Never say goodbye update Thursday 10 March 2022

Never say goodbye update Thursday 10 March 2022


Never say goodbye 10 March 2022:  The episode starts with Atharv asking Vividha why did she not try to study and kept crying in bathroom being afraid. She reminds how she jumped from cliff for him. He says this is different talent, you can’t study, leave this. She says I can do this. He asks sure? She asks what will you do if I pass. He says whatever you say. She jokes and says if I pass, you will remove pant and show bum, saying Vividha ji just you have dum and I have bum. He smiles and says I thought that Indumati ji is bitten by films in your family, fine done.

They argue and she pushes him down. She says I will pass and then your pant will get down. Sujata and everyone look on. Vividha sees Sujata and gets conscious, and says Atharv was saying I have no mind, he was provoking me, so I said that in anger. Atharv shows thumbs up to Guddi and Dadi. Sujata tells Uma that their kiddishness is increasing. Dadi says yes, just Atharv can manage our Vividha. Sujata coughs. Uma sees her cough and worries.

Sujata talks to her husband and says Atharv did not let me come, I tried. He says Atharv did right, did you take medicine. Sujata says yes, someone came, I will talk later. Uma comes and gives some kada for her cough. She asks did you talk to Atharv. Sujata says no, he will be very much annoyed, I don’t know how he will react. Uma says but you have to be strong. Sujata says I know, you are thinking how did I fall so weak.Uma says I understand its like putting everything on stake. Sujata says I don’t want to lose my husband and son, I m scared.

Uma says blood relations grip is very strong, Atharv has his father’s blood, he is angry with his blood, when his distance with his father ends, his anger will end. Sujata says I m feeling glad talking to you, sharing things make relations strong, I hope I can also assure you my friendship that there won’t be any secret between us. Uma hides her hand and Sujata observes this.Vividha sits studying. She gets Lord’s pic in the book and recalls Atharv. Jaana na dil se door……plays……………. Atharv messages her and jokes. Atharv is at his workplace. She sends him a selfie and makes a face. He smiles.

She sees the time and says I will finish all syllabus. She smiles and writes Atharv’s name. He messages her asking her to study. She says he is always in my mind. Ankit comes to his room and takes the gun from cupboard. He aims at the dart. Guddi comes and he quickly hides the gun in his bag. She asks why did he take time to open the door. He says I was in washroom. She asks why did you shut door, is there any girl’s matter. He asks what does she want. She says your bag, what else. He gets shocked. She says I have to take tiffin to give to mum.

He gets worried and pushes Guddi on the floor. He throws the tiffin. She asks why did he push her, she was doing his work. He says you can’t touch my things. He pushes her. She beats him with cushion. He says you both do mistake and I get beaten. Vividha hears sound and comes there. Ankit pushes Guddi and Vividha holds her. Dadi and Uma come. Vividha asks Ankit what is happening. Guddi says I was taking his tiffin, don’t know what he is hiding in bag. Vividha asks Ankit his problem. He pushes her and asks what work did she do being elder, she is having affair with that poor milkman, can’t she think of us, that milkman is using her and his status is getting high, he is eyeing the property and Vividha is enjoying with him. Vividha gets angry and slaps him.

She asks how are you say bad to Atharv, he is not just a milkman, he is owner of Ajmer’s first diary milk farming, even he was just a milkman, I would have loved him, he has everything what a girl sees in her life partner, he is smart, handsome, educated and his college topper, he respects women, not just his mum, even my and my family women, he has no father support, but he did not ask support from anyone, he has become his mum’s support and fulfills his mum’s every wish, not like you, who wears costly clothes and listens English musics, whose lyrics you can’t even understand, anyone can fall in love with Atharv, he is not like you who runs after girls, he works hard even in dreams and he fulfills dream.

She says he respects me and calls me Vividha ji, you don’t even call me Didi, you don’t respect our mum, did you think of earning, you always ask Guddi and my pocket money, look at your room, its all messed, you don’t keep things clean, Atharv makes food, washes utensils and clothes, even of his mum, and if Sujata is ill, he makes her drink water by hand, not like you, who just shouts to mum, you are useless and you don’t have right to say anything to say bad to Atharv, you are not equal to his toe’s nail, don’t say anything against him, atleast infront of me. Ankit looks at her. She asks him to remember, if he talks to anyone at home in loud tone, she will slap him again, this slap was just a sample, else you won’t need anyone else to ruin yourself.

