Perfect husband 10 December 2021: He comes to the address and thinks its like a godown. He shouts is anyone there. He meets Pushkar in disguise. Pushkar asks where is the girl, where is Vidhita.
Kabeer asks what name did you say, tell me.Pushkar thinks Kabeer doesn’t know the story and maybe I m serving him the entire story. He says forgive me, since I lost my daughter, I m finding her. Kabeer asks if she is your daughter, why did you try to kill her. Pushkar thinks he knows everything and tries to run. Kabeer stops him and gets his fake beard in hand. Pushkar bites his hand and runs out. Vidhi tries to get out of the washroom. Kabeer says who can this man be, what relation can he have with Payal. Vidhi faints recalling past. Kabeer comes there and holds her.
He takes her to bed and makes her lie down. He asks her to open eyes. She shouts for help. He says calm down, I didn’t wish you to get harmed. She recalls the past and says I felt like I was calling for help and no one heard me. She hugs Kabeer and says I feel scared when you aren’t with me. He says I m always with you, I won’t let you stay in fear ever. She sleeps. Dil se suntiyaan….plays….. She holds him.
Pushkar saying Kabeer you are very smart, you should have not slapped me, you did wrong. He throws the things angrily. He says let the blackmailer’s message come, then I will show you what I m. Vidhi wakes up. Kabeer apologizes. He tells her everything about Pushkar. Vidhi says I feel that person is involved, you went to fight him alone, you don’t worry for yourself. He says I got a way to reach your past and now I have lost that way. Pushkar works out. He checks some sim. Kabeer asks how did Pushkar get this man’s address. Vidhi says he didn’t get that man’s name.
Kabeer says we have to talk to Pushkar. Pushkar sees Vidhi’s pic and calls Kabeer. He says you think just you can reach me. Kabeer asks who are you.Pushkar says lets come to the point, give me that girl and tell me your price. Vidhi worries. Kabeer says we will agree to him so that we can reach him. He says you can get the girl and take money, you wasted much money. Pushkar says fine, get her at the same place, you will get money, don’t try to play game with me, I have my eyes on you, I know you are at Rajshri’s house, your mistake can be dangerous for you and you wife Payal.
He ends call and says now my game begins. Vidhi says he knows everything about us. Kabeer says he thinks I want money, he said our mistake will be proved costly, we have to take a chance. Vidhi says you have to promise me, you won’t leave me alone. Kabeer says fine, but things will be planned according to me, he wants to harm you, I don’t want this to happen. He calls someone.
Kabeer and Vidhi come to the same place. She worries. He says I will deal with any problem, let that fraud man come. Some men come there. She says he has sent his goons, we got trapped. Kabeer shakes hands with bouncers. He says I knew that man is clever, I hired them for our safety. He recalls taking help from Rangeela. He asks his men to catch the fraudster. The men hides. Dr. Bose calls Vidhi and says I have got a way to find out your old face. Kabeer says disconnect the call, that man is here. Vidhi says I will call you later. Police comes there and catches Kabeer and Vidhi. Inspector scolds Kabeer and slaps him. He shows the proof.
Kabeer says its wrong, we are not blackmailer, we have come to catch that murderer. Vidhi says yes, we are innocent. Constable asks did you lose your mind, you both are together. She says someone tried to kill me, I m here to find my culprit. Inspector says I know this already, I have come to take this girl. Constables beat Kabeer. Vidhi asks them to leave Kabeer. Police takes Vidhi. Kabeer fights with the constables. Inspector says it was nice idea to go there dressed as police. He shows Vidhi tied up. Pushkar thinks I will be meeting Vidhi now. Vidhi shouts to Kabeer for help. He scolds the man and says you got the wrong girl.
The man says she told me that someone tried to kill me. Pushkar says they fooled you. The man says no, she told the truth to me, she didn’t know that I m fake inspector.Pushkar gets Vidhi’s phone. He gets Dr. Bose’s call and answers. Dr. Bose says maybe you were busy, we can make your old face by a new software, I m sending you the pic, tell me if you remember anything seeing it. She sends Vidhi’s pic. Pushkar gets shocked. He says it means Payal is Vidhita.
