Prev: Saturday update on kindred hearts
Door bell rings, Survi opens it to find Adi there. She brings him inside. Maa is putting on wall, Adi asks if she wants help? Jhanvi comes out of room. Maa asks Adi if he has some work? Adi says I came to ask for Jhanvi’s hand for marriage, Jhanvi blushes and hides behind door.
Adi says to Maa that I am divorcing Nisha and i want to close that chapter of my life and start new one, I have just come as a common man that is asking for your daughter’s hand, I will always keep her happy, I love her and want to be with her if you give permission. Maa goes and brings Jhanvi there, they smile at each other, Adi asks Jhanvi will you marry me?
Survi says dont reply Jhanvi, Adi says propose in filmy hero style, go ahead. Adi goes down in his knees and asks Jhanvi will you marry me? Maa says Jhanvi was waiting for you, she is lucky to get a life partner like you. She gives Jhanvi’s hand in Adi’s hand. Jhanvi says yes in tears. Adi says to Maa that dont worry, we will take things officially ahead after divorce, Maa says I am so happy, I will bring sweets. Adi and Jhanvi share loving eyelock.
In morning, Adi and Jhanvi comes to Adi’s house and takes blessing of elders. Kaki says to Jhanvi that you were always with Adi as true life partner, I hope you remain happy for life, all smile. Nisha comes there, all glare at her. Nisha comes to Adi, Adi says to Nisha that I did as you asked, I have given half of my property to you, divorce papers are here too so sign them, Nisha looks on.
Nisha checks papers and says what the hell is this Adi? I want 50% share of this house too, Adi says we talked about giving 50% of my property and this is not my house, its Kaka’s. Nisha says I want half share in this property, you want to divorce me right? then give me what I want. Kaki says give it to him.
Kaka says no this is ancestral house. Adi says Nisha I am giving you what you want, dont be greedy. Kids come there. Nisha hugs Chinni and sees knife nearby, she puts knife on Chinni’s neck, all are stunned, Adi says she is your daughter, Nisha says I dont trust you people, Adi I loved you a lot but you cant be of anyone now, I can do anything now.
Nisha throws knife at Adi, Jhanvi rushes to Adi, she pushes him out of way and gets stabbed by knife on neck, Adi rushes to her and sees wound on her neck. Nisha runs away with Chinni, Chinni cries and says let me go. In house, Raj calls inspector and says Nisha have kidnapped my niece, take action. Kaka smirks.
Adi sees Jhanvi’s deep wound. Kaki says I will bring turmeric. She leaves. Jhanvi says to Adi that I am fine, Adi says no you are not. Adi applies ointment on her wound and sadly looks at her. Jhanvi says I think you should follow Nisha, Adi says I have asked Raj to call police for Chinni, dont worry, Jhanvi says I am okay, Adi says why did you come inbetween? what if anything happened to you? you wont do anything like that ever again, he wipes his tears and gets emotional.
All family members come there. Kaki applies turmeric on her wound. Kaka says Adi we should meet Binni, she must be in trauma, Adi nods and leaves.
Binni is crying and asks Adi to bring Chinni, Nisha will her hurt like she hurt Jhanvi. Jhanvi brings milk and says what happened? Binni hugs her and says mama is bad, she hurts everyone, Jhanvi says dont cry, she makes Binni drink milk and tucks her in bed. Adi sees her caring for Binni, Jhanvi sings do naina to Binni.
Adi recalls how his mother used to sing that, he gets emotional and leaves. Jhanvi comes to him and sees him wiping his tears. Adi says you know Nisha and I had so many problems but I never let look bad infront of kids but today she didnt even think about her kids, she finished everything, Jhanvi says I am worried about Chinni.
Nisha brings Chinni to some isolated place, Chinni cries and says I want papa, Nisha says mummy is with you, Chinni says I want papa. Nisha calls Kaka, he takes it and says why did you call me? maybe police is tapping our phones, Nisha says this is all happening because of you, I want Binni. Kaka says you think its possible? Adi wont spare you and I wont save you this time, Nisha says you have trapped me, I will get Binni as she is my daughter and I will expose you too, she ends call.
