The insolent heart 3 January 2022: episode begins with, bua n suman go on knees for forgiveness, bua says we will not disappoint u here after plz forgive us, taiji has flashes of devki confessing in court abt taijis husband, mehar enters n sees suman n bua on knees n glass slips from her hand, taiji looks at mehar n says see mehar plz tell them they are embarrassing me, plz don’t do this, u know I had lot of dreams abt abeers wedding but I gave up them and he is my life n if I crossed my lines in anger plz forgive me, suman says plz, madhvi says lets forget that past n finish the matter here, taiji says this matter will finish only if abeer doesn’t get to know abt it bcoz he wont talk to me if he knows abt it, suman says nothing such will happen u plz forgive us, taiji says plz enough of this now n mehar take care of ur ma n bua, bua says we shall leave now we will stay in hotel,taiji says plz I insist stay here, mehar go show them rooms, mehar takes bua n ma with her.
Mehar starts crying n says I don’t like all this why did u go on knees, is it my fault that I married abeer, suman says mehar see its not ur fault taiji is right on her side after all abeer is like her son n not being able to come in wedding she was upset, madhvi enters n says no sumanji, its not ur fault n not even mehars its my fault, and u know mehar troubles me a lot, she behaves so formal but plz forgive me the situation in which kids married wasn’t normal n I shd have brought u along with me the same day, suman says taiji is not upset anymore that’s what matters n I am so happy mehar has u, mehar says ma have soup now,suman tastes it n says its very tasty, madhvi says thanku and I am sorry on behalf of abeer, suman says plz he must be stuck somewhere bcoz I know he wouldn’t do like this, madhvi asks mehar where is abeer, mehar says he is at nisars place.
Abeer reaches home n asks servant mehars bua n ma, servant says they are in ur room they came last night, abeer asks where is mehar, he says in kitchen, abeer goes to mehar n says sorry baby, I was with nisar he was upset n so I couldn’t say no sorry, mehar gives him nimboo pani n says drink u will feel better, abeer says I needed it n sorry mehar I didn’t understand when I got drank, mehar says abeer u could have informed me abt it, u have some responsibilities learn to follow them, abeer says mehar I am saying sorry why lecture n this headache n now tell me what shd I do, mehar says I went satsang bcoz u told me, u shd have informed me did u know what all happened, whole night ma n bua where out of gate n ma collapsed due to it, when will u understand abeer, taiji is hiding n listening to mehar n abeer fight, mehar starts crying,abeer says sorry mehar n is ma fine now, don’t cry I will never do this again don’t cry plz, I am sorry, mehar asks did u eat anything, abeer says I don’t remember, did u eat anything, mehar says no, abeer says first I will go talk to ma, smile plz, mehar smiles n abeer leaves, taiji says this mehar is fooling my son.
Bua gets a call and she gets tensed, bua cuts the call, suman says again, bua says bhabhi not now we will talk later, abeer goes to suman n says sorry for yesterday I was on my way but got stuck so sorry, suman says its fine abeer, abeer says I hope u are fine now, suman says yes but see we have captured ur room, suman says n my rent is bhopals favourite sweets,suman says here it is, abeer says thanku n where is tunno, bua says he got exams, suman says see I got u a watch, abeer says thanku so much u rest here I will see u later, abeer leaves, mehar enters, bua says mehar all ok between u n abeer, mehar says bua all fine don’t worry last night he was really busy, bua says mehar ganesh idol for ur in laws, mehar says why but, suman says mehar it is necessary u wont get it, mehar says ma, bua gets call again, mehar asks what happened n picks the phone, its from bank abt loan problems, bua snatches the phone n says we will return the money soon.