Pushkar realises Payal is Vidhi only. It means she is alive! I beat her so badly, smashed her face and threw her in water yet she is back with a new face! How did she recognize any of us if she is indeed Vidhi? It means she was acting in front of us to trap us. He reads another text from Dr. Bose which says, this is how you would have looked before you lost your memory. Pushkar says she has lost her memory but she could still recall Jodhpur, my house! It was a mistake to leave her alive last time. I wont repeat it this time. He goes to Vidhi. Vidhi is blindfolded and demands to know who it is. Where is Kabeer? She shouts his name. Pushkar wraps a dupatta around his hand and puts it around her neck.
You were lucky to escape last time. You shouldn’t have returned in Pushkar Rathod’s life! You are back in front of your death Vidhi! It turns out to be his imagination. He looks at Vidhi. I have seen someone so anxious to die for the first time. He runs away hearing Kabeer’s voice and hides.Kabeer opens Vidhi’s blindfold and frees her. I am here. Pushkar wonders how he came here so soon. This is the perfect time to kill them together. Vidhi is concerned about Kabeer and vice versa. Pushkar realises that it is some third person who is blackmailing him. Vidhi does not remember anything and Kabeer also does not know anything. Do they have another ally? Vidhi hugs Kabeer.
You are badly hurt. He assures her that nothing will happen to him. I got a contract signed from God. She hugs him again with concern. Pushkar looks on. I will have to know the story of every character associated with this new Vidhi. I will then plan what I should do next. Kabeer falls down as they begin to go. Pushkar enters and rushes to Kabeer. Vidhi asks him what he is doing here. He agrees to answer her every question. Let’s first take Kabeer to hospital.
In the hospital, Vidhi asks Pushkar if Kabeer will be fine. He sees old Vidhi in her. He has lost of blood but best doctors are attending him. She thanks him for reaching there on time. How did you reach there? He lies that he found out that that old man was actually live in that address in disguise. He intentionally let us find that address. How would I have faced mom if anything had happened to you two? It was my mistake. She tells him otherwise. She says Plij like old times. He makes a fist. You have no idea how irksome this Plij is. Doc tells them that Kabeer needs rest. He will be fine in some time. Pushkar suggests taking him home with them. My family doc will attend to him. Doc agrees. Vidhi goes to meet kabeer. Pushkar decides to find more details about them and end their story for once and all.
Kabeer tells Vidhi not to worry. I will be fine. Don’t make sad face or I will be unhappy. She tells him to rest properly. I will strangle you otherwise. Take rest. We were really lucky today. Rajshri enters. Why would God do something wrong with a nice guy like you? The guy who did this to you will meet a bad fate. He is scared and wants to stop you from finding out his truth. Pushkar keeps Kabeer’s prescription on table. He notices his phone there and gets thinking. Pushkar leaves with Rajshri. Kabeer asks for his phone twice but Vidhi does not give him. Kabeer is sleeping. Vidhi recalls their happy past moments together. She holds his hand recalling all the times he has fought for her.
You are right. I am in trouble. You have only gotten into trouble since you met me. How can friends be like this? I haven’t given you anything but trouble. I don’t want to lose you in my fight. She kisses him on his forehead. I cannot stop you like this but what I will do next might make you hate me forever! You will never forgive me then.Pushkar wonders how to find out who all are planning against him. What is their plan? He looks at Vidhi’s portrait.
Why does this name bring a storm in my life every time? He lifts it angrily when Vidhi calls out to him. I am sorry for coming unannounced. Shall I come later? He denies. I thought of my Vidhi after seeing you and Kabeer together. Please come in. Is Kabeer fine? She nods. I came to thank you for saving Kabeer. He tells her it isn’t needed. She asks for his help. He says I don’t know details of whatever happened with you guys or who that guy was but you will have to tell me everything about you if you want me to help you. She is hesitant. He tells her it might be her personal matter so she might not be comfortable telling it. I believe you should handle it yourself. After seeing Kabeer’s condition, I can bet that the people you are messing with are dangerous. I reached there on time today or Kabeer’s life would have been in risk otherwise. What if something happens to him? She agrees to tell him everything.
Kabeer wakes up and looks around for Vidhi but she is not in the room. He notices Dr. Bose’s messages and checks them. This is Payal’s old face? Epi ends on his confused face.Kabeer checks Dr. Bose’s messages. This is Payal’s old face? He gets up to show Vidhi when Pushkar enters. Pushkar asks him if he is fine. Kabeer says I am looking for Payal. Is she outside? Pushkar looks at his phone. Flashback shows Pushkar calling the same ward boy and instructing him to steal Dr. Bose’s phone. I am sending you a photo. Send it to Kabeer anyhow. Also mention that it is Payal’s old face which has been made with the help of software. Ward boy agrees. Flashback ends. Kabeer goes outside and meets Rajshri. We have been looking for Payal but she isn’t at home.
