Perfect husband 30 November 2021: The Episode starts with a girl dancing in the marriage registrar office. The man stops her from dancing. The girl says its my marriage today, I have to dance. A guy is seen celebrating with his friends. They ask him not to make it late. He says I heard you well. He smiles and says hero’s entry is always late, its my marriage, not an interview. He asks his friend to play music. The girl Pari waits for the guy Kabeer. She says mom, he will come, he didn’t wish his family to know about court marriage.
Her mom says you are very innocent, marriage happens when groom comes. Pari’s friends ask her if she thinks Kabeer will come. Kabeer is also near the lake. He dances with his friends. He gets Pari’s call. He throws the wine bottle. He sees the coffin and also the bleeding hand out of it. He calls his friends and ask them to see.Kabeer wants to help Vidhi and holds her hand. They get shocked seeing her spoiled face. His friends ask him not to get into this mess, its his marriage today. Kabeer says someone’s life can get saved, come and help me. Pushkar thinks of Vidhi and gets scared. He says relax, Vidhi is gone, you are safe now.
He throws Vidhi’s pic and crushes it. Ashwin and Nivedita cry on failing to find Vidhi. They hug. Kabeer and his friends admit Vidhi in the hospital. His friends say don’t know what has happened with him, if you didn’t see her, she would have died. Kabeer says there would be some reason that we had to save her. His friend says we shall leave now, its your marriage. Kabeer asks is marriage imp than someone’s life, I don’t know her, but she is alone now, I want to help her, I won’t go anywhere until she gets fine. He gets Pari’s call and disconnects.
Maasa asks Rangeela where is Vidhi, what did Pushkar do with her. He cries and says Pushkar has killed her. She cries and says no, he can’t kill her. He tells her everything. She cries for Vidhi. She says we can’t go against Pushkar. He says Bela shouldn’t know this, don’t worry. Kabeer waits outside. He asks doctor how is she. Doctor asks for patient details. Kabeer says I don’t know anything about her. Doctor says sorry to say, she is critical. Kabeer goes to see her. He asks who are you, how will I know about you, maybe your family is searching for you. Meera says you didn’t tell me all this, where can Vidhi go. Rajshri calls inspector to know about Vidhi.
Inspector apologizes and says we will keep finding her. Rajshri stops Pushkar. She says you have no time to talk to me, you don’t go office, how are you so busy, what’s the truth, I m seeing the change in your behavior. She asks where were you last night. He gets shocked.Pushkar acting innocent in front of Rajshri. He says I will better admit myself in the hospital and get treated, so that Vidhi knows this and comes back to me, I want to become your old son again. Rajshri cries. He asks Maasa to stay back on his absence, even if Vidhi isn’t here, they are his family too.
He says I will do to hospital today. Pari’s mum and friends speak against Kabeer. Pari gets thinking. Kabeer asks how is the girl now. Doctor says she is not out of danger, her face is damaged, its a police case. Pari comes there and scolds Kabeer.He stops Pari. She calls him a cheat. He says I was earning good deeds by humanity, I was helping an injured girl. He tells her everything. She says I was fighting with my beliefs and faced insults when you were doing this good deed here. He asks her to go home and compliments her. She angrily goes. Rajshri cries and prays for Vidhi.
Inspector comes to meet Rajshri. She says I m handling Vidhi’s case. She asks for any info. He says we couldn’t find her, the letter wasn’t written by Vidhi, she didn’t go anywhere by her wish, we have put an ad in newspaper, someone would have seen her. Rangeela worries and goes. Pushkar sees Vidhi’s pic. Inspector says I will inform you if I know anything about her. Pushkar asks Rajshri not to worry, they will find Vidhi.Kabeer asks his friends to get clothes for him, he won’t be going home. He sees Vidhi and thinks you have become a part of my story, I want to know your story.
Rajshri comes to Pushkar. He acts good and asks her to give him Vidhi’s pic, so that he gets courage seeing her pic. He says when Vidhi returns, she will get her old Pushkar back. She blesses him. She gets a call and gets shocked. He asks what happened. She says it was inspector’s call about Vidhi. He gets shocked.
Next: perfect husband Wednesday update