Never say goodbye 23 March 2022: The Episode starts with a scene after 13 days. Sujata tells pandit that she does not have her husband’s ashes, I have some memories of him, can I immerse this. He says sure, anything related to him can be immersed. Atharv comes and holds the pot. Pandit asks Suman about her son to do the rituals. She says he has gone to fight at the border, for our family, there is no duty important than the duty towards country, about immersing ashes, Daddy ji will do this.
Pandit asks Atharv for his dad’s details. Sujata says we can’t tell his name, it will defame his second family. Atharv says souls do not have name pandit ji, just say Sujata’s husband. Suman and Sujata makes Dadda ji and Atharv do the rituals. Dadda ji drops the ashes in the river, whole Atharv drops flowers and some old memories. Sujata cries and says you gave me everything, your love and Atharv, Radha ji also did not get Kanha ji, and still remembered. Suman says I m like Rukmani in your life, you gave me everything, respect, wife’s rights, but not love. Sujata says you are the best loving man and support. Suman says you are the best husband, father, son, you did all your duties, don’t take any burden on yourself, I m proud of you.
Sujata says you did all your duties which were in your hands. Atharv says you gave me life twice, when I was born to Sujata and then when you saved Vividha’s life, I got a new life. He hugs Sujata. Vividha comes there and looks at them. She hugs Sujata.Suman says the ones I don’t know and did not met till now, there is a painful relation joined with them, don’t know they know of your death or not, its good if they are away from us, the thread which joined us has broken today. Sujata says we did not meet them, but I will put some flowers from her side too. Suman says if she knows the news, she will know soldier’s wife does not shed tears but have head high with pride.
They keep the food plate and call the crow. Pandit tells Sujata that its strange, crows did not come to have bhog. Pandit tells Suman that if crow does not come to have bhog, it means Colonel has left some unfulfilled wish. Sujata asks unfulfilled wish, and recalls Ramakant saying Sujata that his last wish is to get Atharv and Vividha married. Sujata asks why are you saying last wish. He says I mean my biggest wish, I want to meet Atharv and Vividha. Sujata says you will meet them. FB ends.Suman says unfulfilled wish… Kailash comes and says in know Colonel’s unfulfilled wish.
Dadda ji asks who are you, sorry we don’t know you. Kailash introduces himself and says sorry to come like this, but it was imp to say, Colonel met me and wanted his son to marry my daughter. Sujata prays that crows eat the food. A crow comes and eats the food. They all pray.Kailash says Colonel called me and I met him, he felt unwell but I did not know he is too unwell. FB shows Kailash meeting Ramakant at the hotel. Ramakant says I personally wanted to meet you and ask for your daughter’s hand for my son, my son is very good mannered, educated and hardworking, we are proud of him. Kailash says your family background can be understood seeing you.
Ramakant says my son is better than me, I m sure he will never let Vividha feel short of anything, I m ready to fix the relation, if you have to check…Kailash says whats there to think, you agreed, then I m ready. Ramakant says I m glad seeing you agreeing, don’t you wish to know my son’s name, his name is…. Ramakant coughs and hides blood on the kerchief. Kailash worries. Ramakant says I need to go for urgent meeting, we will meet again and fix the marriage. FB ends. Kailash says I think its our duty to fulfill Ramakant’s last wish. Daddy ji says sorry, my son did not tell me anything about this, marriage is not such thing to decide in hurry, this time is not suitable to talk about marriage.
Kailash says wait a min, and shows the show, which Ramakant gave him. FB shows Ramakant giving his mother’s ring to Kailash, saying this is my mother’s ring which is passed since 6 generations, please take this for Vividha, accepting this will mean Vividha is ours. Kailash takes it. Ramakant thinks Atharv I m uniting you with Vividha, I hope doing this you will forgive me and accept me as your father. FB ends. Kailash says Colonel gave me this ring as his approval, he said its ancestral ring, check this once. Suman gets shocked seeing this.Kailash showing the ring. Suman says its mummy ji’s ring.
