The insolent heart update Sunday 2 January 2022

The insolent heart update Sunday 2 January 2022


The insolent heart 2 January 2022: episode begins with, taiji sees the pen kuber gifted abeer on ground, abeer takes mehar to room , abeer and mehar get close to eachother, taiji reaches home n rushes to abeers room n sees mehar in night gown and her saree on bed n mehar drying her hair,mehar turns around n sees taiji, taiji closes the door n leaves.Kuber scolds abeer for coming home without completing contract, abeer says nisar is there he will take care of it, kuber says nisar is not my son u are, I want u to be responsible, taiji says kuber don’t scold abeer,mehar is responsible for all this, abeer says why are u pointing at mehar, kuber says abeer dare u, taiji says enough kuber I will promise that abeer wont act like this again, abeer gets angry n leaves, taiji says kuber u need to calm down,abeer is at tender age n by blaming him we can lose him,see abeer listens to nisar n mehar n now we will use nisar against mehar n abeer, we should find nisars weakness n we will use that,and abeer will not bear this pain by nisar.

The insolent heart 1 January 2022

Kuber gives nisar cheque and says this is ur final payment n u will not work here after now with me,nisar says uncle tell me whats wrong I will not make any mistakes again plz don’t treminate me,kuber says ur mistakes list is huge so find a new job, which u may value bcoz I don’t want here abeers friend but an employ, I need talent n sincerity n u don’t have it, nisar says uncle plz I beg of u, kuber says nisar this is professional don’t make it personal u still are abeers friend and if u need money I will help u but now leave, nisar says sir plz I will work harder I need this job my family needs me, kuber says if this is so important why didn’t u take it seriously, u wasted ur time behind abeer n so now sign n leave,nisar says sorry sir, I promise I will work harder plz try understand,kuber says nisar leave, nisar signs the letter n leaves.

Mehar goes to room n sees abeer tensed, abeer says mehar leave don’t trouble, mehar says ok here is a song for u,mehar starts playing guitar,abeer says stop it mehar, mehar says why are u so angry, abeer says u wont understand, mehar says abeer don’t feel bad abt taijis words, abeer says first decide u are my wife or taijis, mehar says abeer I am ur side,abeer smiles,mehar says thank god u smiled but abeer it was ur mistake u shdnt have left work n come, abeer says ya but if I didn’t how would I surprise u n now show me tattoo, mehar says ok,abeer kisses her, taiji calls mehar, mehar leaves.

Nisar upset abt kubers word, abeer calls nisar, abeer asks nisar what is worng why sounding low, nisar says abeer bye not now. Taiji n kuber together, kuber gets a message by nisar saying sorry n asking for a chance, kuber says we are on right track, taiji says very good, kuber says but abeer n nisar are best friends n I hope this doesn’t go wrong, taiji says but for nisar there wont be anything more than family after all money does matters. Nisar meets kuber n says thanku u gave me time to meet, plz give me a chance, kuber says nisar I have thousands like u in front of me everyday for such chances, u can find them in dustbin n may be u may find urs too, see nisar u cant work for me but I have a job for u and a lot of money that will solve all ur problems, nisar says I will do anything for u just give me a chance,

kuber says can u betray abeer,nisar says sorry I didn’t get u,kuber says I want to break mehar n abeers marriage n want u to join me for that, u have to separate them such way that they cant even bear eachother, nisar says but uncle u accepted them ,kuber says nisar no questions just tell yes or no, nisar says no uncle sorry,kuber says ya I understand strong friendship,no worries u may leave and if u want to u can go n tell abeer what I asked u for but don’t forget he is my son but what abt u,nisar money matters so use ur head ur family needs money and if u have me as help think abt it. abeer n mehar go to taiji,abeer says taiji sorry plz don’t be upset, taiji says abeer I can never be upset with u and mehar we are going satsang so will u come with us, mehar says to herself ma n bua are coming so I cant, abeer says taiji mehar will come n mehar I will get ma n bua, mehar says ok taiji I will come.