Kaka turns and sees Kaki standing there, he gets tensed and asks what happened? Kaki says I came to say that you didnt eat anything since morning, I know you are worried but you have to be strong for Adi, should I bring food? he says yes, she leaves, Kaka looks on.
Adi calls inspector, inspector says it was 30seconds call to your house, we cant say much, Adi ends call. Adi gets call on landline, he puts call on speaker. Nisha calls and says Chinni is with me, Adi says she is your daughter, Nisha says thats why she is with me, I will get my other daughter too, take off all allegations from me, Adi says I want my daughter, Nisha says I want to go out this country, you have decided to make life with a house breaker so I want freedom too, Adi says you.. Jhanvi asks him to calm down, he stops shouting, Jhanvi asks Nisha what she wants?
Nisha says tell my husband to take all allegations off me and send be abroad otherwise Chinni.. she turns around and says Chinni? she sees Chinni gone from site, she goes to search for her. Inspector calls Adi and tells him Nisha’s location. Adi and Jhanvi leaves. Kaka is tensed.
Nisha sees Chinni running on road, she runs behind her and says stop princess, Nisha gets sprain in her ankle. Chinni sees rickshaw, she sits inside and drivers drive away, Chinni smiles at Nisha way behind, Nisha tries to run to rickshaw. Nisha sees another rickshaw and hires it, she asks him to follow Chinni’s rickshaw.
Jhanvi and Adi are searching for Chinni too.
Nisha follows Chinni’s rickshaw. Adi and Jhanvi are searching for Chinni in car. Nisha’s rickshaw overtakes Chinni’s rickshaw. Chinni sees Nisha coming she she runs away from there. Nisha follows her. Chinni cries and says i wont come to you. Chinni keeps running.
Adi is driving, he gets call a call from driver, he says one kid sat in my auto, one woman was behind her, kid ranaway, he tells Adi location, Adi thanks him. Adi and Jhanvi comes to the location. They see Nisha running behind Chinni. Adi and Jhanvi comes there. Nisha stands on other side and glares at them.
Nisha asks Chinni to come to her, Adi asks Chinni to come to him, Chinni stands in middle and looks at them both. Nisha says mummy wont do anything, come here. Chinni runs and comes to Adi, she hugs him tightly. Nisha says Chinni please come to mummy, i love you.
Chini says I wont come to you, you will kill me, you are a very bad mother, I wont come to you, Nisha is broken hearing her daughter’s hate filled words. Nisha falls to her knees and is in tears. Adi hugs Chinni and asks if she is fine?
Nisha sees them distracted and pulls out a gun, she points it at Adi, they are stunned. Nisha points gun at Adi and says I loved you a lot but you have broken my trust, give my daughter to me, I have to protect myself, Adi says put gun down Nisha.
Nisha falls to her knees and is in tears. Adi hugs Chinni and asks if she is fine? Nisha sees them distracted and pulls out a gun, she points it at Adi, they are stunned. Nisha points gun at Adi and says I loved you a lot but you have broken my trust, give my daughter to me, I have to protect myself, Adi says put gun down Nisha.
Jhanvi sees Nisha looking at Adi and is distracted, she grabs gun and tries to snatch it from Nisha. Chinni falls unconscious seeing all that, Adi rushes to her. Jhanvi and Nisha are fighting for gun. Chinni is unconscious and Adi is trying to wake her up. They both try to forcefully take the gun from the other, Adi says Nisha please someone can get hurt.
Nisha tries to take gun from Jhanvi and Jhanvi tries to snatch it from her but mistakenly gun shoots, Adi screams Jhanvi! thinking Jhanvi got shot but Jhanvi looks at pale Nisha in horror. Adi is frozen on its place seeing Nisha looking on and Jhanvi in tears. Nisha goes blank and suddenly falls background, she is shot by the bullet and lie on ground, Adi shouts Nisha! Jhanvi sees gun in her hands and cant believe what happened.
Nisha is shot in stomach, Jhanvi sees her blood on her hands and hyperventilates. Jhanvi drops gun, and falls to her knees infront of Nisha. Nisha is wincing in pain and bleeds.
