Perfect husband update Saturday 11 December 2021

Perfect husband update Saturday 11 December 2021


Perfect husband 11 December 2021: Pushkar throws the pump angrily. You survive every single time Vidhi! Your face has changed but you haven’t! You came between me and mom yet again. Even air takes permission before coming between us. You always take my place! How to kill you! I feel like strangling you with my own hands! He calms himself. I have to first separate her from mom before killing her. Pushkar Rathod will have to arrange for a new way to do Vidhi’s last rites.

Rajshri asks Vidhi why she dint tell this to her before. Kabeer read that letter in front of Pushkar only but he kept mum. He must answer me now! Vidhi tells her against it. I went to him to seek help. I only wrote that letter. I asked him to show me a place where I could hide safely. He dint close the door from outside. I wanted to send Kabeer back to Delhi as he keeps risking his life for me again and again. Rajshri tells her she has no idea what Kabeer has gone through after reading the letter. He must be looking for you. Vidhi tells her not to call Kabeer. I did all this for him only.

He has been thinking about me since I have met him. I have no one. I have lost my memory. I recall nothing. I don’t know where I will go or who I am but Kabeer has a fiancé and friends who are waiting for him. Rajshri says it means you dint tell me the entire truth that day. I consider you my daughter. Tell me everything if you really think me to be as your mother.Kabeer is showing Vidhi’s photo to every passer-by to find out some clue about her. I scanned entire Jodhpur but this foolish girl is nowhere to be seen!

You cheated our friendship. You were yearning to find your real face till yesterday. I have it now but now you are missing! Where should I look for you? He notices a girl in the mirror and gets confused. She has Payal’s old face. How can two people have same face? He turns around but the girl has left from there by then.Vidhi tells Rajshri everything. I don’t know who my enemy is. The more I try to get closer to my past, the closer I inch to danger. I don’t want Kabeer to fall in any trouble. Would you like to lose the only family that you have in your life? I cannot put his life in risk.

Rajshri wonders how two people can think so much about each other without any relation. I am seeing that relation for the first time. She wipes Vidhi’s tears. Vidhi requests her not to tell Kabeer anything. He will get tired and return home. Rajshri reasons that she is right but the same danger is also lurking on Kabeer and Vidhi. I will help you. Vidhi is anxious to know her past. Rajshri tells her she isn’t alone. I am with you. Pushkar and I will help you.Kabeer finds that girl and looks at the photo. how can there be two people with the same face?

She might be Payal’s twin sister! It means Payal’s family has been found? He decides against telling her anything yet. The girls notice him pointing the phone at them and confront them for clicking their photos. Kabeer asks her if she has a twin sister. The girl calls it an old excuse to initiate convo with girls. She threatens to hit him but he shows her the photo. Do you have a twin sister? The girls laugh at it. Someone has fooled you. This is my old photo and it has been edited. They walk away. Kabeer realises that someone is trying to fool him. It is a big game!

Rangeela is looking at the video and is happy thinking that now Pushkar will not be able to avoid his blackmailer. Bela’s mother hits him for making a video. He reasons that they have to have some backup. Do you want to be at Pushkar’s mercy always? Bela’s mother reprimands him for falling so low. We kept quiet when Vidhi begged us for help. We were quiet spectators. We are equally culprits in this crime. We kept mum even when police came to our house for investigation! You want to earn money by blackmailing Pushkar over Vidhi’s death? Rangeela asks her how she changes colours so quickly. Bela’s mother looks tensed.

Rajshri comes to the living room and Sub-Inspector greets her. He shares that he called her earlier to inform about Vidhi but she dint give any response so he sent me here. She is confused. He shares that they found a girl in a coffin in Delhi some months earlier. Our gut feeling says that it might be Vidhi. Sir had told this to Pushkar. Rajshri wonders why Pushkar hid it from her. She tells the Sub-Inspector to go to Delhi and find out if she is indeed Vidhi. He replies that they have to first find out about the girl. She has been discharged from the hospital. This delay wouldn’t have happened if Pushkar had replied to us. She tells him to start his enquiry now on her order. He nods and leaves.

She is sure something is wrong. Why did Pushkar hide such a big thing from me? I must talk to him! She sends Badri to call Pushkar.Kabeer is puzzled as to why Dr. Bose will send him someone else’s photo. He calls her and reprimands her for joking with Payal. Why did you send a wrong photo? She reasons that she sent the photo that she generated from software. She checks her phone and points out that someone has messed with her photo. I think someone has done it intentionally. Kabeer is sure it is the same people who don’t want Payal to know about her past. Send me the correct photo asap. Dr. Bose sends him. Kabeer is stunned to see the photo.