Kailash says yes, Ramakant said its his mum’s ring. FB shows……Suman calls Ramakant. He says this can’t happen that your call does not come at 10 pm, I can know time by your call. She smiles and asks did he take medicines. He says yes. She asks when are you coming home. He says very soon. She asks can I ask where are you and what’s the work. He says mom’s ring has found the destination. She says what, you found a bahu for me, who is she. He says I will come soon and tell you. FB ends. Daddy ji asks how shall we believe our son has given you this ring for fixing the alliance. Suman asks Kalindi jiji for Ramakant’s phone. She checks Vividha’s pic and asks is this your daughter. Kailash says yes, Vividha. Suman says Ramakant told me that he has found bahu for us, I think we should agree to this proposal.
Dadda ji says I trust you Suman, if you are saying this, we will accept this proposal. Kailash smiles.Atharv talks to Guddi. Sujata asks Uma to talk to Kailash about Vividha and Atharv’s relation. Vividha says we can fulfill Atharv’s dad’s wish now, and goes to Atharv. She sits on her knees and proposes him, asking Mr. Atharv Sujata will you marry me. He says if you have asked me with formality, I have to answer, I want you to bring light in my life by your loves, yes Vividha Kashyap I will marry you. They hold hands and smile. She hugs him. Everyone smile. Suman says Kailash ji, we accept this relation, your daughter Vividha’s marriage will happen with my son Ravish, we will fulfill Ramakant’s last wish.
Kailash gets glad. She sees the crow eating the food and smiles. Sujata wishes Kailash accepts Atharv and Vividha’s relation soon.Vividha tells Guddi that dad came very late today. Kailash comes homes. Vividha tells everyone that Kailash has come. Kailash greets the Lord in the temple. She says Papa…… I had to ask…..He says I know what you all want ask and hear. Vividha asks him to answer their question. Atharv and everyone look on. He beats a plate with a spoon. A man playing dhol comes. Kailash tells everyone that a father is very happy today, as his daughter is getting married. Everyone smile.
Kailash tells about the shubh mahurat and tells the date. Vividha hugs him and thanks. Kailash asks the man to play dhol and dances. The people look on. Vividha and Guddi dance with him. Kailash gives money to the people and invites them in marriage. Vividha thanks him. Sujata says I don’t know how to thank you for giving this happiness to me. Kailash says I m also very happy. He asks Uma to get bridal clothes for Vividha. Uma asks what for Atharv. Kailash says girl’s family will buy items for bride and guy’s family will buy things for groom. Sujata says yes, both families will be busy in shopping. Sujata thanks Lord that Kailash accepted Vividha and Atharv’s relation.
Kailash smiles and thinks I did not say yes for Atharv, I said for Vividha and Ravish, when you all know, it will be too late to react. He gets Suman’s call and goes.Dadi dances. Uma hugs Sujata. Kailash asks Suman about the date he took from pandit, is this fine. Suman asks Dadda ji. She says fine Kailash ji, we will start marriage preparations, I can hear dhol nagada sound, is Vividha happy with this marriage. He says yes a lot. He calls Vividha and asks her is she happy. Vividha says I m very happy, thank you. He asks do you like the groom. She says a lot…. He laughs and asks her to go. He asks Suman did she hear it. She says yes, our happiness is in children’s happiness, hearing Vividha’s voice, I understood Ramakant chose a good bahu for us, give her our love. She ends call.
Daddy ji asks Suman whats the matter. Suman says whenever I thought of Ravish’s marriage, I did not think Ramakant will be not with us. They all get sad. She says I know its happening very soon, but will we compromise with his departure, if this is Ramakant’s last wish, we will get Ravish married. He says Ravish could not come in Ramakant’s last rites, don’t know is he ready for marriage or not, I want you to talk to Ravish.Vividha runs to Atharv and hugs him. She says I m very happy, are you happy… my Papa said yes for marriage and finalized date also.
She asks why are you not happy, stop doubting please, he is very happy and was dancing on dhol, it was father’s happiness, he took this big decision for me, forgive him, you could not forgive your dad, don’t repeat the mistake, I knew Papa has hurt you. but the reason was my love. Saware…..plays………….
Next: never say goodbye Thursday update