Once there was a king update Thursday 3 March 2022

Once there was a king update Thursday 3 March 2022


Once there was a king 3 March 2022: Bari Rani maa was determined to find out her suspects about the black color.Savitri was in her room, Bari Rani maa comes inside. Savitri had dropped her ear pin on the floor, she asks what Bari Rani Maa needs? Bari Rani maa says she was sleepless, so she wants milk with nuts. She asks Savitri about her ear pin that Bari Rani Maa had kicked beneath the trunk. Bari Rani Maa asks about it, she looks with Gayatri. Savitri stops Bari Rani Maa and says its gone now. Bari Rani Maa says she is a maid but behaves like a queen. Savitri says it is said that when God takes one thing, he blesses with something better. Bari Rani Maa says she now feels sleepy.

Rajeshwari asks Bari Rani Maa where she had gone. Bari Rani Maa says she went to see what she was doing, she has ruined her life or not. Rajeshwari says yes and complains why she didn’t take her along. Bari Rani maa says they will get some more opportunities. Rajeshwari gets to sleep. Bari Rani maa says she didn’t get a proof but she can suspect her, she can’t tell this to anyone specially this Rajeshwari. She must reach to Gayatri’s secret alone, she is alive and comes to palace, someone is helping her out. She thinks about finding that support. There is only a single person that can be Gayatri’s support. She feels excited about the game.Lakhan says to Gayatri he looked at each corner of the palace, Swarna isn’t here.

He says he had heard Kokilla deterring her, he can’t sit with hands on hand. He will ask Kunwar ji about it. Gayatri says he is just a petty servant of this palace, with what right he will question Kunwar. Gayatri says both ways he will either be killed or be jailed, he must not do anything in urgency. Lakhan asks what they must do about it then. Gayatri says they can get the answers without questions as well, she will do something that now Kunwar ji will have to tell where Swarna is.At the dinner table, a servant informs them about Swarna’s mother calling. Kunwar ji goes to speak to her.

It was Gayatri, she asks to speak to her daughter. Kunwar ji says Swarna was really ill after the trauma. She says she will come to meet her in the palace tomorrow. Kunwar ji says he had to send her away to a nearby village and promises to send her to her parent’s home. Gayatri was relaxed, Lakhan watched Kunwar ji from nearby. Gayatri tells Lakhan that he has to give Swarna sometimes, she feels that Swrana if fine. Lakhan goes silently. Swarna was worried.Bari Rani Maa asks Rana ji why he didn’t come to her for so many days and ask about his head ache. Rana ji says it is really better. Bari Rani maa says this isn’t possible, Rana ji asks if she wasn’t happy? Bari Rani Maa asks how it was possible.

Rana ji says he is doing yoga, it is really helpful. Bari Rani Maa says he must keep on taking his medicines, she scolds Rajeshwari that only medicines can help him so she must not forget the medicines. Rajeshwari says he never cares about her and leaves. Savitri comes to the door. Bari Rani Maa tells Rana ji that Rajeshwari took great care of Rana ji. Savitri thinks had he known about the reality of Rajeshwari she would say the same. Savitri comes inside, there Rajeshwari was getting the medicines. Savitri throws the medicines away. Bari Rani maa and Rajeshwari were blaming Savitri, Rana ji says it isn’t a huge issue. Savitri leaves apologizing and comes to clean the mess. Bari Rani Maa thinks that a stone melted only for coal, she notices Savitri prevented her hands from getting wet. Savitri notices Bari Rani maa’s stare, she asks if she needs something. She says no and takes a leave from Rana ji.

Bari Rani Maa takes coal to color Gayatri’s photo. Rajeshwari asks what she is doing. Bari Rani Maa says if one gets enemity with moon putting colors over it seems to give peace of mind. Rajeshwari asks her for money and leaves. Bari Rani Maa blackens Gayatri’s photo with coal, she was shocked and says that Gayatri has come to save her love being Savitri. Now that love will bring her reality to everyone.
In the evening, Rajeshwari gets medicines for Rana ji. Rana ji notices she was angry and apologizes her for talking rudely to her. He couldn’t be saved because of her care and companionship. Rajeshwari was happy, she says one is only angry because he thinks a right over him. Fighting between spouses is common and increases love.