Dadi says you said all this about Atharv, if I hear anything bad about Atharv from you, I will not let you able to talk then. Guddi says you are zero, and you don’t look good talking about a hero like Atharv. Ankit takes his bag and goes. Kailash is standing outside room and heard everything. Ankit sees him. Kailash signs him to leave. Guddi thanks Vividha for giving dose to Ankit, it was necessary. Dadi says I m happy with Vividha, she showed Ankit his truth. Vividha cries. Dadi says Ankit should get sense. Kailash says this can’t be Vividha’s language, Atharv is teaching this to her, he did magic on house/family women, I have to do something soon.

Vividha crying and saying I have scolded Ankit a lot. Dadi says you said right, he gets beaten by Kailash and gets anger on us, he got after Atharv now. Guddi says Ankit will tell Papa that you failed. Vividha says I have to hear whatever Papa says. Atharv calls Vividha and asks about her studies. She scolds him and asks him not to talk anything about studies. Atharv says weather is bad. Ankit is angry and says I will kill Atharv, I won’t leave him.

Atharv asks Ankit where is he going. Ankit recalls Vividha’s words and the slap. He looks around and takes gun in hand from his bag. Atharv asks what happened, why is your mood upset, come I will drop you home. Ankit keeps gun in bag as Dubey comes there. Atharv jokes on Dubey and leaves. Ankit says I will not leave Atharv, very soon I will kill him.Its night, Vividha serves dinner to Kailash. She says I wanted to tell you that I failed in history exam… Kailash says I know you failed, your professor called me and gave news as you always came first, now you don’t care about studies, I used to get late to come home when your result came, people used to stop me on the way and congratulate me, I used to get proud, now times changed, I have to hide face because of your doings, you had to fail, you did not study, get habitual to fail, its not big thing to fail in history if you failed in becoming good daughter, I m also getting habitual by thinking for which bad deeds of any birth I have to bear this.


Vividha cries. Dadi scolds Kailash and says Vividha has her history exam, you should encourage her, and you are scolding now. Dadi asks Vividha to go to her room and study well, she will pass, no need to think of anyone’s taunts, go now. Vividha cries and goes. Kailash asks for Ankit. Uma says he called, he said he will come. Dadi asks Kailash will he get Ankit’s anger out on Vividha, Ankit ill treated Guddi today, do you know this. Kailash continues having dinner and turns deaf ear.

Vividha studies and is not able to focus. She looks for Atharv and stands in balcony. Atharv calls her and asks form whom is she waiting, for Akbar or Aurangzeb. She asks him not to taunt her, its her history exam, talk something good. She tells about Kailash said. Atharv says Vividha ji, its one night distance between you and your exam, you can either think of your Papa’s bitter words or study, just focus. She says I have to win Papa’s trust, not prove him wrong, I feel I could not understand you well, how can you focus being detached with feelings. He says because we have to do our own work, you have to study now. She says I will talk to you when I know I passed history exam. He says fine, no problem. He waves bye to her.


Atharv goes to Sujata. Sujata asks Atharv to freshen up and she will serve food, and did he meet Vividha, she was in tension and waiting for him. Atharv asks her what is she hiding. He sees chalk mark near her lips and asks her do you eat this, how can you eat this, it leads to stones in stomach. She says I used to eat this in childhood, I got this from shop. He asks are you kid. She says I won’t eat this, don’t throw. He says I will beat you with ruler if you eat this again, like you used to beat me with ruler. He goes. She smiles and says his father used to beat me to ruler and now son is threatening to beat me, his ruler broke that time and now Atharv’s ruler will break, he does not know I m fat skinned. She eats the chalk pen.

Vividha studies and falls sleepy. Atharv comes there with a cup of tea and puts her finger in it. She screams and wakes up. He stops her form shouting and says if Papa hears your scream, he will not let you go college. He blows on her finger and asks did she study well, I feel you passed, congrats. He gives her tea. He sees books and asks how many subjects exam is there. She says just history. He says so many books for one exam. She says all are imp. He checks multiple books and asks number of chapters. She says 10. He asks for how many you prepared. She says 2.5.

He says its good progress. She asks him not to joke on her. He says yes, there is difference in doing hardwork and working smartly, you will fail if you go through all this, this book has everything, you will pass studying this, give me pencil, I will mark. She looks for pencil. He sees pencil in her hair and takes it. He marks imp things and says now you will pass. She says thanks, you will stay here all night. He says yes, as a teacher, we will set alarm for 5 hours, we will set 4 questions every hour, if you prepare well for 20 questions, you will pass. She smiles seeing him. He explains her. Saware………….plays……….. He asks her to focus.

Vividha sleeps. He sprinkles water on her and helps her in preparation. She says I m not able to focus as you are with me, how will I study, sorry. He holds her close. He says if heart is disturbing mind, we will first fulfill heart wishes.

Next: never say goodbye Friday update



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