Perfect husband update Sunday 12 December 2021

Perfect husband update Sunday 12 December 2021


Perfect husband 12 December 2021: Pushkar enters and rushes to his mom. She shares that Vidhi is alive. He says we found her dead body in jungle. Has police confirmed that it is indeed Vidhi? She nods. Even I had those questions and couldn’t believe it but they cleared away when I spoke to her! I can never mistake her voice. Bela’s mother seconds her. I heard her voice too. Our Vidhi is alive! Rajshri wonders where Payal is. Pushkar took her with him. Where is she then? She notices him lost in thoughts. Are you not happy? He lies that he got the biggest surprise of his life. I cannot understand how to react.

I was struggling with my life since 2.5 months. I want to meet my Vidhita. Did you meet her? What did she say? Rajshri lies that she was in an NGO where she was getting treated. She was in coma. She is a bit sensitive right now. NGO people advised me not to ask her too many questions. Vidhi told me that they want to say something urgent. What could it be? Vidhi enters just then. Rajshri hugs her in relief. Flashback shows Pushkar asking Vidhi to come home. We got false alert. She agrees. Flashback ends. Rajshri tells Vidhi she is really lucky for them. You came here and our Vidhi is back! Vidhi calls her aunty and congratulates her.

Rajshri warns her not to call her aunty again. Our house is blooming with happiness again. Vidhi congratulates everyone. I know what it feels to lose your loved ones especially when there is no hope of their return. Rajshri hugs her again. Rangeela and Bela’s mother look on sweetly. Pushkar wonders what the truth about Payal is if real Vidhi is in Delhi.Pushkar confronts Rangeela. He lies that he thought it to be the blackmailer first but then I heard Vidhi’s voice. I was stunned! Vidhi said she wants to talk to your mom. Do something or we will be sent to jail! We only have 24 hours! I suggest we talk to jailor.

Pushkar says I have 24 hours. I wont let any of us get in any trouble. I will dig every root and find out every single thing about Vidhi in this time.Kabeer paces worriedly in the room. He heaves a sigh of relief seeing Vidhi there. He is about to hug her but stops himself. She is Vidhi and is married! What am I doing! She says I thought you went to Delhi. He denies. How can I go? She says I got scared. He asks her if she heard the real news. Dint aunty tell you? Rajshri says I told her that Vidhi is coming home tomorrow. She sends Vidhi to rest for a while. Kabeer tries to ask her but she advises him to come to her room once Vidhi falls asleep. I will explain then.

Kabeer enters in Rajshri’s room. Why dint you let me tell Vidhi? Rajshri says even I want to tell her but it isn’t the right time. Her condition is sensitive. We have to remind her of her past. Kabeer asks Rajshri how they will bring back Vidhi’s memory. Rajshri decides to present all the past memories before Vidhi and showcase her likes and dislikes to her. She might remember everything then. Kabeer is worried about Pushkar. We have to keep him away from Vidhi. Rangeela takes responsibility of him. Rajshri says he has used his brain very well. Now I have to also prove it that I am his mother too!

Next morning, Rajshri intentionally walks out of her room leaving behind her phone. He finds the number from where she got a call about Vidhi. It means mom was right. I was mistaking her to be Vidhi for no reason! He saves the number and keeps the phone back. I have to stop Vidhi before she can tell mom anything. He leaves. Rajshri and Kabeer see him leave. Kabeer says Pushkar believes your story. He will try to find your Vidhi using this number. Rajshri says we will now try to make Vidhi, Vidhi.Rajshri gives Vidhi the bangles that she had given to her when she had come to Rathod House for the first time. Vidhi looks at it and sees blurred flashes of the same.

She removes him worriedly and walks away. Bela’s mother comes to Vidhi holding a laptop. Can you teach me how to send a letter from this? Vidhi starts teaching her how an Email works. She is unable to press P (it had happened in the past too). She walks away tensed.Rangeela sits atop a box. I wont move from here till the time she recalls anything. Kabeer pushes him away. Are you mad? She is afraid of closed places? Rangeela reminds him that he had found her in a coffin only. We have to do it sometimes. Kabeer opens the box immediately. Vidhi coughs and breathes heavily as she sits up. I feel as I have experienced this earlier too. I cannot recall any details but I can only recall two names.