Rana ji smiles with difficulty, he thinks Savitri gave him the courage to live in his present but doing so seems to be really difficult.Bari Rani Maa comes with Savitri and says she must massage his head as she taught him. Rana ji asks what the need is. Savitri asks if she must leave it if not needed. Rana ji says alright, it isn’t that bad. Bari Rani Maa says to Rana ji that she found this bangle of Gayatri in the palace. Rana ji says she must do what she wants to. Bari Rani maa asks Rajeshwari if she would wear this. Rajeshwari says the woman who shot her husband, she won’t wear it. Bari Rani Maa asks if she should get it thrown out. Rana ji asks her to do what she wants to. Bari Rani Maa gives it to Savitri, she has taken much care for Rana ji. It is a gift for her, or she also doesn’t want Gayatri’s bangle.

Savitri says it is nothing like that. Rana ji takes it from Bari Rani maa’s hand and asks Savitri to take it. He places it over her hand. Bari Rani Maa and Rajeshwari were shocked.Bari Rani maa asks Savitri why she is crying getting the bangle. Savitri tells Bari Rani maa she got this expensive gift for the first time, a poor always cry at such expensive gifts and leave. She comes to her room and puts the bangle on, thinking about Rana ji. Bari Rani maa watches her as she watches her face. Bari Rani maa thinks that she will now join Gayatri’s relation to death, she points the gun towards her. Kokilla hits Bari Rani Maa, the gun fell on the floor. Kokilla points it at her own self and asks Bari Rani maa to kill her like she killed her son.

She did what Bari Rani maa asked for, she didn’t even get a crown but her son’s dead body. Bari Rani Maa was alert and says this isn’t the right time. Kokilla says for her no time is right or wrong, Kunwar ji comes there. Kokilla says Bari Rani maa only watched her son dying in front of her. Kunwar ji slaps behind Kokilla’s head, she faints. He takes her inside. Savitri comes out, Bari Rani Maa hides with her gun.The doctor tells them Kokilla will soon be fine. Kunwar ji slaps from Kokilla’s side, she has gone crazy because of Laksh’s death. Rana ji comes asking about Kokilla. Kunwar ji says Kokilla is a mother. Rana ji gives Savitri the responsibility of Kokilla. Savitri says it is a huge one. Rana ji says one only burdenizes who can bear it, it is his decision. Savitri nods.

Rana ji asks Kunwar ji not to worry, they can’t die with the dead. Bari Rani maa thinks about Gayatri, her encounters with Gayatri in the past. She takes the gun and fires the bullet at once, Savitri saves herself. Rana ji asks why she just shot? Bari Rani Maa comes to realization.Bari Rani Maa holds her head calling Gayatri. Bari Rani maa says one must win his ownself to win from others. Today she fought with her own rage. If Gayatri tells Rana ji she had changed the bullets in the gun, then. She cries what she did. Rana ji comes to her room. He says he knows why she shot the bullet. The roots of her act are in the accidents that are happening in the palace for the past few days, now if she will tell him the truth or should he. He hugs Bari Rani maa and says Laksh died in front of her, this sadness and anger was boiling inside her.

The conditions are unfavorable now. Savitri hears this. Bari Rani maa says he is right, there was a storm and she had been upset but will no more. Bari Rani maa thinks Gayatri had a great time telling her truth, if this planning’s still in her hands. Bari Rani maa says now Rana ji will take away her pain.Savitri was in her room, Rana ji asks if she is fine. She says no. He says he was really worried. Savitri asks why he would be concerned for a maid. Rana ji says he is curt not a stone, he can’t see someone dead in front of him. She thinks she must do some drama taking Bari Rani Maa’s name. She suggests what if Bari Rani Maa wants to kill her. Rana ji says she likes her. Savitri asks if there is a Diwali today, that Bari Rani Maa shot her.