Nisha is brought to hospital. Adi and Jhanvi are there. Jhanvi is in daze looking at unconscious as they take her to operation theatre. Operation starts, doctor takes out the bullet. Outside theatre, Adi asks Chinni to not cry, mama will be fine.
He says to Jhanvi that what happened was not your fault so dont blame yourself, everything will be fine. Kaka and Raj comes there. Raj hugs Chinni and says mama will be fine, Chinni is hiccuping still in shock.
Jhanvi comes to mandir in hospital, she recalls gunshot, she looks at her blood stained hands and says how could I do this? how? she hyperventilates. Adi comes there. Jhanvi says I killed Nisha, its all my fault, I have killed her, she is in this condition because of me, she screams that I killed her.
Adi shouts that you didnt kill her, she caresses her face and says stop blaming yourself, you just saved me and yourself, look in my eyes, I wont let anything happen to you and nothing will happen to Nisha. Jhanvi hugs him. Adi wipes his tears. Chinni sees them hugging and crying, she has heard Jhanvi screaming that she killed Nisha too.
Doctor comes out of operation theatre and says Nisha’s condition is very critical thats why she went in coma, its very difficult to save her now. All are dejected, Adi is tensed and sees Jhanvi crying profusely. Adi says I will drop Jhanvi and Chinni home. He takes Chinni and Jhanvi and leaves. Kaka thinks that I have to send Nisha to God then I will be free from her threats and Jhanvi will go to jail for killing her and I will live in peace.
Adi tucks kids in bed. Binni says what happened with bad mama? Adi says dont talk like this, you are nice kid, she nods. Adi comes to Kaki and Baba, Adi says Nisha’s condition is critical, anything can happen. Jhanvi is very tensed, she is blaming herself, I am going to meet her, she is in trauma that gun was in her hands and this happened, she needs me, Baba says yes, dont leave her alone, she needs you a lot, she has taken care of us a lot, take care of her.
Kaki says you are right Baba, as soon as this matter is solved, we will get Adi and Jhanvi married, Baba agrees. Kids hear it and looks at each other with blank faces.
Jhanvi is sleeping but recalls incident with Nisha, she tosses and turns in her sleep recalling flashbacks of shooting Nisha, she wakes up with start and starts crying. Maa comes there and hugs her, she says nothing happened to you, you are fine. Jhanvi cries.
Adi is searching for kids in his house. He doesnt find them in lounge. Kaki calls Raj and asks about Nisha? he says operation is still going on, she nods and ends call. Adi comes there and asks about kids? she says they were here, they both search for kids. Adi says they are not in house, Kaki says where they must be? Adi looks on.
Door bell rings, Survi opens door and sees Chinni and Binni standing outside door. Jhanvi is in her room, Maa brings Chinni and binni there, she is surprised to see them there in middle of night. Maa says they have come to talk to you. Jhanvi makes them sit and asks if they came alone? they nod.Jhanvi asks Maa to call Adi and inform.
Jhanvi says I will drop you both home. Chinni says dadu was talking about you and Adi getting married, Jhanvi aunty please marry our papa and then live with us forever, Binni says please Jhanvi aunty marry our papa, please. Jhanvi is elated to hear them and says we will talk about that later, we should focus on your mama getting fine, pray for her and I am always with you both, lets go home now, papa must be worried, Survi takes kids in lounge. Maa says Jhanvi? Jhanvi says I dont want to talk about it right now please.
Jhanvi comes to Adi’s place. Adi says to kids that you shouldnt have left alone, kids nod and leave. Adi asks what did they say to you? Jhanvi says they heard you people and asked me to marry Adi, Kaki says thats great they have accepted you. Baba says now everything is fine and we should think about marriage.
Jhanvi says no, I cant be their mother knowing what I did, I am not even sure if I want to move ahead in this relation. Adi says there is no pressure from my side but what you did was self defense, you didnt do anything wrong. Baba says he is right, you didnt do anything wrong, what if Nisha fired and bullet had hit Chinni? you did the right thing, dont worry, Jhanvi says to Adi’s family that bullet was shot from my hands and it hit, it was wrong, I didnt want to take her place by hurting her, all look on.
Next: Monday update on kindred hearts
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