Rajshri asks her about it. Vidhi says Didi Sa and Jiju Sa. Rajshri takes her with her and Kabeer. Rangeela says no one praised me for the good job.Rajshri tells Ashwin about Vidhi. We have to keep a control on ourselves. She does not remember anything. Vidhi and Kabeer enter just then. Vidhi stops in her tracks seeing them. She experiences more flashes from her past and holds her head. Rajshri tries introducing her to them but Vidhi says I recognize these faces but I just cannot remember their names. Who am I to you? Please tell me. Vidhi’s sister tells her not to stress too much. Meet the new member of this family first. She keeps her baby in Vidhi’s arms.

He was in my stomach when we met last time. Vidhi keeps experiencing more flashes and finally regains her memory. I remember everything! I am Vidhita! You are my Jiji. Her sister nods. Vidhi looks at the baby and at Ashwin.Vidhi kisses her nephew emotionally. I am his Massi, Jiji. She hugs her sister. Ashwin is also teary eyed as he hugs Vidhi. Kabeer and Rajshri smile. Vidhi calls Rajshri Ma and hugs her tight. Rajshri says I was yearning to hear this since last 2.5 months. You have revived this mother today by calling me Ma. She hugs Vidhi again. Call me Ma again. Vidhi happily calls her Ma. Rajshri asks her if she remembers anything. Vidhi nods. It was Pushkar who had killed me! He had locked me in that room.

He kept me without food or water and beat me badly. He damaged my face and put me in a coffin! It was no one else but Pushkar ji had thrown me in the river! Rajshri calms her. I had a doubt the moment I saw that letter! I never thought it will be my own son who will turn out to be an animal! Kabeer suggests going to police and getting Pushkar punished but Rajshri tells him against it. We wont go to police this time. Kabeer mistakes that she got emotional. I forgot that you are Pushkar Rathod’s mother! Ashwin also questions Rajshri. Pushkar tried killing Vidhi. She is luckily alive but you want us not to approach police? I feel like killing him right away! Rajshri denies. Pushkar will be punished. I have to seek revenge for every tear that my daughter has shed.

Kabeer is confused. Rajshri explains that law wont be able to punish him for his misdeeds. Today, a mother will set an example by punishing her own son!Rajshri, Vidhi and Kabeer are on their way when Vidhi shouts suddenly. Vidhi is afraid to face Pushkar. Whatever he has done in the past shakes me badly. I wont go before him. Kabeer seconds her. You know to what extent Pushkar can go to kill her. Will it be right for her to go in front of Pushkar? Rajshri says I understand your fear but we have to take her in front of Pushkar for the very same reason. Pushkar would have tried every possible way to find this new Vidhi whom we had created.

By now, his mind would have forced him to understand that this new Vidhi’s story is just a story!Pushkar is miffed as he is unable to get hold of any info regarding this new Vidhi. Is this some trap laid by Payal and Kabeer just to divert me? Kabeer can surely do this! He wants me to shift my attention from Payal and try to find the Vidhi that does not exist. I wasn’t wrong! Payal is Vidhi! This game will cost you deeply Kabeer. Your plan has surely given some more breaths to Vidhi but I will give her a painful death certainly!

Rajshri is sure by now Pushkar would have understood that Payal is Vidhi. The danger which we had pushed away is back now. Kabeer says we have to protect her well this time. There is no scope of any mistake.Rangeela is getting the house decorated. Pushkar asks him about it. Rangeela says I am preparing for the last celebration. Rajshri Madam told me to decorate everything. We will have real noose around our necks very soon. Pushkar is sure it wont happen. How can Vidhi come when Payal is there? Where is mom? Rangeela asks him to look behind. Rajshri and Vidhi enter just then. Vidhi is tensed. Rajshri holds her hand for a moment before Pushkar joins them.