Rana ji says picking up arms doesn’t suggests intentions. Savitri repeats his words for Gayatri, may be she held the gun for something else. Rana ji gets a head ache and leaves. Rajeshwari watches him come out of Savitri’s room, she comes to his room where Savitri was. She clutches Savitri’s hand and says she knows what Savitri is doing. She wants to take Rana ji, but can never reach him. Savitri says Rajeshwari is lost. Rajeshwari says prince always bring toys to play but of crystal, not of coal. She is just a shoe. Rajeshwari calls her worthless. Savitri counters her. Savitri asks her to listen to her now, why Rajeshwari snatches her hair thinking about Savitri, why is a princess afraid of a maid. Rajeshwari is beautiful, why she can’t hold her husband then? She is always afraid to lose Rana ji, because she also knows Rana ji doesn’t look at the face.

Rajeshwari’s soul is blacker than her face. Rajeshwari holds a vase to take Savitri’s life, Bari Rani maa stops her. Rajeshwari says she will not leave this maid now. Bari Rani maa asks why she only insults Rajeshwari, when we point one finger towards other the rest of fingers are towards our ownself. She must control her anger. Rajeshwari leaves. Bari Rani maa says she will apologize from Rajeshwari’s side, sorry Gayatri. Savitri asks what she just said. Bari Rani Maa says Sorry. Savitri says she called her Gayatri. Bari Rani Maa says oh, she was thinking about Gayatri since morning. She tells Savitri that everything thinks of Gayatri to be wrong, but she knows Gayatri truly loved Rana ji. Savitri takes care of Rana ji like Gayatri did, they way she takes care of Rana ji Rajeshwari couldn’t. She says she came to apologize for what happened today. Savitri says if she thinks this about Gayatri she must talk to Rana ji. Bari Rani maa says Rana ji isn’t ready to hear the truth, Rana ji only remembers Gayatri shot a bullet at him. Now Rana ji will be happy with Savitri’s care, he will get his memory back.


Bari Rani Maa hugs her thinking that now Gayatri will play according to her plan.

Rana ji asks Savitri if she knows how to play chess. Savitri says there is a queen and a kind, queen gives her life for King but this is a game, it should happen in real life as well. Rana ji says it doesn’t happen. Savitri says may be it happened to him and he doesn’t remember. Rana ji asks why she didn’t marry. She asks if he has got eyes or buttons. She is tan. Rana ji asks who says black people are bad ones’s, if souls are dark they aren’t good but when body is, it doesn’t matter. Gayatri thinks may be Rana ji’s medicine has started to show its effect. Rana ji says to Savitri that she is right, he should start living in the present.

Savitri cheers when Rana ji says he will give his wife a second chance. But Rana ji says he wants to give Rajeshwari a chance, he vowed Rajeshwari at the time of marriage, now he will fulfil them. He says it was because of her only, Savitri’s eyes fill with tears and thinks she must talk to Raaj Mata.In the jail, Savitri says they want to know who was there with Rajeshwari on the cliff. When they will know about it, they can prove it wasn’t only Gayatri. When she asked Rana ji to forget about his past, he thought she was talking about Rajeshwari. Raaj Mata asks if she had only this little courage to fight, Savitri had to go to Yamlok to get her husband back. The fights are not fought until they are fought inside one own self. She has to burn no matter how strong the fire is. Gayatri says she is right, she won’t accept defeat.