Mehar says bua what all is this, u pay installments right, oh u didn’t pay installments due to wedding gifts why did u do it, suman says it was necessary mehar, mehar says ok wait, mehar gets chaque book n says this is my savings account use this money, suman says mehar don’t so this we have no rights over ur money, mehar says what am I not ur daughter any more, suman says ok I will take money but not now and remember u are always my daughter,taiji hiding and listening to this and says I will make sure not a single coins goes from this house. mehar gives madhvi gifts from her ma, madhvi says this wasn’t needed they are here that is enough for us, taiji enters n asks mehar how long will ur ma n bua stay here, mehar says they got an appointment so will stay till then, taiji says ohk n see since ur mother has got so many gifts even we need to give gifts so help me chose, mehar says ok, taiji checks her gift n says this is not my style but u don’t feel bad mehar I will use it for sure, I will go see the jeweler u come soon and leaves.madhvi says mehar ur moms choice is very nice I loved my gift do tell her.
Taiji with jeweler mehar joins her, taiji says this is for ur ma n bua n now chose a good necklace for them, mehar choses one, taiji asks for bill n says I will get chaque soon n says oh god I forgot my cheque book is finished n madhvi isn’t home too mehar will u lend some money I will return later, mehar checks the amount n says to herself god it’s the same amount I have in bank how will I manage, taiji says mehar were have u lost I will return money soon, mehar says no issues n gets cheque book n signs the amount. Taiji gives ma n bua gifts, abeer says cmon open n see them, suman opens it , abeer says u will look prettier then mehar in this saree, suman says its very pretty thanku, bua says mehar is so lucky to have u all as her family, taiji says this is all mehars choice and next time u ask mehar when u buy gifts for us she has a better choice than u two, suman n bua feel bad, taiji says I was joking and gives necklace to mehar, mehar asks what for me,taiji says I felt I shd gift u too,abeer says oh wow nothing for me,taiji says mehar is ur gift, abeer says right, mehar takes the necklace n taiji says open it mehar, suman says yes mehar open it its her blessings, mehar opens the box.
Mehar opens the box n sees it’s the same necklace she chose, taiji says u selected it remember, abeer says so smart taiji just like me, taiji asks mehar why are u upset, I thought u will like it actually we have a relatives wedding n I wanted u to wear something good bcoz all ur jewelleries are so common, mehar says yes the necklace is good.taiji says to herself now u will not be able to help ur ma.
Mehar tensed, abeer asks what is it, mehar says I need money can u lend me, abeer asks how much, mehar says 1 lakh actually bua had taken education loan for me n tunno and due to wedding arrangements bua couldn’t pay installments, abeer says no worries I will ask dad or taiji, mehar says no abeer I cant take money from them for my education loan, abeer says mehar enough of ur moralities, taiji knocks the door,abeer says taiji come, abeer says taiji I need some money, taiji says did I ever say no to u for money, but remember u are a married man now and I was passing by I heard u two talk n I am so happy to see that mehar cares for her ma n bua I am so happy so mehar come with me.
Taiji takes abeer n mehar to kuber, taiji says kuber tell me how many employs we have,kuber says a lot but why, taiji says see remember u told me mehar is very intelligent n when we have such good employ why relay on others, mehar says taiji no, taiji says mehar I want u to work n u will not worry abt house anymore, and I know u wouldn’t take favor from me n kuber but its not a favor but a right, so kuber will u appoint mehar, abeer says taiji wow u are the best, taiji says mehar go get ready for ur new job, mehar says taiji thanku so much, abeer n mehar leave.
Kuber says wow bhabhi I want her to get lost n u are asking me to take her office, taiji says see they are new love buds, make sure u make her so busy that she has no time for abeer n when abeer will see that mehar is getting more importance he will leave her, and this is how we will break them. Mehars morning alarm rings, she wakes up n gets ready n starts working in kitchen to make breakfast, she prepares breakfast for everyone,makes grocery list and arranges breakfast for abeer n leaves.
Abeer wakes up n calls mehar, he sees his phone , mehar has message for him that she has gone office n breakfast is on table, abeer sees that mehar has also arranged his clothes,abeer says mehar I am missing u so much, abeer gets a message from mehar that she is missing him.
Next: the insolent heart Tuesday Update