He recalls seeing Vidhi’s photo in Rathod House and the suspicions they had on Pushkar since beginning. I understand that Payal’s real enemies are present right in Rathod Villa.Rajshri is shocked to know that Pushkar isn’t home. I have to ask him why he hid the news that Vidhi is alive. She notices Vidhi going somewhere and asks her about it. Vidhi is curious to find out why all this is happening with her. Rajshri advises her against it. Your life is in risk. I will help you find the truth but in our way. Just give us a day. You worry for Kabeer and I am concerned about you. Rest in your room. She instructs Badri to look after Vidhi and her every need. You wont do anything else. Badhi follows Vidhi. Pushkar looks on from far.

I knew that you wont leave Vidhi alone after what happened with her lately but I am also your son. You wont be able to save Vidhi from me this time!Rajshri paces wondering if the girl that was found in Delhi is indeed Vidhi. Bela’s mother and Rangeela come there. Bela’s mother asks her if she needs anything. You look tensed. Rajshri shares that Vidhi is alive. Sub-Inspector just told me that a girl was found in Delhi in a coffin in a critical condition. It is bothering me as to why Pushkar hid this from me when he knew about it. Bela’s mother cries out of happiness. Rangeela tells her to control or their game will be up. She asks him if he is mad. I was living with this burden since many months but I now have a chance to come clean with it.


Rajshri asks her what she is saying. Bela’s mother reprimands Rangeela for being quiet even now. She kneels down in front of Rajshri and confesses Pushkar’s crime before Rajshri. We helped him in doing it. She asks Rangeela to tell Rajshri too. Tell her everything that happened in those 2 and a half month. Rangeela tells her everything (in mute). Rajshri shouts in disbelief. It is a lie! Rangeela insists it is true. Pushkar had tied Vidhi. He killed her when he was about to get exposed.

He produced a fake body with Vidhi’s belongings to close the case! Rajshri is unable to believe it. He did all that? Bela’s mother says I can understand as I am a mother too. You wont be able to hear anything like this about your son. She makes Rangeela show her that same video in which Pushkar puts Vidhi in a coffin and throws the coffin in a river. Rajshri feels dizzy. They hold her. Rakshri cries. My son has become an animal! You both helped him! She pulls Rangeela by his collar. Why did you do this? She considered you (Bela’s mother) her mother. Rangeela and Bela’s mother apologize to her. We were unaware that Pushkar will kill her. We are ready for any punishment that you or law will give us but we will tell everything in the court.


Rajshri asks him if there is still something that he knows. Rangeela nods. He seems disturbed since past few days. Bela’s mother adds that Pushkar locked Payal in the same room where he had locked Vidhi. Rajshri is stunned.Badri comes to Vidhi’s room the moment she steps in the bathroom. He notices a shadow outside her room; take out his dagger and looks out. He does not see anyone. He turns and notices Vidhi looking at him curiously. He keeps his dagger back safely and steps out of the room. Vidhi fixes her bed and finds a letter under her pillow.

Rajshri wonders what relation Payal has with Pushkar. Kabeer remarks that they share a deep relation. It was blurred earlier but it is clear now. I have come to know who is after our life since we came here. You know him very well. It is no one but your son Pushkar Rathod. She asks him what enmity Pushkar has with him and Payal. Kabeer shares that the doc who treated Payal has made her face using a software. He shows the picture to Rajshri. Her eyes widen in shock as she looks at that photo and at Vidhi’s portrait. Kabeer confirms that Payal is Vidhita. She is your DIL. Rangeela and Bela cry in joy. Kabeer says I looked at the face and realised that she dint leave the house on her own. I will find her at any cost! Rajshri tells him that Vidhi is with her. She is safe.

She takes Kabeer with her. Kabeer and Rajshri don’t find Vidhi in her room. Badri stands there quietly. Kabeer doubts Pushkar but Rajshri wonders how she can step out of a closed room. Badri was right outside. Kabeer notices the bed sheet hanging on the window. Someone took her from here. It is impossible to take her in this condition which means she left on her own? Rajshri is sure it is Pushkar’s plan.Vidhi meets Pushkar in a secluded place. Pushkar asks Vidhi if anyone knows that she is here. She recalls reading the letter wherein Pushkar has mentioned that he has found out about her past.

Badri has been bought by your enemy and he is looking for a chance to kill you. Don’t tell anyone and step out of the house quietly. I don’t want to put your or my family’s life in risk. They discuss about Badri. He tells her to go in the direction the bridge and try to find the guy I will check inside the jungle. She heads towards the bridge while he stands behind his car. No one will be able to save you here Vidhita! Vidhi looks down from the bridge. Pushkar looks at her. You will have to die today! He receives a call from his mom and talks to her. She asks him about his whereabouts and lies that Vidhi has been found. She is alive. Police is bringing her over tomorrow. Pushkar gets confused and looks at Vidhi. Who is she then?

Next: perfect husband Sunday update


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