In the morning, Rajeshwari calls for tea. Rana ji comes wishing her good morning, Rajeshwari wonders who the servant is knowing English. She is shocked to see Rana ji and asks if he brought the tea. Rana ji says his hopes and tea have got cold thrice. She asks how it was so. Rana ji says it was a coincidence. Savitri hears this. Rana ji asks her for dinner together. Rajeshwari says everyone has dinner together. Rana ji says he was talking about them being alone. Rajeshwari spits the tea, Rana ji heads to leave saying she isn’t comfortable. Rajeshwari stops him and says she had long waited for tonight, she might not die of elation. Rana ji asks her to have tea. Rajeshwari dances. Rana ji stops Savitri and says it was really great to feel and watch her wife happy, he is confused what to do and what to say, he never did something like this before. Savitri says may be he had done it and doesn’t remember.

Rana ji asks why she isn’t happy, she makes a face to be happy. He gives the responsibilities to Savitri. She suggest Rana ji to have dinner with everyone, but he says he wants it to be alone. Gayatri thinks Rana ji took her advice wrong, she pushed him towards his other wife.
Savitri instructed the servants, Rajeshwari comes and asks her to make it all pink. Savitri argues that she was given this duty by Rana ji, she will follow his instructions. Rajeshwari says it is all for her. She murmurs that is the sad thing. She tells her to get ready for Rana ji. Rajeshwari says she will take a lot of time today to get ready and leaves. Savitri curtly says he has lost that’s why he wants a monkey like her on this table and chair.
Bari Rani Maa comes to Rajeshwari who was excited and swirls with Bari Rani Maa. She says today Rana ji is going to have dinner with her, alone. He asked for it.

She boasts it was a sixer. Rana ji brought her tea and asked to spend time with her alone. Bari Rani Maa wonders if Rana ji wants to spend time with this monkey in Gayatri’s presence. Is this Gayatri’s game?
Rana ji asks Savitri how he looks. She says she looks really nice. He asks if Rajeshwari will like him? Savitri says the one who doesn’t dress in colorful clothes isn’t acceptable. She gets him colorful clothes and says love is always colorful. She says her peacock is waiting for him. He goes to change.Bari Rani maa says that Rajeshwari shouldn’t go with Rana ji. Rajeshwari says she herself wanted this. Bari Rani maa says a mice has to move towards cheese but if the cheese moves towards the mice it means it’s a trap.

Rajeshwari says Rana ji has got the flame, there will be fire tonight. She asks the elders not to interfere. Tonight, she will be the queen of Rana ji’s heart, she can’t leave it even on Bari Rani Maa’s call. She leaves dancing. Bari Rani Maa wonders who should tell her that Gayatri is playing a trap which Rajeshwari is coming in it. She can only be uncovered if Savitri rather than Rajeshwari comes close to Rana ji.Rajeshwari comes downstairs ready for dinner. She was shocked Rana ji dressed in colorful clothes andasks what is he wearing? He asks to change if she dislikes. Rajeshwari says he looks good in any dress. Savitri brings flowers for him, Rajeshwari gets sneezing from them. Rajeshwari says she is allergic to these flowers. Rana ji apologizes, Savitri smiles that she knew about it. Rana ji takes her for dinner. Savitri says now Rana ji won’t be able to come near to her.

Rana ji and Rajeshwari sat for dinner. Rana ji asks how she feels now, she says she is better and pours him coffee while takes juice herself. She asks how he thought about dinner with her. Rana ji says with Savitri’s efforts, she made him realize he took some vows at the time of wedding. Rajeshwari thinks that if fate is with them, she will recall him the third vow as well. Rana ji asks what she likes, books which one? She says she doesn’t like books. He asks music? She says she loves dancing. Rana ji was disappointed that their likes or dislikes doesn’t match. She suggests she loves travelling. Rana ji says Bari Rani Maa told him he has travelled whole world, where did she travel. She takes some traditional names. Savitri and Bari Rani Maa heard this and enjoyed. Savitri brings in soup, Rana ji serves spinach soup for her while he eats tomato soup. Spinach leaf stucks in Rajeshwari’s teeth. Rana ji thinks it was a mistake deciding to spend time with Rajeshwari. Bari Rani Maa comes inside, Rana ji offers her to come and join them. Bari Rani Maa says she came to bless them both, she is happy to see them together

Next: once there was a king Friday update



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