says you are thinking us as Munna Bhai and Circuit. He asks him to take her to Meher’s house. Appendix asks Abeer to damage his car with his excreta. Abeer and Appendix laugh thinking his car will be damaged. They come to Abeer’s office. Abeer says he sings song and has a music show. He says Kuber has brought this channel and is new boss. Appendix thinks Abeer is joking.
Abeer says I am really a star, and that song was mine. Appendix says you will say that you are a spider man. Abeer asks watchman to tell about him. Watchman says he is Abeer, the big rockstar. Abeer asks Appendix to see his show on TV. Appendix is surprised and falls down on his feet. He touches his feet and says I am your big fan. Abeer hugs him. Abeer asks him to follow him.Akshat talks to Devki and tries to impress her. She asks did you talk to Meher. Akshat says Meher is strong and sensible girl, and asks her not to take any tension. She asks him to spend time with Meher and convince her for marriage. Suman is irked and asks Akshat to bring Devki’s tablets as Tunnu is not here. Akshat says I will bring it and goes. Suman says he will bring it. Devki says I will also come and goes.
Appendix laughs thinking about Akshat’s reaction seeing the car. Akshat and Devki comes out and feels bad smell coming out from car. She says even seat is wet. Akshat says he will talk to guard in the morning. Appendix wakes up and sees Meher standing. He thinks it is his dream. Meher slaps him. Abeer wakes up. Meher asks him, if he wants to control her life like 8 years back. She shows some papers.
Next: the insolent heart Thursday Update