Pushkar seconds him. Rajshri notices a letter in the house temple and reads it. She hands it to Kabeer. Kabeer reads Vidhi’s letter. I am going away from his life for forever. He is a mad guy who can risk his life for me at any point of time. I have no one else apart from him. I cannot lose him. He is very stubborn. He will chase me if I tell him anything so I simply left. Please tell him to return to Delhi to his Pari. Kabeer says she is a foolish girl. I warned her not to go away on her own but she does not listen to me. She got a chance to escape as soon as I fell unconscious. She has vowed not to listen to me!
Flashback shows Vidhi telling Pushkar everything. Pushkar asks her if she does not remember anything about her past time. She shakes her head. Goons were after us. We met aunty coincidentally. We realised that my past (as mentioned on the coffin) is hiding right here in Jodhpur but that hope also vanished as soon as the coffin shop caught fire. Plus, a guy went to Delhi Hospital in disguise. He too turned out to be a lie. He asks her who all knows that they are here. She shares that no one, not even Kabeer’s friends know that they are here. We had to escape from Nitin and his men. So much has happened lately that we don’t know who should we trust and who should we not trust. We know nothing. Pushkar understands that Kabeer is not the blackmailer. He wont be able to do anything if I kill Vidhi now!
Vidhi tells Pushkar that she is still searching for her past but she cannot put Kabeer’s life in risk for the same. Pushkar assures her he understands her problem now. I have a solution if you really wish to get Kabeer out of this mess. She asks him about it. Pushkar takes her to the same place where he had kept her in the past. She stops in her tracks as something flashes in her mind. He tells her to hide here for a while. Kabeer wont be able to find you here and will return to Delhi then. She points out that this place is not nice. I can hide somewhere else. Pushkar says Kabeer will try to look everywhere for you but he wont check here. He will end up returning to Delhi then. She feels restless so he suggests her to write a letter for Kabeer and Mom.
It will convince them that you have left this city. Vidhi writes the letter. Flashback ends.Kabeer tells Rajshri that Vidhi is wrong here. She has put her life in a very big risk. Rajshri nods. She leaves with Badri to look for Vidhi in a big temple. Pushkar also offers to head in another direction. We will stay in touch. Kabeer and Rajshri leave. Pushkar thinks now no one will come between them. It is time for our last meeting Vidhita!
Vidhi is experiencing flashes of her past in her sleep. She wakes up with a start. I wont stay in this room. I am feeling strangely suffocated here. She begins to go but then decides against it. I will have to win over this fear to save that mad Kabeer. He will otherwise put his life in risk. I will have to send him to Delhi. She sits back and drinks water.Pushkar fills a poisonous gas in the pipe. You wont be able to wake up again after you inhale this poison. No one will then be able to find out what happened to you! Goodbye once again!
Rajshri is in tears. She is thinking of Vidhi’s letter and is feeling restless. She asks Badri to head back home.Vidhi knocks at the door and shouts for help. Pushkar smiles. Just wait a little. You will be dead soon. Vidhi keeps shouting for help. She is coughing badly. She notices a window on the ceiling.Rajshri has returned home.Pushkar jumps happily. Shout more Vidhi. Shout and keep knocking the door! Vidhi is experiencing more flashes. She steps out of the secret passage just like she had in the past. Rajshri notices her and shouts her name in shock. Pushkar panics hearing her voice. I have to stop mom! He rushes outside.
Rajshri holds Vidhi in her arms as she passes out. Bela’s mother watches them from far and is tensed. Rajshri asks Vidhi to wake up. How did this happen? Pushkar comes there and asks about Payal. Vidhi coughs. Rajshri is about to ask him something but he sends them inside. He is irked to see Vidhi safe.Rajshri asks Vidhi why she wrote that letter and hid in the basement. What if something had happened to you? I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself. Vidhi says I dint want to hurt you but I dint have an alternative. Pushkar ji hid me there. Rajshri is shocked to hear it. She recalls seeing the same dirt on Pushkar’s feet that she had noticed on Vidhi’s feet when she had found her.
Next: perfect husband Saturday update