Mehar gets ready for satsang, abeer praises her n says u know what shd u do in satsang, mehar says yes pray, abeer says no u have to go soon n come soon, mehar says ok go n get ma n bua n bye. Nisar calls abeer, abeer asks where are u, nisar says actually was busy yesterday uncle scolded a lot, abeer says oh don’t take it seriously, I know it wasn’t ur mistake it was mine, nisar says no abeer I shd be more careful n sincere, abeer says nisar I am always there for u, don’t get tensed all will be fine, I am going to get mehars ma n bua, u go sleep,nisar says no I think I will go get drinks, abeer says no u wont don’t u know u cant handle it,nisars says I will be fine u go bring aunty I , abeer says no wait I will come to see u first,nisar says ok.

Kuber laughs n says good nisar I liked it, now next u have to make sure abeer stays at ur place come what may, nisar says ok, kuber says leave now. Kuber calls taiji n says work done now mehars ma n bua will keep waiting for abeer.mehar says taiji I am ready, taiji says go call madhvi.
Abeer n nisar singing together, abeer says fine now, nisar says no n makes a drink for abeer, abeer says no nisar I have to go, nisar says yes go but have a drink first last one, abeer says ok last n final. Mehar n taiji in satsang, mehar messages abeer to ask did he get ma n bua. Suman n bua reach Mumbai,suman says I think we shd wait for abeer, bua says its 2 hrs we are here,I think abeer is stuck so lets go by taxi, suman says ok I will msg abeer.abeer fully drunk, abeer says I think I had to go somewhere, nisar says no u have to drink another glass cmon, nisar says to himself sorry abeer if I wasn’t in need of money I wouldn’t have done so.


Watchmen doesn’t allow bua n suman in, sumans health starts getting bad, watchmen says no one is home I have no option I still will talk to taiji wait.taiji acts liks she needs water n leaves, watchmen calls her n says mehars parents are here, taiji says let them sit out don’t give them anything no tea water nothing n tell them no one is home,watchmen tells suman n bua no one is home, bua calls mehar, taiji cuts mehars call n says concentrate in satsang, bua calls abeer, but abeer is all drunk n nisar cuts his call. Bua sees sumans health is going worst, bua asks watchmen for water to give suman medicine, he says I have to ask, bua says cant u see she is collapsing, watchmen says let me check. Mehar n taiji reach home, mehar sees them n rushes to them, madhvi asks why are u out, taiji asks where is abeer n u watchmen why didn’t u let them in, sumanji I am so sorry,suman says plz don’t , suman collapses, madhvi says take her in I will call doctor, doctor check suman n says she will be fine it was just bp problem, mehar tries calling abeer, taiji says mehar go get something for ur ma, see her she is so weak, mehar says ok n leaves.


Taiji says sumanji I know u must be not wanting to have anything but rest and madhvi make something for sumaniji n make sure its healthy, bua says no its fine we were here for mehar but now we shall leave, suman says sorry actually we shd have met very next day after marriage so sorry, taiji says u didn’t want to make marriage arrangements so u convinced abeer for wedding in temple, madhvi says no taiji it was all abeers plan we all knew nothing abt it, taiji says madhvi u are very innocent u will never understand these people n I know this is not mehars mistake but her ma n buas, u broke my trust sumanji, suman says I know it was a mistake so plz forgive us plz, taiji says good u agreed to ur mistake but I don’t know whether to forgive u, if I could I would have thrown mehar out of house along with u both.

Suman says plz don’t do this I beg of u, I promise u mehar will never let u down, taiji says how can I forgive u for such big mistake, if I was in ur place I would have been on my knees n begged of forgivness, suman goes on her knees, madhvi tries to stop but taiji doesn’t allow her, suman says I beg u plz forgive us,taiji looks at bua in anger,suman looks at bua n says plz, bua joins hands n gets n knees too, madhvi feels very bad, bua says u will never have any problem from our side plz forgive us, taiji feels very nice seeing bua n suman begging in front if her.



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