Before Pushkar can ask her anything, Rajshri says I went to temple to thank God for returning our happiness to us. I am sad as well as my other daughter is leaving. Payal and Vidhi wont be able to meet. Pushkar asks her why Payal is leaving suddenly. Rajshri shares that Kabeer has found out Payal’s family. He has called her back today itself. Pushkar is in no mood to let Payal leave without finding out Vidhi’s truth. He suggests Vidhi (Payal) to meet his wife. I will drop you myself then. It is my duty. Vidhi politely refuses. I have found my family after so much difficulty. I want to be with them. You know that some people are after my life. It will be better for me to leave.

Rajshri tells Pushkar that they have been blessed with happiness after so long. I can understand her wish. I want her to be happy wherever she is. She takes Vidhi with her. Pushkar thinks Kabeer made a great plan but it wont stand before mine.Vidhi takes leave from Rajshri. Rajshri hugs her and tells her to take care of herself. Take the bodyguard with you if you want to get down in between. Rangeela opens the door for her. Vidhi waves at Rajshri as she leaves in the taxi. Pushkar looks on from far. We must meet before you reach Delhi! It will be the last meeting! He follows her car.

Vidhi’s car breaks down just when they are crossing a bridge. Driver leaves to look for a mechanic. Vidhi requests the guard to bring water for her. He is hesitant to leave her alone but she insists. Pushkar comes there in the disguise of the same old man as he had dressed in Delhi. You had been looking for me right? Vidhi nods. I saw your photo. you went to Hospital to find me right? Why are you looking for me? He asks her if she does not remember her past. She shakes her head. Pushkar drops the stick. I wish you did remember something from your past. Our meeting would have been so different and interesting then. Maybe my other look will bring back some memories. He removes his fake moustache and beard and removes the turban. She acts surprised to see Pushkar. He asks her if she remembers her Perfect Pati, Pushkar Rathod.


Vidhi asks Pushkar why he is calling her Vidhita. I am Payal. He denies. You are my wife, Vidhita. I had been looking for her since last 2.5 months. I loved her so much that I killed her out of love! She asks him to step aside. I told you I am not Vidhita. He tells her to stop cooking stories. Changing name wont change relations. Changing your face does not end the enmity. I wanted to kill you with my own hands but God has been so kind on me. I got two chances to do so. He takes out a pocket knife. She repeats she isn’t Vidhi but Payal. What are you doing? He calls her Vidhi. She picks dirt and pushes it on his face. She falls down from the bridge in the process.

Pushkar is about to look down when the guard comes. Pushkar hides. Guard goes in another direction to look for her. Pushkar looks down the bridge. Vidhi is lying wounded and unconscious there. You dint let me kill you once again but I am so glad today that you are finally dead Vidhita! Payal and Vidhi’s hide-and-seek game is over with your death! Finally Pushkar Rathod is free! He looks down at her again and jumps in joy. He leaves.Pushkar comes home. Vidhi is finally no more! She has taken away my tensions. I am just sad that I couldn’t kill you with my own hands! All is well that ends well. He overhears his mother making preps to welcome Vidhi.

It should look like a house where a wedding is about to happen. She instructs the servants to tell the guests to remove their shoes outside. Pushkar smiles. She will never return. Rajshri thinks of Payal. I sent her with a guard. I will be at peace once she reaches safely. Pushkar steps on the rangoli and is stuck by a glass shard. He screams out in pain. Rajshri and Rangeela rush to his side. Rajshri scolds the servants. Pushkar begins to say that they have been laid as if (stops mid sentence recalling the past)! She asks him what he wanted to say but he diverts the topic. This pain is nothing before the happiness that Vidhi will bring with her return! Rajshri wonders why Vidhi hasn’t reached yet.


Pushkar thinks she does not know that he has ended Vidhi’s story once and for all! She offers to call doc but Pushkar takes Rangeela’s help to go to his room. Pushkar thinks this prep wont be of any use as Vidhi will never return.Pushkar is sleeping in his room. The lights are off. Someone pulls his blanket away and bandages his wound. It is Vidhi. He thinks it to be his mom and looks up. He sits up and is shocked to see Vidhi. He looks at his bandaged feet and recalls doing the same with Vidhi in the past. He looks around but Vidhi has disappeared by now. Vidhi? Payal? He goes to wash his face but it is bloodied water. The lights also start flickering.

The water turns normal. He closes the tap. Rangeela and Kabeer are manning the taps from far. Rangeela is impressed with Kabeer’s idea. Kabeer jokes that it is as if Pushkar is seen some ghost.Pushkar wonders what is happening with him.Rajshri paces worriedly. Vidhi tells her that everything is going as per their plan. You were right Ma. Pushkar was stunned when he saw me. Rajshri talks about Kabeer’s idea. I am sure that Pushkar’s fear will grow with every passing second.Pushkar grabs hold of Rangeela’s hand and asks him if he has seen Payal. Rangeela replies that she would be in Delhi with her family. Pushkar sends him away. She isn’t in Delhi but dead.

Kabeer tells Rajshri their plan was right. Vidhi finally got rid of Pushkar. Flashback shows Kabeer and Rajshri planning to give Pushkar a chance to attack Payal. He will leave her when he will see her dead with his own eyes. We will create a fake story. Kabeer is concerned about Vidhi but Vidhi assures him that Ma is equally concerned for her. She asks Rajshri her plan. Rajshri tells them that they need to control this plan completely. Vidhi leaves in her car followed by Pushkar. Rajshri calls and informs Vidhi. Vidhi tells driver to stop the car near the bridge as if it has broken down. He agrees. When the car halts, Vidhi looks at the stone which has a cross mark. Kabeer had told her to jump from that very stone. Vidhi throws dirt on Pushkar’s face and jumps down. Kabeer, Rangeela and driver catch her in a net. Guard calls out to Vidhi just then thereby diverting Pushkar’s attention. By the time Pushkar returns to the bridge, Vidhi has lied down on the stone with fake red colour smeared all over her head. Flashback ends.

Kabeer says the plan was risky but we were lucky to not get caught. Rajshri says Pushkar has played many games with us. It is time to play those very games with him.Pushkar returns to his room. His hands are still red. The glass on Vidhi’s portrait is broken. He is boggled to see it thus. Who did this? Did Vidhi? No! Vidhi is dead. She fell from such a height! I saw her dead body. Only I know this. Who would be behind this? It is a dream! He lies down worriedly.

Next morning, Rajshri tells Rangeela she does not know why Vidhi hasn’t come yet. Pushkar comes downstairs. Rajshri asks him about his wound. He says I am fine. Why are you worried? She says I am worried as Vidhi hasn’t reached yet. NGO’s number is unreachable too. Pushkar thinks he was right. Payal was Vidhi only. Kabeer was trying to divert my attention but I caught his lie! Rajshri hopes Vidhi is fine. He asks her for the number. I will get the details. She shares the number with him. He goes aside to find some clue.

Rajshri tells Rangeela that God wont spare the one who would try to hurt her Vidhi. God always does justice with everyone! Pushkar is standing under a chandelier when it gets lowered automatically and hits him around his neck. Everyone rushes to him. Kabeer and Vidhi tie the rope nicely. Pushkar recalls the way he had hurt Ashwin in the past. Pushkar demands to know who is behind it but Rajshri says the hook has loosened probably. I wonder why this is happening with my son! Rangeela holds Pushkar.

Kabeer asks Vidhi if she saw his shot. It was perfect. She stands there lost. I was thinking about what’s going on. I cannot tell you how I am feeling. It is as if my wounds are healing seeing the guy who has hurt me so much feel the same amount of hurt. I am able to breathe better. Ma was right. Law would not have been able to punish him this way.

Next: perfect husband Monday update



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